All Changes
This is a complete text dump of changes dating back to 2010 (or so) if anyone has a longer list saved somewhere please send them my way. Yokai in game or my email is listed on the home page.
[ 0] Luke 05/20/10 if you encounter any reset problems in levithan... don't bother telling me, you're SOL
[ 1] Ryune 05/22/10 Help events has been updated
[ 2] Rendo 05/22/10 Knockdown attacks drop you out of Zanzoken
[ 3] Luke 05/23/10 help rules and help sharing updated
[ 4] Luke 05/25/10 pocket aces have been rebalanced
[ 5] Luke 05/26/10 a couple small bugs in arlia fixed
[ 6] Luke 05/26/10 coral necklace pl req lowered to 25m
[ 7] Luke 05/26/10 *most* everything on Eve can now be targetted using the syntax "eve"
[ 8] Luke 05/26/10 I fixed a few things in castle vegeta as well as gave some of the drops some boosts
[ 9] Luke 05/27/10 if for any reason you have a serrated edges knife with more than 9 maximun damage turn it in or I will rape your face
[10] Kilan 05/27/10 Newbietalk channel added for supernoobs who don't know we don't have a newbie channel. It links to the ASK channel.
[11] Kilan 05/27/10 Gained command gone, PL/KI gained info shows up on sparcheck.
[12] Kilan 05/28/10 Fullreport. Displays LF, Ki, PL, stats, armor, zeni, gained PL, and gained ki.
[13] Kilan 05/28/10 And Dam+, pDEF, eDEF, eDAM.
[14] Luke 05/28/10 for some reason the resets for a handful of boss mobs on eve were missing, this has been fixed
[15] Kilan 05/28/10 All changes prior to 5/20/10 have been deleted. 291 changes is ridiculous.
[16] Kilan 05/28/10 "Freport" added as an abbreviation to fullreport.
[17] Luke 05/28/10 bread problem fixed, don't listen to Rendo :b
[18] Rendo 05/31/10 antihc flag added
[19] Rendo 05/31/10 SC or SHC androids attempting to make cpu/cores for fusion have them set to antiHC
[20] Rendo 05/31/10 %G and %K added to prompts for plgained and kigained on login
[21] Rendo 05/31/10 Androids get split form.
[22] Rendo 05/31/10 Except Moses
[23] Kilan 06/02/10 Made a few minor tweaks here and there.
[24] Kilan 06/02/10 "Suppress check" command added so you can check what you have your suppress PL set to, without having to suppress to look, or retype it every time just in case.
[25] Kilan 06/02/10 Analyze now shows item weight
[26] Rendo 06/02/10 Kilan needs to learn how to code again, suppress check crash fixed
[27] Kilan 06/03/10 Changed mob name that drops BoH to something more appropriate.
[28] Kilan 06/04/10 Bug with analyze and containers fixed.
[29] Rendo 06/04/10 Mpdamage changed/fixed. THINGS CAN AND WILL KILL YOU NOW. Don't be stupid. :P
[30] Rendo 06/05/10 BBK learned % shit fixed
[31] Rendo 06/06/10 Zan Instant sets your focus to 0 because you're totally too busy being super speedy to maintain any focus.
[32] Kilan 06/07/10 Config +/- norestore added, for those pesky restores that just piss you off when you're trying to medgain/LLG. Also, restores display to the admin doing the restore now.
[33] Luke 06/07/10 newbie capsule bug fixed
[34] Rendo 06/07/10 Death room in AL disconnected, automatically transports you to the next room in a tick. Winnerz.
[35] Kilan 06/08/10 Added anti-cheating measures for restores.
[36] Kilan 06/09/10 Status command changed to pstatus, status command now shows shipstatus like IT FUCKING ALWAYS SHOULD HAVE, YOU DUMBSHIT KARMA.
[37] Rendo 06/09/10 % clan/admin channel bug fixed. You fags can stop crashing it now.
[38] Kilan 06/10/10 Raz'N'Lak cape changed to back wearloc, like it SHOULD HAVE BEEN. WTF.
[39] Kilan 06/10/10 Cape is both about and back.
[40] Kilan 06/17/10 OBC typos fixed.
[41] Luke 06/27/10 Fixed loads of typos in Cordican. Adjusted mob stats, zeni, drop rates, drop programs. Adjusted the spacesuit item, lower stats no armor but gives aquabreath.
[42] Kilan 06/28/10 Pet social added.
[43] Kilan 06/29/10 illegalpk helpfile added, NO THANKS TO MOSES
[44] Zero 06/30/10 Ok, I'm not so lazy and I proved it! See -> Help newbiecommands
[45] Rendo 07/01/10 Command added for Luke, potential and added trains transfer over on fusions if the seconday > stats/potential. NOPK gains upped to 80% of normal.
[46] Rendo 07/01/10 Read announcement about change
[47] Borfin 07/01/10 Help 'bashing spots' added for nubbinses lost after Newbie Academy.
[48] Zero 07/04/10 All races (except tuffle) have a skill hfile now. Type <help ???skills>. kgr8thx
[49] Luke 07/10/10 spacesuits should actually give aquabreath this time
[50] Luke 07/14/10 fixed a few things around cordican and eve today, added something special, but you'll only find it on a "lucky" day.
[51] Rendo 07/19/10 Capsule Corporation has opened another wing of its research facilities to the public - this area is good for people of PL 1m-100m.
[52] Rendo 07/19/10 Clan PK bug fixed.
[53] Borfin 07/19/10 Jeweler now accepts Amethyst shit!
[54] Borfin 07/19/10 Jeweler never runs out of money or has too much shit on his hands now.
[55] Borfin 07/19/10 EVER.
[56] Borfin 07/20/10 minor bug in ccarrf fixed. go nuts.
[57] Borfin 07/22/10 Changed some things you probably won't notice unless you're Rekoya.
[58] Luke 08/01/10 The shadowbrook bug should be fixed. Be cautious though, any programs involving 'time' are not exact for whatever reason beyond my control.
[59] Borfin 08/02/10 Made it impossible to crash the MUD by doing something in ToM that shouldn't crash the MUD but does so now you can't.
[60] Ryune 08/10/10 King Yemma's Soul Box is now noauction.
[61] Borfin 08/11/10 Capsule Corp research has opened another wing: Super Android 13! See announce.
[62] Borfin 08/12/10 Fixed some things that are annoying to have broken but were broke. And now aren't.
[63] Ryune 08/13/10 Savage Demon King in Yemma's Vault got a pl reduction due to the slay progs.
[64] Borfin 08/19/10 Changed bladed anklets/bracers. If you have them, send me a tell.
[65] Borfin 08/20/10 Also changed engraved anklets/bracers. Alert me and have them exchanged.
[66] Borfin 08/21/10 Glittering Fragments adjusted. See me for turnin. Be kapwned if you do not.
[67] Rendo 08/22/10 Quotes section added to the forums
[68] Luke 09/02/10 Uberasks room can no longer be abused
[69] Borfin 09/02/10 Bloodstone Gauntlets, Saiyan Commander Armor and Saiyan Infantry Armor have been nerfed hard. Turn yours in or you WILL be pwnaged. Send me a note if you have it.
[70] Borfin 09/02/10 Adjusted Royal Icerian Ear Clasps, since they're as rare as they are. IWant new ones? Pester me.
[71] Luke 09/04/10 fixed kitars
[72] Rendo 09/08/10 help fusion updated for crybaby queers
[73] Rendo 09/13/10 Konatsu mods and stats tweaked.
[74] Picard 09/13/10 i have mudding and coding working on phone... i > you...
[75] Borfin 09/14/10 Talling fails at build.
[76] Luke 09/16/10 Help RPREWARDS has been updated.
[77] Rendo 09/17/10 New rule. Batman would beat Snake. Arguing in favour of Snake = banned.
[78] Rendo 09/17/10 Additional new rule. If you don't call Raykar something offensive when he logs on, you're banned. 100% serious.
[79] Picard 09/17/10 MCCP (mud compression crap) i believe is crashing us. Does anyone realy use this? I mean seriously get out of dialup.. I will be looking to either A: upgrade it or B: remove it.
[80] Rendo 09/18/10 If the MUD shutsdown for any reason, don't bug me, NHL 11 is mine.
[81] Picard 09/18/10 temporarily disabled mccp to see if it prevents crashes..
[82] Picard 09/19/10 bug for logging in and putting your name in twice fixed..
[83] Picard 09/19/10 all mccp crap gone. no negative affect notice. except for the no crashes :o)
[84] Rendo 09/19/10 Fixed newship issue, die in a fire.
[85] Picard 09/19/10 well newship really fixed...
[86] Picard 09/20/10 hard limits set on hcalc to prevent stupidity...
[87] Picard 09/20/10 fixed the gunseat bug..
[88] Picard 09/20/10 sigattacks aren't broke seinks is just to l33t for the coding. and i'm not fixing it right now. dont' use double quotes use single quotes..
[89] Luke 09/22/10 Help Benchmarkrewards added.
[90] Luke 09/22/10 Help Benchmarkrewards2 added.
[91] Picard 09/22/10 unbridled fury added to dual hydian fusion
[92] Borfin 09/22/10 Super Android 13 mobs tweaked. Some hit harder, some hit softer, some hit with certain requirements, some don't.
[93] Borfin 09/23/10 Poisonous drafts nerfed after consideration. Expect slightly more danger.
[94] Borfin 09/23/10 Bethany's hands can no longer be full.
[95] Borfin 09/23/10 Isaac's hands can no longer be full.
[96] Borfin 09/23/10 Gamma Program's hands can no longer be full.
[97] Picard 09/23/10 now lower immortals can't pcrename upper ones..
[98] Picard 09/24/10 ggm now adds a very small amount to gold gains...
[99] Picard 09/25/10 "restore all hate" added when the mud pisses us off. It sends everyone to 1 lifeforce and 1 ki.
[100] Picard 09/25/10 did some code optimizing in racetalk. let me know if i broke it..
[101] Picard 09/25/10 flag pain added for rooms at the request of ryune. it won't kill you but make it easy for mobs to pwn you...
[102] Picard 09/25/10 the void in frieza's castle has pain now too. just because i love it soo much
[103] Borfin 09/27/10 No more ITing into Deadzone. You actually have to do the quest. Deal.
[104] Borfin 09/28/10 Speedwalk is no longer allowed in Frieza void.
[105] Borfin 09/28/10 KOS-MOS made slightly more evil. Beware on smob day!
[106] Picard 09/28/10 customizable hate messages added for imms
[107] Borfin 09/28/10 Convenient zipper added for pleasuring Picard
[108] Borfin 09/29/10 Can no longer hide in Jeweler room due to freaky bug shit. Also, Jeweler is now ITable, as was intended from the start.
[109] Borfin 09/29/10 Slight change to Yardrat cuz Kilan is boobs.
[110] Borfin 09/29/10 Missed a room prog I added years ago in jeweler. Derp.
[111] Rendo 09/30/10 restore all hate doesn't set you to 1hp/ki if you're fighting
[112] Luke 10/02/10 aurora bandages have been nerfed cause they're crazy hax. let me know if there are any problems.
[113] Borfin 10/03/10 The Jeweler has packed his junk and moved from lowly Penguin Village to the Constellation of Endurance!
[114] Borfin 10/03/10 It should be worth noting that after the changes SA13 greatly unfavors melee spam-attackers and favors people who try to match something's PL and actually type commands to kill it.
[115] Picard 10/03/10 penguin_village is poofed.
[117] Borfin 10/04/10 No longer possible to crash MUD by doing bad things in jingle village. YOU BAD BAD PEOPLE. NAUGHTY.
[118] Borfin 10/04/10 Can no longer crash the MUD by being a fuckwad in vessen
[119] Borfin 10/04/10 Also, if you find a way to get to Penguin Village that we missed, alert us. You are NOT supposed to get there. thanks
[120] Ryune 10/08/10 Channelrules updated
[121] Borfin 10/12/10 Made Popo, more Popo.
[122] Borfin 10/14/10 Popo is no longer pacifist. I would really advise against attacking him though.
[123] Borfin 10/14/10 In other words, Popo will @&#^ you up.
[124] Picard 10/15/10 pain flag tweaked because i guess i'm too nazi
[125] Picard 10/15/10 pain tweaked it takes 5 life. and 10 max ki per tick.
[126] Borfin 10/17/10 Monkey's Paw buffed due to popular demand
[127] Rendo 10/18/10 Gordo PK abuse cheater issue fixed.
[128] Luke 10/20/10 fixed some things around leviathan
[129] Ryune 10/28/10 Lowered drop rate on Testament and Fixed minor bugs with PotK
[130] Ryune 10/28/10 by lowered i mean made harder
[131] Ryune 10/29/10 Fang Scouters Fixed, They now have a scan limit.
[132] Ryune 10/30/10 Fixed some key issues with PoTKs.
[133] Ryune 10/30/10 Old Fang Scouters need to be exchanged. Failure will result in a steal of them.
[134] Ryune 11/03/10 Z-Sword is now non-transferable.
[135] Ryune 11/10/10 multi-lined macros now include the clause: Multi-line macros/aliases include, but are not limited to entering multiple commands at once via cut and paist.
[136] Rendo 11/24/10 Pain flag removed from FC, it made the area useless. :P Not cool Picard, not cool.
[137] Rendo 11/28/10 All SMOBS now have an mpdelay upon death stopping the same person from chain killing.
[138] Borfin 11/30/10 It was done yesterday, but nocontainer put all bug was fixed by Rendo.
[139] Rendo 12/02/10 Tomb Demon's don't drop zeni anymore.
[140] Ryune 12/03/10 You can no longer gain off of Tomb Demons.
[141] Ryune 12/07/10 Tomb demons are gainable again so that drop loads, however they are extremely evil now...You have been warned.
[142] Ryune 12/07/10 Evilness Removed from Tomb demons. Problem = Fixed, Not gainable again
[143] Borfin 12/19/10 Made some items in Super 13 different.
[144] Rendo 12/19/10 Mpdamage should be fixed, shut upz.
[145] Borfin 12/19/10 Stuff happened.
[146] Rendo 12/25/10 Jerk move? Maybe. After using the HBTC you must have 2.5 hours of logged play to enter.
[147] Borfin 12/30/10 The Vendetta Spacestation is now in on Furiza. Go die in it.
[148] Borfin 12/30/10 As always, report bugs. Don't report bugs and be kapwnified with malice and anger and rage. In that order.
[149] Borfin 12/31/10 Adjusted Rakam's penis size, it was too big.
[150] Borfin 12/31/10 or maybe it was bug fixes. I forget
[151] Borfin 12/31/10 Changed something in Arlia nobody will likely ever find or care about but it's there stuf.
[152] Borfin 01/01/11 what? bugs in a new area? that never happens
[153] Borfin 01/01/11 gila monster tooth is now 50k PL req
[154] Rakam 01/02/11 Dreina is now an IT point for Vessen.
[155] Ryune 01/04/11 Z-sword fixed. They now act as a Konatsu sword like they should of to start with.
[156] Borfin 01/11/11 Admins had too much free time and could actually complete tasks. This has been fixed
[157] Borfin 01/11/11 Popo is now not impossibly hard to kill. It's just very improbable.
[158] Borfin 01/11/11 Popo now drops Proof of Popo when defeated. He is also wearing it.
[159] Borfin 01/11/11 See announce for more Popo news.
[160] Ryune 01/12/11 Finally got around to a zeni boost to the yemma's vault mobs. The guards and thiefs should drop 2k and the savage demons should drop 2.5k
[161] Borfin 01/12/11 Darkhaven has been revamped by the awesome Luke. Old Darkhaven is dead. You are not supposed to be there, if you find a way there let us know.
[162] Luke 01/13/11 shadowbeasts in new darkhaven now respawn as the right color
[163] Ryune 01/19/11 finally fixed SNEAKY demon and strong cave DEMON's
[164] Borfin 01/21/11 Bloodstone gauntlets changed to be repairable. Again
[165] Borfin 03/01/11 Infernos fixed. Also no longer drops zeni, hoarders.
[166] Rendo 03/03/11 Haven't done anything in weeks, maybe months. Here's my latest addition. Fbump social. Lock it down!
[167] Borfin 03/12/11 Demon King no longer stomps most noobz. Most. Should still heed his warnings.
[168] Borfin 03/14/11 I repeat; you do not belong in Penguin Village. Do not go there. Capsule Corp port re-smashed.
[169] Borfin 03/20/11 Help Hardcore updated to be less confusing to newbies. Old helpfile is at Help Hardcore_Benefits.
[170] Borfin 03/30/11 Nanotech Grey-Matter Implant adjusted. See me to get it traded in.
[171] Borfin 03/30/11 smashed a lot of bugs. You probably won't notice, but holy crap we will.
[172] Borfin 03/30/11 Adjusted a bunch of things in Yasai Jungle. Do you have gear from there? Check with me and make sure it doesn't need to be exchanged.
[173] Borfin 03/30/11 fix fix fix fix fix
[174] Borfin 04/03/11 It is no longer possible to bypass certain parts of the Arlia quest by being a nutwad.
[175] Borfin 04/06/11 Fixed more broken crap.
[176] Borfin 04/06/11 Because the program was borked from day 1 Saiyan Hobos are no longer passively aggressively passive-aggressive.
[177] Borfin 04/06/11 Final Stronghold's last area now has an out.
[178] Borfin 04/06/11 NOBODY READS CHANGES
[179] Borfin 04/06/11 lol luke.
[180] Rendo 04/11/11 Did my 1 coding change for 2011, not coding again till 2012.
[181] Borfin 04/16/11 Stuff that can crash MUD in jingle village. BORFIN STOMP
[182] Ryune 05/15/11 Some of the mobs in Vendetta have been changed to be slightly more favorable with their drops.
[183] Borfin 06/08/11 Nothing happened.
[184] Rendo 07/03/11 Inconsequential change
[185] Ryune 07/03/11 Added sentinel flags to two of the mobs i missed.
[186] Borfin 07/04/11 Lotus Temple items tweaked; needed to happen for a while. Turn in your quest reward(s) if you have them.
[187] Borfin 07/04/11 Tweaked a BUNCH of overpowered crap. If your Dark Haven items haven't been changed, see me.
[188] Borfin 07/04/11 Tweaked two potentially abuseable progs in Leviathan. Maintained the danger of the area, but shouldn't be as easy to sit there and gain off of stupid stuff I seriously doubt it was intended for you to gain on.
[189] Borfin 07/10/11 Fixed Yardrat so spar partners can't abuse.
[190] Borfin 07/11/11 Tweaked Master's Karate Gi. God that thing was strong.
[191] Borfin 07/11/11 Tweaked something else only higher ups will see. Prepare to see the prices of Temple Knight items increase. If people ever get rid of their current stocks of 500 of them.
[192] Borfin 07/12/11 Fixed a bug in Yardrat Forest that prevented you from being able to "sense planet" players in it. Or on Yardrat for that matter.
[193] Ryune 07/18/11 The Executioner in Dark Haven isn't butt fucking insane anymore. However he still has some bite to him.
[194] Ryune 07/18/11 The Behemoth Crab on Eve actually drops 2 items now instead of just being a griefing mob with no reward.
[195] Borfin 07/18/11 No longer possible to gain like crazy by exploiting crap in Vessen.
[196] Borfin 07/19/11 Help Jeweler fixed. Far, far too late.
[197] Borfin 07/24/11 nerfed more OP crap
[198] Borfin 07/27/11 Buffed Blade of Dancing Lights. No, not the stats.
[199] Borfin 07/27/11 Changed the Pendant of Silver Flame to match Dancing Lights' adjustments.
[200] Borfin 07/27/11 Removed antihc flags from both.
[201] Borfin 07/29/11 Added Konatsusword flag to Blade of Dancing Lights. Enjoy your OP weapon that nobody will ever get.
[202] Borfin 07/29/11 OR WILL THEY
[203] Borfin 07/30/11 Tweaked Nyan-Nyan Headband and Zarbon's Royal Tiara to coincide with their PL requirements and relative difficulty to obtain to the Yemma's Helmet. Both received slight buffs.
[204] Borfin 07/30/11 Buffed Lightning Pair of Skates and Speed of God.
[205] Borfin 07/30/11 Changed Pumpkin Helmet. Now offers 20 con, 5 int rather than a smattering of stats.
[206] Borfin 07/30/11 Changed Rijdite Kite Shield, Ak'nathil. I wouldn't call it a buff but they're more useful.
[207] Borfin 07/30/11 Tweaked the Soul of an Arlian Princess to coincide with the Kite Shield/Ak'nathil changes. Old: 15 str, 15 spd, 20 con, 20 int. New: 15 str, 20 spd, 15 int, 20 con.
[209] Borfin 07/30/11 Rijdite Plate Armor also changed to be more defensive, while Kite Shield and Ak'nathil are more offensive.
[210] Borfin 07/30/11 All of the above Forgotten Eras changes have been made with both int/con and speed/str builds in mind. None of the items now favors one or the other.
[211] Borfin 07/30/11 Smoothed out the stats on Rijdite Ring to coincide with above change. Overall, lost 1 item point, still more useful than before.
[212] Borfin 07/30/11 AND I'M DONE FOR A YEAR
[213] Borfin 08/01/11 Magnetized wristlets and anklets have had their stat points redistributed to favor melee builds.
[214] Rendo 08/01/11 Speed stat changed to do everything the other stats do and then some. Only applies to Edie.
[215] Borfin 08/01/11 Changed the items sold in Rose City's Jewelry Shop in Hydia. Instead of having stats every which way some benefit melee, some are defensive, some are offensive, some benefit int/con.
[216] Borfin 08/01/11 Fixed Crystal Bangel -> Crystal Bangle, because Talling can't spell.
[217] Borfin 08/01/11 Updated Hydian Battle Gauntlets, Hydian Battle Boots, Hydian Expandable Body Armor. Hydian Battle Boots are now layer 96. The others have had their stat points redistributed.
[218] Borfin 08/01/11 The above change does not benefit any specific build.
[219] Borfin 08/01/11 Updated more old items. To avoid cluttering up Changes, look to Announce board for lists.
[220] Ryune 08/04/11 Some items that were really jacked up in north city = fixed. Still more to come with fixes for north city.
[221] Rakam 08/04/11 It was all me, don't let the change fool you!
[222] Borfin 08/05/11 Tweaked help hardcore.
[223] Borfin 08/14/11 Help weaponstats, help statpoints and help maxarmor have been made available to the general public to clear up confusion as to how these changes will work.
[224] Borfin 08/14/11 This will be reverted after the items have been changed.
[225] Borfin 08/14/11 VM-2 chip is buyable because Viola is a herpderp retardface and the quest for it is a walking pile of bugs that means you would never ever get the chip anyway. Will change when I remake the quest.
[226] Borfin 08/14/11 The Hero stickers have been updated and now are layer 256 instead of 128.
[227] Borfin 08/15/11 Updated: limbo.are, dragonballs.are, cou.are. See announce board for details.
[228] Borfin 08/15/11 Konatsu sword guy now gives the Flaming Sword at 10b PL instead of 5b PL to coincide with the sword's changes.
[229] Borfin 08/16/11 Konatsu sword guy now gives stuff based on -BASE- PL not current PL. WTG whichever builder flubbed that up.
[230] Borfin 08/16/11 Nerfed Popo's crazy 5000 damage attack.
[231] Borfin 08/16/11 It is now 1337. Woo
[233] Borfin 08/16/11 Player ships reset message has always been crap. All this crap about missions. I made it not that.
[234] Borfin 08/16/11 Updated academy.are, and vnums 600-620 of ims.are. This could take a while.
[235] Ryune 08/16/11 Yemma's Vault Rewards have been updated to new building codes
[236] Borfin 08/18/11 Final stronghold is now completable.
[237] Borfin 08/23/11 Killed the asinine prog on the item that's identical to Nanotech Implant that exists because some imm in the past who will not be named was a fuckwit.
[238] Borfin 08/29/11 Capsule dude on Kanassa because herping derp derpity
[239] Borfin 08/31/11 fix0rd some brokez stuff i forgotted to save.
[240] Ryune 09/03/11 Yardrat Forest Items have been updated. Posted changes on forum under general board.
[241] Rendo 09/04/11 Did something, not telling you whut, lolz?
[242] Ryune 09/05/11 Fixed a minor problem with Yardrat Forest not wanting to give players Rancor Belts
[243] Rendo 09/05/11 racerank claims, and racerank deaths resulting in a loss of rank on log for records/proof of idling/other rule breakage attempts omg this is so long lololololz penis
[244] Rendo 09/05/11 GGM and double gains boost bio ki gains.
[245] Rendo 09/06/11 Reuseable Repair capsules automatically force you to repair all and say return. :o
[246] Rendo 09/07/11 Tuffle's can't oozaru now. :P
[247] Borfin 09/07/11 Updated IT quest. There are precisely 2 points people always get stuck. Always, without fail. Without. Fail. These points have practically no hints to continue. As far as I'm concerned, this is a flaw in design of the quest.
[248] Borfin 09/07/11 Because of the PL range of the area, Tree of Might's early nofloor rooms no longer exist. The later ones are still there.
[249] Rendo 09/07/11 Perfect changed to 16x, Ultra to 28x
[250] Rendo 09/07/11 Blind isn't prevented from truesight anymore.
[251] Rendo 09/09/11 Global RPP gains mod added. RPP already gives the individual their own RPP gains. Global RPP takes everyones RPP in a pool to boost gains for everyone. Unfortunately I'm not letting everyone's totals they've already accumulated be used as it'll give insane gains :P
[252] Rendo 09/10/11 Fleeing causes adrenaline now. Pussy, you know who you are.
[253] Rendo 09/16/11 Updated some commands to do some pretty nifty things.
[254] Ryune 10/01/11 Lowered the evil smob rabbit's slay from 100% to 40%. It now reflects the drop now.
[255] Ryune 10/07/11 Planet Eve items are now up to date with the new stat point system.
[256] Rakam 10/12/11 Made some gaining mobs in vessen less dangerous. Lowered the drop rate on Reaper's Robes and altered the Heavy Oxygen Tank.
[257] Rakam 10/17/11 Redid the Vessen items to the new item system. I'll post Before/Afters on Forums! You all need to change in Scholar's/Warrior's Anklets... Or else
[258] Ryune 10/17/11 weapons from rakam's update might need to be traded in as well. Check forum for update and compare your own.
[259] Rakam 10/18/11 Adjusted Central Sector's items to the new stat system. Trade in all Dragon's Fires!
[260] Rakam 10/18/11 Also: Changed the drop rate on Federation pins.
[261] Rakam 10/19/11 Modified FC items! Turn in Icer Cloaks. New stats on forum, yada yada
[262] Rakam 10/19/11 Kanassa Jungles has been updated. I'm telling you. It was MISERABLE. And sadly, you guys. Powerlevels of the items were made to make more sense. You need to turn in all items from Kanassa Jungles! check forum for updates, yada yada.
[263] Rakam 10/19/11 Western Desert too, blah blah exchange Veil's of Determination blah blah
[264] Rakam 10/19/11 Updated Deadzone equipment, added 2 nifty new drops. And fixed the FC things that reverted! Check forums for updates
[265] Borfin 10/19/11 Remember that if flags or powerlevel have updated you WILL NEED TO EXCHANGE YOUR ITEMS.
[266] Rakam 10/20/11 Made Thy Kingdom Come less spammy. Same with Rakam's War Paint
[267] Borfin 10/20/11 Updated Kanassa
[268] Rakam 10/20/11 Hammer Mountains updated, check forums. I doubt anyone ACTUALLY has any of the items needing to be turned in.
[269] Rakam 10/21/11 Zmountains updated. Turn in all items from there, excluding plushies.
[270] Rakam 10/22/11 Rose City items updated, turn in all shop items, Garden Shears and Crystal Brooches from said area.
[271] Rakam 10/22/11 Added a new weapon for konatsu above 100 billion powerlevel! Don't try to obtain it before 100b though...
[272] Ryune 10/25/11 Halloween Town Added, be sure to read the candy sign at the mayor
[273] Borfin 10/26/11 Don't know how it got broke, but Jingle Village shouldn't skip parts of the quest anymore.
[274] Rakam 10/26/11 Updated Capsule Corps items.
[275] Rakam 10/27/11 Vendetta and Yasai jungle updated to the new item system. I doubt it, but if you have a Gorren's Gi, turn it in
[276] Rakam 10/28/11 Updated the Snakeway Items
[277] Rakam 10/29/11 Fixed Chaos Quest, finally! Thank Borfin.
[278] Borfin 10/29/11 I am tired.
[279] Rakam 11/01/11 Fixed that stupid elevator in that stupid area named Vendetta. Also fixed something in North City I botched during the change on friday! Blame Borfin
[280] Rakam 11/01/11 Fixed a disattached drop from the Afterlife! Someone go find some Supreme Kai Pants.
[281] Rakam 11/02/11 Updated North City. Fuck you Hao, fuck you.
[282] Rakam 11/02/11 Fixed that one thing I broke that was broken before I broke it before borfin broke it again.
[283] Rakam 11/07/11 Updated Areukk, check forums for updates. And pity the poor soul who ever used Ragnarok armor...
[284] Rakam 11/07/11 ICERD updated. Blah blah forums
[285] Rakam 11/07/11 Updated the Infinity Program. Check the Forums for item updates. (And be sad if you use these items.)
[286] Borfin 11/08/11 Apecat SSJing is no longer as nuts. Still pretty nuts.
[287] Borfin 11/08/11 Jack-O-Lantern is working as it should work. Mav broke it somehow, I'm sure of this. Blame him.
[288] Rakam 11/09/11 North 42 updated.
[289] Rakam 11/09/11 Updated Leviathan.
[290] Rakam 11/09/11 Please note that CORDICAN and LEVIATHAN are two different areas and stop asking about it.
[291] Borfin 11/10/11 RPP benchmarkrewards have been tweaked coinciding with the new item system. Help Benchmarkrewards and Help Benchmarkrewards2 have been updated accordingly. Items of note include the removal of layer restrictions and the ability to add procs and gains to items.
[292] Borfin 11/10/11 You can also now have more than 1 benchmark reward after maxing out the first (that's making it +20 to all).
[293] Rakam 11/10/11 Fixed that freaking elevator again. It seems the last change I made to it reverted.
[294] Ryune 11/11/11 Planet of the Kai's items have been updated and the changes off all the items are on the forums general board.
[295] Ryune 11/13/11 The mobs in Yardrat Forest no longer assist.
[296] Rakam 11/13/11 BGS is updated, only 6 items really needed an update anyway! The rest may seem weak, and thats because it is. <_<
[297] Rakam 11/16/11 Updated Myuu's Lab. Made God Items, more god like. Turn in all God Items.
[298] Borfin 12/03/11 Properly fixed stats on Astral Signet of the Bear.
[299] Rakam 12/19/11 Added a new aura to match the existing elemental sets, go find it. Or ask, maybe I'll tell you!
[300] Borfin 12/27/11 Floating Metal Spheres no longer instantly equal newbie annihilation.
[301] Borfin 01/10/12 Fixed something with T-4 quest.
[302] Rakam 01/18/12 Overlord's Lookout added, new area attached to Earth via an enter prog. Deal with it.
[303] Rakam 01/18/12 Also, if you find any bugs report them.
[304] Rendo 01/25/12 Gboards Disabled until I isolate which board is broken. Will restore all the boards, one will likely be wiped.
[305] Borfin 01/26/12 Primarily for builders, something very small. Concrete numbers for expensive items have been added.
[306] Rendo 01/27/12 Too lazy to find which board was broken, so consider it a board wipe. If you need anything from the old boards, let me know, I have them all backed up.
[307] Borfin 01/31/12 Buffed Pendant of Silver Flame and Blade of Dancing Lights for new statpoint system. The former should also be significantly easier to obtain now.
[308] Borfin 01/31/12 The latter as well.
[309] Borfin 01/31/12 RUN CCARRF:SA13.
[310] Borfin 02/04/12 Potara earrings are now 1t PL req and their stats have been updated accordingly. Turn yours in.
[311] Rakam 02/15/12 Fixed Asgard's broken drop chance. :P
[312] Rakam 02/16/12 Take your Colored Mask Fragments outside of bags and packs or I'll destroy you with my megahammer.
[313] Rakam 02/21/12 Nerfed the Saiyan invader's in overlord's lookout, they had high int and a huge chance to use big bang, which... In hindesight was pretty mean
[314] Borfin 02/25/12 Aura of Wind updated. Turn yours in.
[315] Borfin 02/25/12 Updated The Eternal Dragon Statue. Turn yours in.
[316] Rakam 03/17/12 Popo doesn't assist anymore.
[317] Rakam 03/20/12 Made the flaming rat a newbie light again. Idk why it was made 10b and had stats added to it...
[318] Borfin 03/21/12 Mr. Popo can no longer leave Kame's Lookout. CLANG, PRISON DOORS CLOSE BITCH
[319] Rakam 03/27/12 Because I couldn't figure out why the mask fragments weren't working, I changed the way the Tri-Tune Mask was dropped.
[320] Ryune 04/09/12 Made it so Rancor belts are give able...Hate how nogive fucks up armor repairing
[321] Rakam 04/09/12 Fixed the Chains of Hellfires stats. Turn in old ones.
[322] Rakam 04/11/12 Fixed the Avatar of Water... <_<
[323] Rakam 04/16/12 Fixed the misleading sign on Namek and the stupid CoU system on Armada.
[324] Rakam 04/17/12 Fixed DuCate's inability to recognize being given Symbiote Bracer's.
[325] Rakam 04/17/12 Blame Luke for making the - in the item gray and not white. <_<
[326] Ryune 04/25/12 The savage demons in Yemma's Vault no longer stone spit.
[327] Rakam 04/27/12 Made the enterance and exit to Overlords a bit less... Impossible to find.
[328] Ryune 04/27/12 Changed Fat ass's (Veritas) instant kill room. Might remove the worthless area all together. Still thinking on that one.
[329] Rakam 04/27/12 Made the heavy oxygen tanks not silly 'spensive. They cost 1.5m now.
[330] Rakam 05/08/12 Fixed DuCate. He will no longer GIBE you items and will GIVE them to you... <_<
[331] Rakam 05/09/12 Frieza's ship finally added to the new item system, check forums for Befores and Afters.
[332] Rakam 05/10/12 Fixed the vortex of Phantoms.
[333] Rendo 05/12/12 Fixed a bug. Quota met for the year.
[334] Rakam 05/15/12 Made the... Beautiful Sword not so much better then it's high-end counter parts. :/
[335] Rakam 05/15/12 Turn in your old ones, too.
[336] Rakam 05/16/12 ... <_< Kind of... Dunno if it works to spawn this silly Avatar... but uhh... I uhh, added 2 new obtainable auras to Overlords lookout. Go figure it out.
[337] Rendo 06/10/12 One Billion Zeni Bank Note's now redeemable for 1b zeni
[338] Rendo 06/30/12 Nerfed shit, See announcement.
[339] Ryune 07/05/12 Area reset time for Yardrat Forest is now 10 minutes instead of 15.
[340] Luke 07/24/12 The landing pad to cordican has been moved, and isaac is now an IT point
[341] Luke 07/26/12 The 'Mithris' items have had their no-trade flags removed. Exchange your old ones if they still have the old noauction/nocontainer/groundrot/deathrot/nogive flags.
[342] Rendo 08/05/12 Negative stats from new eq change fixed.
[343] Rendo 08/05/12 By stats I mean, pdef, damroll, edef, edam
[344] Rendo 08/12/12 help multiplaying updated because people are retarded and forget when I tell them things, so the unwritten rules are now written.
[345] Rakam 08/12/12 Made the battle place in that shit hole known as rebel base have an exit.
[346] Rendo 10/08/12 LLG ranges changed from 10, 25 and 50 to 20, 40 and 60. Fuck off.
[347] Rendo 10/08/12 Saiyan gains increased a smidgen because black people cry about being underpriviledged even though they have bigger penises to compensate
[348] Luke 10/09/12 Isaac has been restored as the IT point for the Cordican shipwreck, and the landing pad has been moved once again.
[349] Rendo 11/23/12 Some faggot broke something, I fixed it. Go fuck yourselves.
[350] Ryune 11/26/12 Yaks and Goretusks no longer assist
[351] Luke 01/07/13 Guru can now unlock your potential if you cannot find a player with the Namekian Elder rank.
[352] Rendo 01/09/13 DropInfo rule removed. This was my idea alone. Praise me.
[353] Ryune 01/11/13 Took out stonespit in yemma's vault. Also changed progs back to how I had them.
[354] Luke 01/12/13 Goku is awesome. Go give that guy a high five and spar a bit. He's got a lot of new tricks to teach you.
[355] Luke 01/16/13 Goku is looking for sparring partners.
[356] Luke 01/19/13 Transporters added to Capsule Corp for the following areas: ICERD, Arlia, EvE, and Frieza's Ship.
[357] Luke 01/21/13 Goku now has the autofollow flag, which means he will pursue you if you try to flee. If you're not prepared to fight him all the way through, do not engage him.
[358] Luke 01/21/13 The Chaos EQ from North City has received a significant and much needed buff. As a token of good faith to our old players who lost a great deal of their gear in the EQ bug, pnote me or Rakam and we'll bestow this item set to you. Please be honest with these requests. If we suspect you're lying, it will lead to unfortunate consequences for your pfile.
[359] Luke 01/23/13 If you meet the powerlevel requirement, you may now reach the Planet of the Kais by asking Yemma about the 'Z-Sword.'
[360] Luke 01/27/13 A "4th" ending to the Darkhaven questline has been added--one to help make the others more obvious for new players unfamiliar with certain types of item programs.
[361] Luke 01/27/13 The no-transfer flags for Faith, Spirit, and Thy Kingdom Come have been removed. Go wild, guys.
[362] Luke 01/27/13 The Dark Starlight Armor, Shield, and the Cloak of Night Flame and Shadow from Leviathan have also had their no-transfer flags removed.
[363] Luke 01/28/13 Kanassa Jungles has been updated.
[364] Luke 01/28/13 The boss mob for Leviathan should actually be worth your time to camp now. Drop rates increased to something that won't make you pull teeth.
[365] Luke 01/31/13 The Bird of Paradise has had its drop rate changed significantly. Just so that it's clear, the more 'gems' you collect from trading feathers, the higher the drop rate for the feathers becomes. Fair warning, your greed will cost you.
[366] Luke 01/31/13 Due to the exits on planet namek being broken, the "Elder" in the newbie village now fills the role of awakening power in the event a player cannot find someone with the Highest Namek rank.
[367] Rendo 02/01/13 Yearly coding quota met. Luke has building stuff to play with. Sucks for you guys.
[368] Rendo 02/01/13 Statreset command added. Costs 25M multiplied by however many times you've used it. You cannot gain PL grav training if you've used this if you have trains remaining. When all trains are used, you can gain PL grav training again.
[369] Rendo 02/01/13 Namek Elder will only awaken your potential if the ranked Namek Elder is not online.
[370] Rendo 02/03/13 We're not DragonMon Infinity a Pokemon/DB Hybrid MUD, expect lets of awesome changes in 5 seconds.
[371] Rendo 02/03/13 You can now capture other players and use them to battle people.
[372] Rendo 02/03/13 Players can evolve, but only if they're white.
[373] Rendo 02/03/13 Players can breed to make new pokewarriors who are completely AI controlled taking on aspects of both parents. The new pokewarriors get 1 of the trained stats from the father and 1 from the mother
[374] Rendo 02/03/13 Some Goku mobs renamed Ash, some Vegeta mobs renamed Gary
[375] Luke 02/04/13 Hydian and Human race rank names adjusted to be more fitting with DB:I setting.
[376] Rendo 02/04/13 Fixed a coding bug that wasn't listing Konatsu rank sword damage, though it was still doing more damage.
[377] Rendo 02/04/13 Konatsu Virtuoso and Blademaster while wielding a konatsu sword nuke armor a lot faster than normal.
[378] Rendo 02/04/13 Through lengthy meditation, races with over 1m ki will now be able to medgain.
[379] Luke 02/13/13 New social: @Rakam
[380] Luke 02/13/13 The shady man now gives 25k zeni for death certs to encourage more pk. There might also be a chance to load something -extra- special.
[381] Rakam 02/15/13 Made Exalted Radiance a bit more desirable, trade in older ones.
[382] Luke 02/18/13 nodrop eq removed from the chaos gear
[383] Luke 05/29/13 Long overdue, but Help RpHistory has been added.
[384] Luke 07/29/13 Praetorius Folly has been removed from DBI
[385] Luke 07/29/13 The Final Stronghold has been removed from DBI
[386] Luke 07/29/13 The Corrupted Forest has been removed from DBI
[387] Luke 07/29/13 Drake's Lab has been removed from DBI
[388] Rakam 07/29/13 Re-fixed god items to what they were before Revert. See note, turn in 100b pl req ones, or else.
[389] Luke 07/31/13 South City has been removed from DBI
[390] Luke 07/31/13 Sector Eight has been ADDED to DBI
[391] Luke 07/31/13 IT point for Sector 8 is Alice
[392] Luke 07/31/13 All transporters that used to send you to South City have been changed to direct you to the new Sector Eight, including Yemma.
[393] Luke 07/31/13 Konatsu's now have the melee move... SLASH
[394] Rakam 07/31/13 Only useable with Konatsu sword
[395] Rakam 07/31/13 Removed the new konatsu skill, Blame Zavrik
[396] Luke 07/31/13 Removed a few needless skills from the Konatsu alist
[397] Luke 08/01/13 Magic-Demons now have the melee skill... Cannonball
[398] Luke 08/01/13 The "forum" social has been updated.
[399] Luke 08/01/13 I'm slowly updating the content of the wiki, but for the most part all of the "Setting" information is now part of our new RP Age
[400] Luke 08/03/13 Now that our normal forums have been repaired I've reverted the forums social so that we can show new players our website. We will be posting RP logs here as usual. Yay.
[401] Rakam 08/13/13 Obituaries tell tales of Nyan Nyan Kitty the very annoying. Demon King Piccolo is being hailed as a hero for the murder of said monstrousity. Turn in all Demon King Piccolo Capes
[402] Rakam 08/13/13 Fixed the non-existent way to shadow earth, it's on the east side of bear city now, still uses 'enter' and fixed the program to not put you in south city anymore.
[403] Rakam 08/13/13 Tapion smob added, Maverick Zero is gone (No relation.) Turn in not 100b versions of Tapion's sword (Replaces Z-sabre)
[404] Rakam 08/13/13 Rebalanced the free konatsu swords from Halbradim. Added in a new Konatsu Sword drop (And I don't mean Tapion's.)
[405] Rakam 08/13/13 Nerfed Kanassian moves by a lot. Thank Toth.
[406] Rakam 08/13/13 Nerfed them even further, Thank Raien for complaining.
[407] Rakam 08/13/13 Halbradim is a costly bastard, if you're a 100 billion powerlevel konatsu who gives him 10 million zeni he'll reward you.
[408] Rakam 08/17/13 Made Po-Po not retarded.
[409] Ryune 08/18/13 Rakam made SDF an actual attack. Love him saiyans, love him hard.
[410] Rakam 08/18/13 Keep in mind it's stuck on slist and I can't fix it because I'm a retard.
[411] Rakam 08/18/13 Made it so Shatter and Bloodfury can start fights.
[412] Rakam 08/19/13 Janemba smob added, Sneaky Ninja is totally dead. Turn in old Dimenion Rending Blade (It takes the place of an old item.)
[413] Rakam 08/20/13 Nerfed the Diamond Kite Shield a bit.
[414] Rakam 08/20/13 The fuck magnified absorption cells no longer high stat 256 hands...
[415] Rendo 08/20/13 Rakam fucks dogs.
[416] Rendo 08/20/13 Demons now have a Night-time damage bonus. During the night time, they do more damage. Ranks improve the damage.
[417] Rakam 08/20/13 Remade the Cell 256 but cut off the stats.
[418] Rakam 08/20/13 Changes something some of you might not notice that I didn't until after I looked for what I actually changed on CoE.
[419] Ryune 08/21/13 Shady man fixed from dirty cheaters we suspect were abusing him
[420] Rakam 08/21/13 Fixed Salome. Was something stupid simple. Blame someone else.
[421] Borfin 08/21/13 Shady Man is fixed. Took 30 seconds. Bow before me.
[422] Borfin 08/21/13 If the track record is any indication that's my fix for the year.
[423] Rakam 08/21/13 Spaceport DELTA is broken. Ships still work.
[424] Rendo 08/22/13 Player ships wiped, unable to create new ships at the present time. Sucks :P
[425] Rendo 08/22/13 Ships fixed.
[426] Rendo 08/22/13 Homeworld ships fixed. :P
[427] Rendo 08/22/13 Fixed the Friendship Square transfer issues.
[428] Rendo 08/22/13 Red RPP is being wiped and transferred as Green RPP. Herp derp.
[429] Rendo 08/22/13 Fixed a nasty helpfile bug that caused crashes for years.
[430] Rendo 08/22/13 Fixed a bug where people could exploit some quest shit.
[431] Rakam 08/22/13 Made double helix not stupidly over priced for no reason, it's expensive in cost for a finisher but slightly quicker then most ki moves.
[432] Borfin 08/22/13 Frieza's Ship now respawns 30% more quickly.
[433] Rendo 08/23/13 Fixed the RPP bug with Super-Android fusion.
[434] Borfin 08/23/13 The Jeweler is now a bit more obvious about what he does for newbies.
[435] Borfin 08/23/13 Castle Vegeta revamped. Mechanics have been completely redone. For a full list, check announcements.
[436] Rakam 08/24/13 Made the oxygen tank more reasonable.
[437] Rendo 08/26/13 Cannot attack anyone participating in teaching mystic or unlocking potential. After it's over, they are PK Safe for 60 seconds to GTFO.
[438] Rendo 08/26/13 Starting re-balance of styles and base chance to hit. Berserk style damage lowered. Cry Kenoya. :P
[439] Rendo 08/26/13 Styles changed for PK/Spars. Mess around with them, let me know if anything is too out of balance.
**** [440] Rendo 08/26/13 Style damage increase/decrease "balanced" with style base chance to hit. Report any bugs, like ONE SHOTTING EVERYTHING.
[441] Rendo 08/26/13 Speed from gear now affects dodge chance like everything else statwise, it's half effective
[442] Rendo 08/26/13 Tweaked some weekend stuff
[443] Rendo 08/27/13 Apparently sig attacks work. Though they didn't before so there are likely some hidden issues still.
[444] Rendo 08/27/13 Fixed some style oversights with mobs.
[445] Rendo 08/29/13 Fixed a bug with awaken power and dropping below its PL requirement
[446] Rendo 08/30/13 New shapeshifting race added. It's called Ditto.
[447] Borfin 08/30/13 by popular demand zoidberg social added, GO ME
[448] Rakam 08/30/13 Fixed the backwards elevator on Vendetta. Blame Vergel for having a backwards ship, the prick.
[449] Ryune 09/01/13 Mercury Silver Star is no longer a layerable ring
[450] Borfin 09/01/13 Blade of Dancing Lights's mpfocusincrease during combat should no longer end combat.
[451] Borfin 09/01/13 Popo is evil again. However, unless you're 10q base, he goes pacifist when you walk in on him. :P
[452] Rakam 09/01/13 Brought the Cleaver down by a large notch. Turn in old ones or I'll sick borfin on you.
[453] Borfin 09/01/13 woof woof bark
[455] Luke 09/02/13 Updated the flags for Kanassian forms
[456] Luke 09/02/13 Kanassian alist has been updated with better attack names and descriptions.
[457] Luke 09/09/13 Hydians now have Sauzer Slash. It's amazing.
[458] Rakam 09/09/13 Turn in old versions of 10x kame.
[459] Rendo 09/09/13 Android-H energy regen lowered. Focus Ki drain for Android-H increased so they can't focus indefinitely.
[460] Rakam 09/09/13 Talking about Vince or the old immortal Chaos will result in punishments.
[461] Rendo 09/09/13 Death Certificates load to the killer's inventory.
[462] Rendo 09/09/13 If you kill someone 10x weaker than you, you lose 5% of your base, zeni and RPP.
[463] Rendo 09/09/13 Pokemon Trainer race added.
[464] Rendo 09/09/13 AFK
[465] Rendo 09/10/13 Added some race specific room flags.
[466] Borfin 09/17/13 Blade of Dancing Lights revamped. Now has a 15% chance every tick to restore 15 LF and 500k ki, if in combat and wearing the Pendant there is a 10% chance every tick to gain 75 Focus.
[467] Borfin 09/17/13 Note that these are every tick, not every round. Know the difference. Win PKs. :P
[468] Rendo 09/18/13 Red RPP reset shit fixed.
[469] Rendo 09/29/13 1 min pk safe timer added to end of spacewars
[470] Rakam 09/30/13 Sky Cleave added for Konatsu, higher focus melee move.
[471] Rendo 12/26/13 Added the ability to add global echos to area/planet.
[472] Rendo 12/27/13 Added some gravity related shit
[473] Rendo 12/27/13 Doubled the percentage gained for focus ki/meditate when you fail since these are vital skills early on and take forever to max.
[474] Rendo 12/29/13 Fixed a bug that was calculating all stat defenses incorrectly
[475] Rendo 12/30/13 Transformations can be flagged with a light flag. These transformations act as a light source if you have none. Hurray?!
[476] Luke 12/30/13 Fixed a bug with android six/16 in the ancient lab basement.
[477] Rendo 12/31/13 Added foundation for pbase activity bonuses. More people that are on, the faster the random events unlock. No events added yet.
[478] Rendo 01/02/14 Armour no longer gets damaged if you block/dodge
[479] Rendo 01/02/14 Racial helpfiles now viewable when creating a new character
[480] Rendo 01/09/14 Speed buff via chance to hit formula change. Get hit more nooblez.
[481] Rendo 01/09/14 Chance to Hit is now systematic instead of random. If your chance to hit something is 50%, you will hit, then miss, then hit, then miss.
[482] Luke 01/13/14 Fixed a small bug with the Healing Salve in Lotus Temple.
[483] Ryune 01/13/14 increased drop rate of pelts in yardrat forest from 5 to 7 percent. also slight zeni boost
[484] Ryune 01/13/14 perfect pelts also got an increase from 1 to 2 percent
[485] Luke 01/21/14 Fixed some items from Vendetta space station. If you find any more with proto flags pnote an admin.
[486] Luke 01/23/14 Gero now sells the VM-1 and VM-2 chips. This is a temporary solution until I can fix the quests.
[487] Luke 01/24/14 Feldron has been added to DBI. Pl range is 100m-1b. Good *Luck*
[488] Luke 01/28/14 The Icer soldiers of Feldron have decided to stop being weaklings and will now pose a challenge in battle.
[489] Luke 01/30/14 Fixed some equipment layer bugs for the Tattoos sold in Feldron and a broken death prog.
[490] Luke 01/30/14 Fixed a bug with one of Merron's fight progs.
[491] Borfin 01/31/14 Icerian Proving Grounds Sages are now more open minded and are willing to teach skills to strangers. Also like other stuff happened. And things.
[492] Borfin 01/31/14 The Icerian Armorer in the Proving Grounds has a new toy for icers looking to, uh, prove themselves.
[493] Luke 02/01/14 Destructo Disk and Solar Flare added to the Saiyan alist
[494] Luke 02/01/14 Final Flash now has a 3% chance IK. It's focus cost has been increased to 36 from 35.
[495] Luke 02/01/14 More edits to the Icer soldiers of Feldron. Their day/night flags have been removed and they've been given a chance to respawn on death.
[496] Luke 02/01/14 Also fixed a bug with a missing item from Mercer's shop in Feldron
[497] Luke 02/01/14 More adjustments to spawns/resets in Feldron, and less harsh requirements for certain luck drops in the area.
[498] Ryune 02/09/14 golem in western desert had a drop with no item for vnum. so i created one.
[499] Luke 02/13/14 New Super Mob: Grandpa Gohan
[500] Luke 02/13/14 Konatsu forms altered. No more negative stats. Changed the focus of their forms from int based to str based.
[501] Luke 02/15/14 Proof of Body and Soul is no longer a perm'light.
[502] Luke 02/19/14 New Super Mob: Kami, Guardian of Earth
[503] Luke 02/19/14 Yazmin removed from smoblist. Might see a return if I find time to dink with her some day, but not a priority.
[504] Luke 03/21/14 updated/cleaned the rprewards page on the wiki
[505] Luke 03/22/14 Updated some of the minor edits to the ability slot system on the Age notes page.
[506] Luke 03/22/14 The rprewards changes has had a minor edit. Since several characters in the current age have already aquired or own ships, a "basic ship" is simply free. Any additional upgrades will follow the rewards list on the wiki. We may impliment some type of "repair fee" for ships that reach the maximum upgrades, but for right now, if your ship is damaged or destroyed, the repairs need only be roleplayed to some extent.
[507] Rakam 04/08/14 Edited the konatsu form helpfiles. If you catch any other incorrect helpfiles, or helpfiles that need to be made, let me know.
[508] Luke 05/15/14 The Polluted Delta has been added to DB:I
[509] Luke 05/15/14 The IT point for Polluted Delta is 'Delta' and/or 'Vemura'
[510] Luke 05/15/14 Helpfile for Polluted Delta added (help delta)
[511] Ryune 05/20/14 big geti star has got a face lift. coolers drop cash and some items upgraded to reflect today's standards
[512] Ryune 05/21/14 western desert's emerald orb quest is now do-able and not impossible.
[513] Ryune 06/09/14 hydian scouters now make sense instead of the weakest having highest scan and best having lowest. also have a few stats now
[514] Borfin 06/12/14 i was here. nothing happened.
[515] Rendo 06/25/14 SSJ3 nerfed, fuck off Saiyans
[516] Borfin 07/03/14 ATTENTION MINIONS
[517] Borfin 07/03/14 THIS IS YOUR BORFIN SPEAKING
[518] Borfin 07/03/14 Mr. Popo drops Proof of Popo.
[519] Borfin 07/03/14 He is nearly impossible to defeat.
[520] Borfin 07/03/14 Proof of Popo, however...
[521] Borfin 07/03/14 Increases your PL by 50x.
[522] Borfin 07/03/14 It is a 50x mod.
[523] Borfin 07/03/14 GOOD LUCK.
[524] Borfin 07/07/14 SA13:Tree of Might has had a rope ladder installed in its tree trunk. Players no longer need to be flying to ascend it.
[525] Borfin 07/07/14 I swear I made that change before.
[526] Ikenbon 07/07/14 A new smob has been added to DBI: Kaon
[527] Ikenbon 07/09/14 The 'drop' rate for +Blood+ has been increased.
[528] Borfin 07/12/14 removed one particularly jerk move fuck you point in arlia i added when i was a bit more vindictive. yay.
[529] Ikenbon 07/12/14 I have changed the mob tags and long description of the "death certificate" shady man so that it's more clear which of the two of them take certificates
[530] Ikenbon 07/12/14 help kicap updated
[531] Ikenbon 07/12/14 Oh, and, btw Blood has been upgraded
[532] Borfin 07/14/14 A newbie council rep has wandered into Sector 8 and is passing out capsules to newbies like candy. Fkin creeper.
[533] Borfin 07/15/14 Tweaked a point in Arlia that screwed people for no reason. Rejoice!
[534] Borfin 07/15/14 Partially Ripened and Fully Ripened Fruits of Might are now exchangeable. Engorged ones are still too heavy. Also, I'd advise caution when handling the Fully Ripened ones, especially if you don't think you can handle it.
[535] Borfin 07/16/14 Jim the Gemeler has moved into CoU next door to Gem the Jeweler! He's still setting up for business but will happily discuss his trade with anyone who asks.
[536] Borfin 07/16/14 The freaking file is called CoU.are, eat me
[537] Ryune 07/16/14 heartchips stats and pl changed from 2b and 15con to 100b and 2str spd int and 10con. still boosts heart for humans
[538] Ikenbon 07/16/14 Rearranged the stats a little bit on the Rainbow Coral Necklace.
[539] Ikenbon 07/16/14 The mysterious swordsman no longer mpdelays. The drop for her sword has been lowered.
[540] Ikenbon 07/16/14 Kaon removed from smoblist until I have time to work on him
[541] Borfin 07/16/14 Jim the Gemeler has decided he only wants to do business with one person at a time. (Gemelization Station is now a tunnel room. See sign at the Gemelization Station.)
[542] Borfin 07/16/14 Fixed a real @&#^ YOU point in IT quest. A mob that would not repeat his dialogue at the start of his quest now repeats.
[543] Borfin 07/16/14 For good this time.
[544] Riz 07/16/14 All races should have ki heal
[545] Borfin 07/17/14 Jim the Jeweler is now capable of exchanging gems all the way through the special glyphed gems his brother Gem seeks. He has said something about offering to exchange items from his stock in the near future...
[546] Borfin 07/17/14 Also slipped a sign onto CoE since it's becoming pretty bustling there, business-wise.
[547] Borfin 07/17/14 Jim the Gemeler's room is solitary. Using it to escape PK is, of course, illegal.
[548] Borfin 07/18/14 Jeweler rewards are now listed in Help Jeweler.
[549] Rakam 07/18/14 SDF might stick around for awhile.
[550] Rakam 07/18/14 Something something Ryune and Meditate (A tale as old as time)
[551] Borfin 07/18/14 Jewels are now untradeable, but Jim and Gem can still accept them. If you have tradeable jewels nbd, but new ones won't be.
[552] Ikenbon 07/19/14 The Ginyu Base has been added to DB:I
[553] Ikenbon 07/19/14 help ginyubase added to hfiles
[554] Borfin 07/19/14 Jim now requires 5 jewel fragments at the highest tier, up from 2.
[555] Borfin 07/19/14 Yemma's Vault now drops the Sapphire line of jewels.
[556] Borfin 07/19/14 Next adjustment for shards will be to conversion rate. You will be permitted to upgrade your gems at the current rate for a fixed time if you have shown a concerted effort at obtaining them.
[557] Ikenbon 07/20/14 the aliens in the healing pits of Ginyu Base can now upgrade androids
[558] Borfin 07/20/14 Topaz shards + Kingstone drops added to Castle Vegeta. Help Jeweler updated with Kingstone reward.
[559] Borfin 07/20/14 Jim can now Gemelize Topaz shards!
[560] Ikenbon 07/20/14 The large dog on namek is no longer aggressive... no more accidental newb deaths.
[561] Ikenbon 07/20/14 cleaned up some bugs in ginyu base
[562] Ikenbon 07/21/14 drop rate on cybernetic enhancements from ginyu base have been lowered and the cyborgs have had their stats buffed a bit. Be careful if you're farming down there, they do use lots of IK
[563] Ikenbon 07/21/14 The equipment from the Salome's Castle quest has been adjusted.
[564] Borfin 07/21/14 Various mobs in Castle Vegeta have been adjusted. Several now respawn, many drop zeni and all of them do significantly less damage during combat.
[565] Borfin 07/21/14 Several mobs have been added to the area as well.
[566] Borfin 07/22/14 Jim now has a very small chance to give random rewards to anyone who gemelizes Shard-tier gemstones! The random rewards can be found in Help Randomrewards, which will be updated with future changes.
[567] Borfin 07/22/14 Yes, this does already reveal two winners. :P
[568] Ikenbon 07/22/14 Lots of typos cleaned up in Ginyu Base
[569] Borfin 07/24/14 Combat-Suited Police Units in SA13 no longer perform combo attacks, and are no longer capable of firing multiple attacks in one round. In addition, they have a much smaller % on performing any attacks at all. Be forewarned that Mecha-Suited Police Units and Combat-Suited Police Units still perform their combo move when both are active.
[570] Borfin 07/25/14 Mecha-Suited Police Units are no longer aggressive toward players under 1t current powerlevel, up from 100b.
[571] Rakam 07/27/14 Made the bosses in Overlord's work... Properly
[572] Ryune 07/27/14 slays at end of potk before z-sword have been removed
[573] Ikenbon 07/30/14 The Intro to DBI has been updated.
[574] Borfin 08/02/14 Jim has adjusted his conversion rates. See announcement for new rates.
[575] Borfin 08/02/14 Made Jim the Gemeler's Return function a bit more obvious in the room desc.
[576] Borfin 08/04/14 The soldier seeking guidance from the General in the third leg of Forgotten Eras on Arlia should no longer vanish if the wrong input is selected.
[577] Rakam 08/04/14 Redescriptioned Shatter and rebalanced it. (It's the Demon-Demon fusion skill.) to not be so garbage. Stay tuned.
[578] Borfin 08/05/14 Bios can once again complete IT quest. Considering adding a network of teleports for Androids.
[579] Borfin 08/05/14 Also, made it so androids can't get into IT quest in the first place. Kind of dumb to be able to get in and then find out sprint boots don't fit.
[580] Borfin 08/08/14 BA skill Ki Burst's descs have been updated, and it looks a little prettier.
[581] Borfin 08/09/14 Jim has reverted to his previous conversion rate. If you were trying to Gemelize uncut rubies earlier today, you have until tomorrow morning to convert them at the reduced rate.
[582] Borfin 08/09/14 Shining Amethysts also.
[583] Borfin 08/10/14 Ignoar last two changes.
[584] Rendo 08/15/14 One day in the future, something will happen and maybe it won't break the MUD.
[585] Borfin 08/20/14 The Deadzone is now capable of dropping the Sapphire line of jewels.
[586] Borfin 08/20/14 Jim is offering a new special! See announcement.
[587] Borfin 08/20/14 Tweaked Jim's speech progs so he's a tad less confusing.
[588] Borfin 08/20/14 Between speech progs, room description and helpfiles Jim now details the Gemelization process quite nicely. We cannot be held responsible for lost items while performing transactions with Jim.
[589] Borfin 08/20/14 Rhinestone pendants are now Alexandrite Pendants. Let me know if you see any references anywhere where this hasn't been changed.
[590] Borfin 08/22/14 Jim now requires three Fragments in order to create a glyphed Jewel, down from 5.
[591] Borfin 08/22/14 Gem the Jeweler now gives significantly more zeni per Jewel. A helpfile will be added with these prices.
[592] Borfin 08/22/14 Help Gemrewards now depicts the zeni rewards Gem will give for jewel shards.
[593] Borfin 08/22/14 Several changes to Icerian Proving Grounds. Now drops the Topaz line of jewels, mobs are less dangerous and respawn more frequently.
[594] Borfin 08/22/14 ^ Also, mobs are now capable of both dropping their items (either shards or equipment) and respawning on the same death roll.
[595] Borfin 08/22/14 Super Android 13 still has secrets no one has yet to discover; namely, in the shops. There are now more clear hints to these secrets.
[596] Borfin 08/22/14 It is now much more obvious how to obtain the Blade of Dancing Lights from SA13. Konatsu should be especially interested in this weapon, as should anyone with a Frozen Pendant of the Silver Flame.
[597] Borfin 08/23/14 Phil at Phil's Protectorate in SA13 and DuTore in Overlord's Lookout now properly repair items.
[598] Rakam 08/23/14 Elder items in Vessen Village have been reworks. Daio Kaioshin Armor, flowery Necklaces, Saiyan Champion belts and uh... blades of Hellfire need turns in for full effect. Others should be fine. If your said item previously listed has a race only flag (Excluding Infused Flesh Coating, Namek Warrior Vest and Blade of Hellfire) then see an admin for a turn in
[599] Rakam 08/23/14 Buffed the Elders in Vessen also. If Legion in Demon King form is crazy powerful, let me know.
[600] Rakam 08/23/14 Fixed that stupid husky puppy to work with people resting and not just sitting.
[601] Rakam 08/23/14 You should be able to IT to Dutorim on Overlords lookout now
[602] Rakam 08/23/14 Absolutely wrecked Reaper's drop chance.
[603] Borfin 08/27/14 Few days back, but I cut the drop rate of the Pendant of the Silver Flame from 10% to 6%. Should still be totally doable.
[604] Borfin 08/30/14 Blade of Dancing Lights' random in-combat proc now gives 100 focus, up from 75. (This is a technical fix.)
[605] Ryune 08/31/14 items that reverted in potk have been fixed. not all items were affected. still working on a few progs.
[606] Ryune 08/31/14 The sun and moon gods of potk have been fixed. the real overlord's droprate fixed as well. readded the slays at end potk however extremely lowered from before.
[607] Ikenbon 09/01/14 fixed parkins
[608] Borfin 09/05/14 Small changes to Icer Proving Grounds. Gravity rooms now have the htank flag and sages are now slightly clearer about when to return to them to learn abilities.
[609] Borfin 09/05/14 Rendo fixed Blade of Dancing Lights! And a lot of other shit. But I think that's the only item with mp_focusincrease on it right now.
[610] Borfin 09/06/14 The description for the Hologram Combat Training Facility on Battlenova Destroyer (aka: Heaven) now properly lists its maximum PL as 10q, up from 500t.
[611] Borfin 09/06/14 Full-Powered Super Android 13 in CCARRFSA13 has been changed! If you can somehow avoid him knocking you back, you can fight him at even ground. Think Ikenbon-style mob - super tough, rewards to come. You will need to coordinate with another player to be able to fight him!
[612] Borfin 09/06/14 Be forewarned: He's an -asshole-.
[613] Borfin 09/06/14 He's also senseable/scannable now, so no accidental smashies cuz you're trying to guess his PL
[614] Borfin 09/06/14 Paradox has been removed. The items available in that area are now all available, at a 0.05% drop rate each, from Super Android 13.
[615] Borfin 09/06/14 Fullpower Super Android 13*
[616] Borfin 09/06/14 These items include: an Android Leg Compartment, Suprathyroid Gland, Synaptic Accelerator, Mecha-Icer Body Augmentation.
[617] Borfin 09/06/14 A Multi-Hued Gemstone can now be obtained in CCARRF. Intrepid warriors will need to scourge both areas for the three fragments to create the Gemstone.
[618] Borfin 09/06/14 Paradox1301 I/O Tech Converter Chip as well
[619] Borfin 09/07/14 Unbridled Beauty's recovery time reduced by 25%.
[620] Borfin 09/07/14 Blood Fury (Ghetti-G) is now Bloodlust, is a melee ability, requires 6 beats to recover and ranges from 30 to 35 damage. (For comparison, Sauzer Blade is 5 beats to recover and ranges 24 to 32 damage.)
[621] Borfin 09/07/14 Reduced Bloodlust recovery beats to 5, cut its focus to 30, increased mindam to 45 from 30, increased maxdam to 60 from 35. Ghetti-Gs, praise Rakam as he is your god.
[622] Rakam 09/07/14 Human Human skill changed to Flash Dodon. It's quite a bit better then Maximum Kamehameha.
[623] Rakam 09/07/14 Also changed Super Kamikaze Ghost Attack to not suck as a multiskill. It's still pretty bad. But It's... A fair trade off to Halfbreeds being awesome.
[624] Rakam 09/07/14 Added in help fusionskills.
[625] Borfin 09/12/14 Full-Powered Super Android 13's driving elbow is a bit less effective at stunning its target.
[626] Borfin 09/12/14 Goku now puts up a fight if you encounter him near Super Android 13.
[627] Borfin 09/12/14 Currently you get nothing for killing him.
[628] Borfin 09/12/14 Ginger Town removed. Its reward, -\<Fusion Shield>/- is now -\<Kinetic Shield>/- and drops in Super Android 13. Also, Goku and Full Power Super Android 13 both properly drop shards.
[629] Borfin 09/12/14 Ignore last note about getting nothing from Goku, go fight him at 6t for a chance at a Fusion Shield, probably some other items as I do some pruning. He's mean, though. Not as mean as Super Android 13 but mean.
[630] Rakam 09/15/14 Renamed the Warrior's Bond to Murderous Intent and altered it's stats.
[631] Rakam 09/15/14 Turn in all old Warrior's Bonds
[632] Rendo 09/17/14 Heart doesn't stack with Domination anymore.
[633] Ikenbon 09/20/14 removed the stat req to obtain the t-3 chip from gero
[634] Ikenbon 09/25/14 Fixed the glowing orbs from the new intro area and made it so you cannot IT to kabito
[635] Ikenbon 09/25/14 The final boss for Leviathan has a much higher chance to spawn. His drop rates have also been adjusted, and a very rare item has been added to his drops as well.
[636] Rendo 10/26/14 Double Damage Player Activity bonus now rolls with double gains. Various changes to rates at which things occur.
[637] Rendo 10/29/14 The .00-.99 of stats slowly degrades over time.
[638] Rendo 10/29/14 All races can now be wished for via Shenron
[639] Rakam 10/29/14 Tree of might fruits are now 10m pl.
[640] Rendo 10/30/14 For the time being, damage in PK fights only has been reduced by 50%. This gives players an effective 200lf.
[641] Rendo 10/31/14 Saiyan dumpster skills that always get deleted fixed.
[642] Ikenbon 11/02/14 Turles has been buffed, and got a new drop.
[643] Ikenbon 11/03/14 Made some changes to the lotus temple quest. Giving the salve to the wounded monk will not return the salve to your inventory, also made it so that having the cask in your inventory will trigger the flower instead of forcing you to wear it.
[644] Rakam 11/04/14 Fixed help Sirewards to show proper layers.
[645] Rakam 11/09/14 Nerfed Blade of Hellfire's damage.
[646] Ikenbon 11/13/14 Kaon has been updated and re-added to smoblist.
[647] Rendo 11/15/14 Weapon accuracy decreased. Konatsu weapon accuracy fixed.
[648] Ikenbon 11/15/14 All the of the mobs in Feldron have had their spd stat significantly reduced.
[649] Ikenbon 11/15/14 Planet EvE's quest has been repaired.
[650] Rendo 11/15/14 2nd and 3rd attacks nerfed, fixed with buff to speed. 2nd attack has a base 50% rate, 3rd is 25%. Base speed increases this. 100 base speed is 100 2nd 75 3rd and 150 will max 3rds chance
[651] Ikenbon 11/15/14 Hurricane of Lotus Petals buffed
[652] Rendo 11/15/14 If you're wielding a weapon, you will miss 25% of non auto attacks.
[653] Rendo 11/15/14 Konatsu's only miss 10% of the time when wielding a weapon since they're swordmasters and shit.
[654] Rendo 11/15/14 Base strength buffs your unarmed damage. Buffs cap at 150strength.
[655] Rendo 11/15/14 If you are unarmed, your focus gains are increased by 5%
[656] Rendo 11/15/14 Being blind reduces your focus attacks from hitting significantly as wel.
[657] Rendo 11/16/14 Unarmed increases 2nd and 3rd attack rates by a flat 15%.
[658] Rendo 11/16/14 Melee skills can be used in berserk style.
[659] Rendo 11/16/14 Enhanced damage doesn't apply to weapons for any Android race.
[660] Rendo 11/16/14 Androids cannot use absorb if they're wielding a weapon.
[661] Rendo 11/16/14 Androids cannot ki absorb if they're wielding a weapon.
[662] Rendo 11/17/14 Flee chance reduced, flee lag increased. All pl loss from deaths reduced by 1%, inclusive with all death reduction benefits.
[663] Rendo 11/17/14 Failing to flee in PVP also has a chance to cause you to stumble and fall.
[664] Rendo 11/17/14 Complainers triumph for now, skill reduction with weapon reduced by 20% instead of 25.
[665] Rendo 11/17/14 Con required for maximum spar timer resets lowered.
[666] Rendo 11/18/14 Death Certs only drop if you're within 1.5x current pl of the person you kill.
[667] Ikenbon 11/18/14 The coroner has added a new item to his inventory for dedicated killers.
[668] Rendo 11/18/14 Roleplay channel open to public. You do not need an authorized Bio.
[669] Rendo 11/20/14 Fixed RPP bug with SA fusions.
[670] Rendo 11/20/14 Workout/Study sort've fixed if you're attacked. Just enter it a 2nd time and it'll resume and fail. Will rework command later.
[671] Rendo 11/20/14 Focus gains more normalized, base int gives decent buffs to minimum focus gained and slight buff to maximum.
[672] Ikenbon 11/21/14 Small bugfix on the shard of the z-sword from the new intro. You should actually get the focus increase while in combat now.
[673] Rendo 11/23/14 Gravity training stats is 50% faster.
[674] Rendo 11/23/14 Skills max faster, melee skills especially.
[675] Rendo 11/23/14 Cecily's skills learn 100000000% slower.
[676] Rendo 11/24/14 Konatsu Sword abilities are no longer affected by the wield miss thinger dodicky.
[677] Rendo 11/24/14 All skills max at 100%
[678] Rendo 11/24/14 Speed requirements for 2nd/3rd attack lowered. 75 for 2nd, 115 for 3rd.
[679] Rendo 11/24/14 I should specify. Speed requirements for 2nd/3rd attack to work 100% of the time with aweapon lowered.
[680] Rendo 11/24/14 All Konatsu ranks grant base hit chance bonus with weapon
[681] Rendo 11/24/14 Styles buff chance to hit vs mobs now. <_<
[682] Ikenbon 11/30/14 Added a small detail to the yardrat temple to make a certain part of the IT quest less frustrating.
[683] Rendo 12/01/14 When someone idles to the point of voiding, if they have a dragonball it'll drop in whatever room they were in before moving to void.
[684] Ikenbon 12/02/14 medgains hfile updated
[685] Ikenbon 12/03/14 Fixed a bug in Drake Lab.
[686] Rendo 12/05/14 More speed, more hits, more con, more spars. 123124125215 numbers provided.
[687] Rakam 12/13/14 New zone was released, see Razic's note.
[688] Rakam 12/17/14 Did something to the spheres and added a secret in Bibidi's Stronghold.
[689] Razic 12/17/14 There is now an additional quest in Bibidi's Stronghold
[690] Ryune 12/17/14 5th day of christmas camps added. elves are at solitar city, coe and kami's lookout. give presents to santa at lookout for cookies. cookies will be able to be exchanged for prizes. list to come in announcement note
[691] Ryune 12/18/14 location of elves and santa changed. soltiar city, sector 8 (near shadow earth portal), yardrat village (near volk and the cheif's hut)
[692] Razic 01/18/15 Some of the mobs in Bibidi's Stronghold have been nerfed - got tired of seeing people die.
[693] Ryune 01/26/15 Cybrus's zeni option has been reduced to 250k
[694] Rendo 01/27/15 Energy Ball buffed, OP OP OP.
[695] Rendo 01/28/15 Bio-Androids can absorb skills from SHC if they are over 10m base.
[696] Razic 02/01/15 Full-Power Super Android 13's powerlevel was tweaked to better reflect the area's range.
[697] Rendo 02/07/15 Fake Time Chamber split entry crash fixed.
[698] Rendo 02/22/15 Intro area prevents you from gaining over 5k base.
[699] Rendo 02/22/15 Brief message added to look to let people know Dragon Balls are out.
[700] Rendo 03/04/15 Section of Sector 8 flagged nospawn since there is no to get in there.
[701] Rendo 03/09/15 Maaaay have fixed mpdamage to work properly. If you experience any crashes from mpdamage related shit, let me know ASAP.
[702] Rendo 03/12/15 Added a cap to the player activity pl boost
[703] Rendo 03/12/15 Updated alist/slist to actually show practiceable bio-android skills. Added some more lower level skills to practiceable list for biodroids.
[704] Rendo 03/12/15 Added a tiered ki gain system like focus gains to bio-android tail sucks. 400% increase at top tier.
[705] Rendo 03/13/15 Smobs carry over on crashes/hotboots/resets. Report any bugs or destruction your face.
[706] Rendo 03/13/15 If an Smob is released, it gives you that event notifier thinger on look like dragonballs do.
[707] Rendo 03/14/15 Makecharge generates more charges as well as increasing your maximum energy.
[708] Rendo 03/17/15 Kaio turd noob lights auctionable.
[709] Rendo 03/19/15 SC Tuffles can get Makyo/Heart/WTFE else now.
[710] Rendo 03/19/15 HAHA NYCLA
[711] Rendo 03/20/15 Lowered makecharge time by like 2.5x or something.
[712] Rendo 03/21/15 Lowered Bill the Twatlord's slay by a lot.
[713] Rendo 03/21/15 If splits are resting, they no longer can use transformations, aka it's super easy to get them/yourself to optimal gaining pl for spars.
[714] Rendo 03/23/15 Array's added for Focus/Meditate to make botting harder. POLLO.
[715] Rendo 03/24/15 Added some backend stuff for Admins for destroying Pollo
[716] Ryune 03/27/15 Made it a bit more noticeable where the shadow earth portal is in sector8
[717] Ryune 04/02/15 cool shades changed. they no long have a 1 to 0 scan range. also luck bumped from 2 to 10. if your shades didnt change contact me for new one
[718] Rendo 04/07/15 Quest Info change - see note
[719] Zai 04/08/15 Btw, I updated help itpoints. Hopefully it's actually useful now.
[720] Zai 04/08/15 Ghetti skill helpfiles pretty-fied. More to come.
[721] Zai 04/08/15 Made most of saiyan skills pretty too. Except a couple. And the shared race ones. Also updated the help saiyanskills, since they had like... 8 more skills since that was updated, apparently.
[722] Rendo 04/09/15 Skills no longer IK, every skill has a crit chance, every skill's multplier is 150% (2.5x damage incase you're a retard) Will all be balanced later. Some messages may not show up.
[723] Rendo 04/12/15 Lowered crit multi to 1.5x damage for mobs. Without proper skill balance, some skills have a huge chance to still 1 shot at even pl.
[724] Ryune 04/15/15 Prices of items in shops no longer inflate due to your zeni stockpile.
[725] Rendo 04/16/15 Can no longer donate for a superpill if one is already active.
[726] Rendo 05/09/15 There is a 10 minute timer when you log on if you're ranked. If you don't pass the timer and log out, it will not reset the last time you were online.
[727] Rendo 05/09/15 HBTC/Arty boost ki gained from focus ki, similar to medgains boost.
[728] Rendo 05/09/15 Or do they.......
[729] Rendo 05/11/15 Race Ranks for lowest and mid now drop at 48 hours and 36 hours instead of 72 and 48.
[730] Ryune 05/21/15 made the orbs in potk drop better since apparently 20% is too low.
[731] Ryune 05/23/15 the martial artist master in yardrat forest took come community college classes and now can assist androids in installing skills and upgrading stats.
[732] Ryune 06/17/15 perfect and regular pelt exchanges have been fixed through annoying syntax nonsense. same as before just walk in and it will exchange it for you. you'll have to go in and out multiple times if you're carrying multiple pelts
[733] Rendo 07/18/15 Ryune hates PAB RNG, super pill chance nerfed. Blamed him.
[734] Razic 07/31/15 Nerfed Korra. You're welcome.
[735] Rendo 08/21/15 You can now give/drop items if you're resting. Fucking cheaters. Report any exploits or die in a fire.
[736] Rendo 08/30/15 Tuffle's no longer count as the Namek Elder for unlocking potential, so you can use the NPC bro again.
[737] Rendo 09/02/15 Surge of Energy Black Star wish was always capped at 5m ki. If you are over 5m ki you will automagically gain another 2.5m.
[738] Ryune 09/04/15 Tree of might pl req's removed. Top fruit isnt a 30x anymore. it is 15x.
[739] Ryune 09/05/15 I fixed some random shit in potk that could/might of been abused to skip to the end rather quickly. I also added some luck checks for gear drops.
[740] Ryune 09/05/15 best ike added to zmountains. you can IT there again. i suggest inst "best ike" to make sure other mobs dont trip it up with the order of names
[741] Riz 09/15/15 Added some gear to Kayin. Might break stuff might not
[742] Riz 09/20/15 Panther Eye Necklace has better stats on it now
[743] Riz 09/26/15 Mr. Popo is back to tending gardens and no longer has dumb, god-tier pl and progs
[744] Rendo 11/04/15 Extended nospeedwalk flag to include Starbridge on Leviathan. Fuck off, don't care.
[745] Ikenbon 11/10/15 splicer zeni has been nerfed to the ground.
[746] Ikenbon 11/14/15 DEATHSPLICERS have been adjusted to their original content. Zeni levels restored and then some.
[747] Ikenbon 11/14/15 Skybase Tempest added to DBI
[748] Ikenbon 11/14/15 Dballs shouldn't be able to spawn in the command center of sector 8 now.
[749] Ikenbon 11/14/15 Added a door mob to the beginning of the skybase who will let you leave if you say the icer word for "escape" and made the icer codex more uniform (drop the one you have and get a new one for this to update)
[750] Ikenbon 11/14/15 Fixed some echoes with Snow at skybase Tempest
[751] Ikenbon 11/14/15 fixed some bugs and echoes around the skybase and the verbage orocum uses during one of his scenes.
[752] Ikenbon 11/15/15 Advanced Cybernetic Skeleton's layer has been fixed, if yours is not layer 2, contact me
[753] Ikenbon 11/16/15 Lots of passage areas in the final stretch of the skybase tempest quest have been cleaned up, let me know if you run into any issues.
[754] Ikenbon 11/19/15 The FRZN-1 portion of the skybase quest should work now, let me know if there are any issues.
[755] Ikenbon 11/26/15 Bunny Forest and Rabbit Gang HQ have been removed from DBI
[756] Ikenbon 11/26/15 Bear Forest has been added to DBI, the IT point is Kuma
[757] Ikenbon 11/26/15 Some areas have had their locations rearranged. Hammer Mountains is now connected to the Western Forest and Papaya Island can be found east of North City's beach.
[758] Rendo 11/27/15 Saiyan Invaders now target Bear Forest because they hate Bears.
[759] Ikenbon 11/27/15 Adjusted the stats of all the animals in Bear Forest, lowered their respawn rates (increasing their pelt drop rates) and lowered the damage of their special skills.
[760] Ikenbon 11/27/15 Fixed a bug with Lorren and large animal pelts, took a look at eagle feather headdress' (something odd is going on here, report any other problems), and Lorren can now repair armor.
[761] Ikenbon 11/27/15 Steel Bear Claws have had a minor adjustment to their stats and a their armor reduced.
[762] Ikenbon 11/27/15 Heavy Prayer Beads weight has been reduced to 3500
[763] Ikenbon 11/30/15 Kill you fighting gi and the man who drops it buffed.
[764] Rendo 12/31/15 Fuck off Riz, mobs can't donate.
[765] Ryune 01/05/16 Ragnarok battle armor has a nerf in armor. its upgrade apocalypse battle armor got a slight stat boost and armor upgrade to match its difficulty.
[766] Rakam 01/05/16 Turn in all Ragnarok Battle armors and Apocalypse Battle armors to admins to get the updated stats.
[767] Rakam 01/06/16 Wrath of God changed to Way of God, turn them in if you have an old Wrath
[768] Rakam 01/06/16 Resistance of God changed to Voice of god, turn in old one.
[769] Ryune 01/14/16 One of the jewel fragments from ToM and SA13 has been added to final form Turles.
[770] Rendo 01/15/16 Magic-Demon IK protection crash fixed.
[771] Ryune 01/17/16 The Glittering Fragments from SA13 and ToM have been given wear flags which trigger the multi-hued gem to spawn. If you spawn one give it to gem, not jim!
[772] Ryune 01/20/16 The repair mob on potk took your cash but didnt repair your gear. he's been replaced with a machine from cc who doesnt scam ya. report other armor fraud mobs to me and i'll replace them.
[773] Ryune 01/21/16 Rearranged frieza's drop prog in frieza's castle. No numbers were changed, just the order of the progs firing.
[774] Ryune 01/21/16 Conservation Chips/Schematics are nocontainer now to make the force give progs work.
[775] Ryune 01/21/16 Fixed a prog in delta with color bleed and a syntax that could make you drop a mermaid-pearl armor and sac it instead of the mermaid tear pearl if you had the armor in inventory.
[776] Rakam 01/22/16 All of the Vessen Village Elder's items are now wearable by any race, Daio Kaioshin armor got a slot change and Legion got a new drop. Blade of Hellfire is no longer obtainable.
[777] Rakam 01/22/16 Altered the stats on Nightwing's Veil. Might need to... Rethink that one.
[778] Ryune 01/22/16 Yasai City mob drop progs fixed.
[779] Rakam 01/23/16 Nerfed Earth's Champion Emblem, Overlord's Wrath, and the two super Auras from Overlords Lookout
[780] Rakam 01/25/16 Made some rooms around the mud "Frozen" which increases icer gains while in them. Frieza's Castle, Shenron Saga and Icerian Proving Grounds.
[781] Ryune 01/29/16 I've added a high luck check on potk's gain mobs. Researchers and Cave demons for their coins.
[782] Riz 01/30/16 Kayin mobs have adjusted gear and finally aren't so boring
[783] Riz 02/14/16 Saiyan War Embroidery updated. Turn in old ones for the new hotness.
[784] Ryune 02/14/16 I nerfed the slayer mobs zeni. Never really foresaw it as something people would do over and over again.
[785] Ryune 02/14/16 The Expensive Focus items have been given a slight increase to triggering since they were the same chance as the normal ones.
[786] Rendo 02/18/16 Splits now have half damage in PK.
[787] Rendo 02/18/16 Splits should no longer be able to bypass a skills delay.
[788] Rendo 02/18/16 Can no longer create clones/splits while in Zanzoken
[789] Rendo 02/18/16 Neon Bible Nexus butthole set to nogain.
[790] Ryune 02/20/16 Lightning Shower Rain has always been absorbable for bio's. It now has a pl for bios. Report issues please.
[791] Ryune 02/20/16 Fish forms have changed their stat distribution swapping the str and int. the skills say they've been changed but actual changes arent happening. i suspect after next reboot it will change. if it hasnt by tomorrow inform me and ill take another look.
[792] Riz 03/04/16 Dragonfist has been restored to the Saiyan alist with fresh new look,
[793] Ryune 03/07/16 Made a Hercule smob. He's in rotation. Enjoy.
[794] Rendo 03/08/16 Blackstar wish, surge of power has a cap to how much can be gained
[795] Rendo 03/09/16 Rankkills now grant a 60 second pk safety timer.
[796] Rendo 03/09/16 help rankrules updated. Read ALL RED shit near bottom
[797] Ryune 03/10/16 Hydraulic strength enhancer has been fixed. Stats nerfed and the weird energy loss removed
[798] Ryune 03/23/16 the nooby namekian collars have been changed from +2 str spd int to +1 str spd int.
[799] Rendo 05/01/16 Super-Androids can no longer core/cpu extract lolololol
[800] Rendo 05/27/16 Old skills that would do negative damage (Kamehameha) no longer do negative damage.
[801] Rendo 06/06/16 Kaio's that use the first name of explorer's get Split-form. But only those already created before this change.
[802] Rendo 06/07/16 TMC rank thing actually updates again, so start voting.
[803] Rendo 06/09/16 If your character name has double letters in it, ex Pollo, and isn't surrounded by repeating letters, ex Pollo. You get split-form.
[804] Rendo 06/09/16 Android's named Pollo get split-form!
[805] Rendo 06/09/16 If your character has never held a rank, starts with P and ends with O, you get split-form.
[806] Rendo 06/09/16 Split-forms can make their own split-forums. Database not provided.
[807] Rendo 06/09/16 Every character named A-O and Q-Z get split-forms
[808] Rendo 06/11/16 Wolf Fang Fist calculates damage properly.
[809] Rendo 06/11/16 Slight adjustment to how melee skills damage is calculated
[810] Rendo 06/12/16 All race ranks drop after 24h
[811] Rendo 06/12/16 Grav Training in HBTC raises stats faster. Gains are reduced a bit because of this.
[812] Rendo 06/13/16 Split/Tri/Multi/Clones all have reduced stats.
[813] Rendo 06/15/16 Everyone but Pollo gets splits.
[814] Rendo 06/19/16 Biomass gained is doubled, regenerate biosmass required cut in half
[815] Rendo 06/19/16 HBTC timer reduced to 600 seconds. Superpill reduced to 600 seconds. Superpill cost reduced by 25% (75m). ALL races, heal fully when not in combat while in HBTC/Fake HBTC
[816] Rendo 06/19/16 HBTC reset increased to 4 days
[817] Rendo 06/19/16 Non split, non hbtc/arty spars have improved pl gains
[818] Rendo 06/21/16 Players can only racechange once from dragonballs.
[819] Rendo 06/21/16 If you die/flee from a fight, you no longer lose pl. Instead you are given a pl gains penalty until its timer runs up. SHC still lose pl AND get the gains penalty.
[820] Rendo 06/21/16 PK White changed to 2x range
[821] Rendo 06/21/16 Gtrain, med gains, focus gains all affected by flee/death penalty now
[822] Rendo 06/21/16 PL Gains message updated. Regular gains are still white. Death penalty gains are RED. Double Gains are GREEN. Double gains WITH death penalty are YELLOW.
[823] Rendo 06/21/16 You'll receive a message when your gains penalty has ended.
[824] Rendo 06/21/16 Immortality and Conservation reduce the effect of the death/flee penalty. The other death bonus thingers (Aloe, preservation, md regen, etc) reduce the duration
[825] Rendo 06/21/16 Hardcore PK Timer reduced to 10minutes. Softcore PK Timer reduced to 15minutes.
[826] Rendo 06/21/16 Spam PK preventation timer disabled
[827] Rendo 06/21/16 Fixed a Tuffle infect bug.
[828] Rendo 06/21/16 Gravity training messages changed to THIS COLOUR
[829] Rendo 06/21/16 The new PL penalty is for EVERYONE but Pollo. He DOES lose pl still.
[830] Ryune 06/22/16 All skills that aren't coded: kamehameha, wolf fang fist, oozaru mouth cannon: for saiyans, humans, and halfbreeds have been given their proper crit messages. A few of them were fixed as well missing the right $ sign. I'll do the others tomorrow after work.
[831] Ryune 06/22/16 Namekian and Icer skills have been updated to display critical hit messages. More to come after work.
[832] Rendo 06/23/16 Mpdamage no longer causes pl loss on death. Keke :b
[833] Rendo 06/23/16 See Announcement for item generation details
[834] Rendo 06/23/16 Bios gain a bit more ki when they om nom nom
[835] Rendo 06/24/16 Kaio Create now goes to 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%, if it fails you get split-form
[836] Rendo 06/25/16 Kaioshin sword changed to 0pl, but only works until 10m base.
[837] Ryune 06/27/16 The Monster Slayer Gear from Yasai City has had the spammy message reduced. The life regen has remained the same proc time, however the message that shows with it no longer appears as frequent. It no longer heals in combat either since it wasn't ever meant to.
[838] Ryune 06/27/16 Android-H/E/FM, Bio-android, Kaio, and Demon alist skills have been updated with the proper critical hit messages. More to come.
[839] Rendo 06/27/16 Flee penalty timer reduced by half. Was too damn high!1!111
[840] Rendo 06/28/16 Character creation provides better helpfiles for information
[841] Khonsu 07/01/16 All Hydian alist abilities should now have revamped help files. Also, all slist skills helpfiles should have been updated as well.
[842] Rendo 07/08/16 Flee/DeathTimer now start with a static number (2 mins for flee, 5 mins for death) and increase based on your rank.
[843] Cithine 07/08/16 Added helpfile for Deathtimer, Supremekai, ITQuest, updated flee/death/start/speedwalk/alias/armo(u)r, among others.
[844] Ikenbon 07/08/16 Gin Mountains stalled to DB:I
[845] Ikenbon 07/08/16 Help Gin_Mountains for more information regarding the area
[846] Rendo 07/14/16 Fixed android t3gewgew;lgew;lk whatever
[847] Rendo 07/16/16 Added some additional PK prevention shit to mystic/awaken learning
[848] Ikenbon 07/19/16 Fixed some bugs with the grav-lifts and mob spawns in Gin Mountains
[849] Razic 07/21/16 After some discussion, we have decided to remove the 10x and 15x fruit drops from the Tree of Might. Turles now only drops 5x fruits.
[850] Rendo 07/21/16 Fixed a Pollo level bug. Stupid shit.
[851] Cithine 07/27/16 All fusion skills, as well as the missing Kanassian skills should now have what resembles a helpfile.
[852] Riz 08/02/16 Wolf Fang Fist is now set as melee
[853] Rendo 08/08/16 help forumpassword added it's for creating on the forum
[854] Ikenbon 08/08/16 fixed some stuff in Kayin
[855] Ikenbon 08/14/16 Temple of the Eternal Dragon added to DB:I
[856] Ikenbon 08/14/16 Help namektemple
[857] Ikenbon 08/15/16 increased drop rate of amulet fragments in TotED
[858] Ikenbon 08/16/16 Veritas removed from Smoblist, Captain Ginyu added to smoblist
[859] Ikenbon 08/16/16 fixed some room descriptions in TotED and the respawn for ghosts
[860] Ikenbon 08/18/16 Fixed a lot of things in the TotED. A lot of quest items changed to nocontainer (take incense out of bags if you haven't already), the final quest item is unique (you should not be able to load more than one. Solrun should take you to the temple without having to remove the advanced amulet. You can no longer load more than one Ritual paint at a time.
[861] Ikenbon 08/18/16 Crazy Jack removed from smoblist, Dabura added to smoblist (say challenge to fight)
[862] Khonsu 08/19/16 Saiyan, Halfbreed, Human, Namek, and Icer skills should be updated. Let me know what I ruined.
[863] Rendo 09/02/16 Saiyan Spar gains increased. Saiyans have a 10% shorter spar timer because they love fighting and stuff.
[864] Rendo 09/14/16 Androids can no longer use the Energy fountain. There's a delay on it as well.
[865] Khonsu 09/24/16 All helpfiles related to skills for races should be updated now.... 97.4123% sure.
[866] Rendo 09/28/16 Minions cost a % of your ki to create now.
[867] Rendo 09/30/16 The base minimum items you can carry increased from 10 to 15.
[868] Riz 10/05/16 New social "Nerfed" added.
[869] Riz 10/21/16 Dr. Evil has been removed from the Super Mob List
[870] Rendo 11/11/16 Cordican/Leviathan blocked from using speedwalk. Stop abusing
[871] Rendo 11/16/16 SHC gains reduced.
[872] Rendo 11/21/16 Can no longer learn ugly before 5m base pl.
[873] Ikenbon 11/29/16 Chaos has been removed from smoblist. Gotenks has been added to smoblist (He's tough guys, fair warning)
[874] Ikenbon 11/30/16 War Greymon removed from smoblist, Freiza added to smoblist
[875] Ikenbon 12/01/16 General Blue added to smoblist (If your level is greater 6 you cannot gain his drops)
[876] Rendo 12/01/16 Slays no longer work on NPCs cause like, crashes and shit.
[877] Rendo 12/01/16 For room slays D:
[878] Razic 12/04/16 Majin Lieutenants don't bodyslam anymore. Rejoice.
[879] Rendo 01/24/17 Added the schwifty social IM TINY RICK MOTHER FUCKERS
[880] Rendo 02/05/17 A set of quest items are flagged nocontainer now regarding the dragonballs Feb 5th 2017. If I find them in bags, you'll regrets.
[881] Rendo 05/13/17 Fixed a USSJ1/USSJ2 rage building issue with gtraining in HBTC
[882] Rendo 05/26/17 Fixed Tapion because whomever made it is a retard.
[883] Rendo 07/19/17 Pabcheck command added, shows when and what the last PAB was.
[884] Rendo 07/19/17 You can no longer claim a rank as soon as you log on, you have to stay logged in for 10 minutes.
[885] Rendo 07/19/17 Tuffles gains are nerfed by 10%.
[886] Rendo 07/19/17 Addendum to the last change, if a Tuffle keeps the same infect for a period of time, their gains are only reduced by 5%
[887] Rendo 07/26/17 Nopkstate readded, removes your nopk status
[888] Rendo 07/26/17 Or crashes the MUD, who knows.
[889] Ikenbon 07/26/17 Race Change will be removed from rprewards
[890] Rendo 08/02/17 Global RPP gains capped at 20%. Individual RPP gains capped at 20%. Blame the RP Admins who give out RPP like candy.
[891] Rendo 08/07/17 Fixed a small bug from learning ugly form.
[892] Rendo 08/08/17 The Elder in the introduction area has his keywords italicized to be more obvious
[893] Ikenbon 08/12/17 ginyu's chance for bodyslam and stun have been lowered. You can get his drop by being below 15b. He can still multiply his pl. His damage resistance has been lowered and his stats.
[894] Khonsu 08/14/17 Happy hunting! The Maima region has been added to Namek
[895] Rendo 09/14/17 Statreset a flat 25m now, regardless of use.
[896] Rendo 09/15/17 Can no longer use banish while sparring.
[897] Rendo 09/15/17 Or fightingz.
[898] Rendo 09/20/17 Spacewars no longer automated on Sundays, can be triggered by players via spacewars start, conditions must be met for it to work.
[899] Rendo 09/27/17 Made some changes to speed hit rates against mobs if you're slower than them.
[900] Rendo 09/27/17 BA Tail Absorb now affected by gains penalty
[901] Riz 10/17/17 Cleaned up Wizlist a bit. 2017 Quota fulfilled
No. Admin Date Change
[ 0] Rendo 04/01/18 Weekend
[ 1] Rendo 04/01/18 Things have changed. Lots of things.
[ 2] Rendo 04/04/18 Transformations/similar skills only increase when you're in them. If yours doesn't increase, leave a note.
[ 3] Rendo 04/04/18 Calling all Hydians, ugly triggers with dependencies met.
[ 4] Rendo 04/06/18 Android forms grow while in them now, no longer grow on use/fail
[ 5] Ryune 04/06/18 Some of the former androids might default to saiyan now since we deleted 2 of the 3 android races. Please report other mobs that should be androids but have defaulted to saiyans
[ 6] Khonsu 04/07/18 Please check help newstuff, and help newstuff2 occasionally. Help skilltree also added for a preview of how the new skills work.
[ 7] Rendo 04/07/18 Stats to splits/tri/etc apply spirit properly. Growth/Giant grow while in. Super Namek now uses a dependency requirement to unlock via meditate. Also will take longer similar to SSJs.
[ 8] Rendo 04/08/18 Magic-Demons have a skill dependency requirement instead of pl for getting super/kid forms.
[ 9] Rendo 04/08/18 BioAndroid transformations gated behind PKs, lots of PKs. Start murder.
[10] Rendo 04/09/18 Saiyan/Halfbreed rage only grows when you meet the conditions for your next SSJ form.
[11] Rendo 04/09/18 GGM formula adjusted. Scales down with more people now instead of up. This is for nightowls/Aussie region people.
[12] Rendo 04/10/18 Meditate gives more energy per success. Meditate will at minimum stop at 50% of your max ki now. (Would stop based on your % learned 10% = 10% of max ki)
[13] Rendo 04/10/18 Shield skills no longer grow when using, only when in them. Report ones that don't.
[14] Rendo 04/10/18 Kick and Punch damage values increased.
[15] Rendo 04/10/18 Meditate increases your spirit a bit.
[16] Rendo 04/11/18 Fixed a rounding issue (Thanks Path, touch his weener). Damage will be more consistent and not wonky as fuck.
[17] Rendo 04/11/18 Mobs with potential should be less scary.
[18] Rendo 04/11/18 Electric Shield only grows while you're in it now, using it does nothing.
[19] Rendo 04/11/18 Some minor adjustments made to block and dodge.
[20] Rendo 04/11/18 Hardcores MEGA BUFFED. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. HC MASTER RACE. Skills start at 10% instead of 5%. Watch out softcore plebs.
[21] Rendo 04/12/18 Weapon hax fixed and small tri-form bug.
[22] Rendo 04/12/18 Namek Elder awaken power BS fixed.
[23] Ryune 04/13/18 Fixed an issue with the scouters from Frieza's ship and reconnected Yasai City so it isnt accessable only by IT
[24] Ryune 04/13/18 Monster Hunter items are nogive noauction groundrot like they're suppose to be. if you got one previously by this way consider yourself lucky
[25] Razic 04/14/18 Shortened the IT quest in a ton of places. Let me know if you find stuff broken
[26] Razic 04/15/18 Transformation rework. See Announce Board for details
[27] Razic 04/15/18 Reduce number of Android-H forms
[28] Rendo 04/15/18 Bio and Droid forms do stuff properly. Heart disabled.
[29] Riz 04/16/18 Kayin drop rates nerfed
[30] Rendo 04/16/18 Makyo no longer does hax. 10x for all mods and no bonus until it's reworked to do stats or something.
[31] Khonsu 04/17/18 All alist/slist skills helpfiles should be up to date now. If there is incorrect info, or missing info, please let me know by note or tell as soon as possible. Most form info has been moved to 'help forms' and 'help formlist'.
[32] Ryune 04/17/18 Fixed some mobs in Yemma's vault that had static_stats flag making them uber weak.
[33] Ryune 04/17/18 Fixed some of the camp mobs in Yasai City. Static Stats again.
[34] Rendo 04/18/18 ICERD/Battlenova/Frieza's ship all back
[35] Ikenbon 04/20/18 Krillin in the intro is now a training mob and will tell you how to 'practice' new skills if you ask him
[36] Rendo 04/21/18 Stat growth flattened out. Growth rate doubles at 1k stats now. Caps at 5x base rate for new stats (2400 to a stat)
[37] Rendo 04/24/18 Powerup now boosts all your stats by a bit instead of next to nothing.
[38] Khonsu 04/24/18 Mini Buu slay PL lowered to 15t
[39] Khonsu 04/24/18 Addendum, slay removed completely.
[40] Rendo 04/24/18 Med gains now work at 100k max energy
[41] Rendo 04/24/18 Some adjustments to stat growth, there were some rounding errors (GO FIGURE)
[42] Rendo 04/24/18 Solar/Darkness Flare reduce your chance to hit. Also cuts your block and dodge chance in half.
[43] Rendo 04/24/18 Sense now gives you a basic stat comparison. You want to be Goku, not Krillin.
[44] Rendo 04/24/18 Split powerup shit fixed, only 1 crash <_<
[45] Rendo 04/24/18 Split form now creates at same pl (Split buff), Tri-form old split value, multi old tri value.
[46] Riz 04/25/18 Stat growth increased during spars (player v player) Praise Riz
[47] Ikenbon 04/25/18 Can no longer IT to intro. There is now skip for the Dragon Radar quest (say "I know they're not real Dragonballs"), Vegeta and Android 18 now discuss the new stats and point you to those helpfiles.
[48] Rendo 04/25/18 Icers get a base racial bonus crit increase of 1% to all skills. Ranked icers get 2%. If you crit, your skills grow moar.
[49] Rendo 04/25/18 Ussj/ussj2 hbtc restrictions removed, can gain outside of time chamber.
[50] Ikenbon 04/25/18 Don't mess with Goku.
[51] Rendo 04/25/18 Double Training PAB bonus added. It can roll separately 20% chance, or combined with double gains and damage 10% chance. Doubles skill learning and stat growth.
[52] Rendo 04/25/18 Superpills also trigger double training. Super pills ggm reduced to 200%
[53] Rendo 04/25/18 Mob stats less crazy between 50-800m pl. Might get adjusted up depending on how easy they are.
[54] Rendo 04/26/18 Slist shows energy costs again.
[55] Ryune 04/28/18 Overlords Look out "Bosses" stat buffed
[56] Ryune 04/28/18 Kaio Researchers are no longer sentinel
[57] Ryune 04/29/18 Base Zeni drop of Mobs in Yasai City has been lower to make them less efficient than some Top Tier areas
[58] Ryune 04/29/18 Lotus Temple "Boss Mob" got a slight stat boost
[59] Ikenbon 04/30/18 Cell's stats buffed. Regeneration nerfed. % chance for Solar Flare lowered. Zeni lowered.
[60] Ryune 05/01/18 Gorrim's transformed no longer has 1 pl. 5t now.
[61] Ryune 05/01/18 axehandle given crit message
[62] Rendo 05/01/18 Fixed an issue with mppldamage. You'll probably take a bit of damage from things now.
[63] Rendo 05/02/18 QOL, if you type meditate and you aren't resting/sitting, it'll do it for you and being meditation.
[64] Ikenbon 05/02/18 keyring is layer 256, kanassa quests no longer have a pl requirement
[65] Rendo 05/02/18 Growth/Giant Size/Sauzer, all work, kind of. They don't apply their stats if you use just the skill, but will apply once in your form. Also powering down while in snamek and giant size with growth will break your shit.
[66] Rendo 05/03/18 Added some skilltierness to skills. They affect a skills growth rate. Values will be adjusted, so things may feel slower for a bit.
[67] Rendo 05/03/18 If a skill doesn't have a crit message, it'll use the regular message.
[68] Rendo 05/04/18 Stat growth stops if a spar lasts more than 30 seconds.
[69] Rendo 05/04/18 If you block or dodge an absorb, it no longer drains energy.
[70] Rendo 05/04/18 Can bid on auction items that are above your pl. It'll let you know you can't use it when you bid.
[71] Rendo 05/05/18 In addition to stat growth rates, skill tiers affect skill growth rates. Higher tiers are slower, lower tiers faster.
[72] Ryune 05/05/18 All skills have been assigned a tier of 1-3
[73] Razic 05/05/18 Kanassian skills rebalance/overhaul for damage/cost. Let me know if stuff looks out of whack.
[74] Rendo 05/05/18 If you start a fight with a skill, it does half damage, costs double energy and the delay is twice as long.
[75] Razic 05/06/18 Adjusted some misc. skills. Cleaver is now melee, go wild.
[76] Rendo 05/06/18 Uncapped mob stats a bit more, things will be wonky over 1b.
[77] Rendo 05/06/18 PL gain tiers adjusted.
[78] Rendo 05/07/18 Close to finalizing mob stat shit. Single formula now, less need to balance mobs, need to balance growth rates, see announce.
[79] Rendo 05/07/18 STat growth rates increased a bit
[80] Khonsu 05/07/18 Rendo forgot to tell you that you will not gain stats if you're not gaining PL. so don't go over x5
[81] Rendo 05/07/18 Style buffaroo. Evasive style increases speed growth rate and also dodge chance. Defensive fort growth rate and block chance. Aggressive improves spirit growth. Berserk strength.
[82] Rendo 05/07/18 Sense has an energy cost now.
[83] Rendo 05/08/18 Berserk won't block fleeing now.
[84] Rendo 05/08/18 Powerup stat boost increased from 2% per mod to 4%.
[85] Rendo 05/08/18 Zanzoken is on a single skill now. Zanzoken one works by default, zanzoken two if it's over 50%, zanzoken 3 over 75% and zan instant if maxed and have IT. It doesn't drop while fighting, it turns off at end of fight. Skills growth at 1/4 rate.
[86] Rendo 05/09/18 Old bonuses to styles removed. Damage buffs/reductions, chance to hit modifiers.
[87] Rendo 05/09/18 Weapons nerfed across the board. All weapons use base damage rolls, Konatsu and other weapon related bros get a slight damage buff to compensate
[88] Rendo 05/09/18 Fixed some stat overflow fuckery, we're all good for at least 50 years before someone gets a few billion stats.
[89] Rendo 05/09/18 Bonesword reduced to 20k cost.
[90] Razic 05/10/18 Forms got buffed. Especially lower forms
[91] Rendo 05/12/18 Fort growth rates adjusted up slightly
[92] Rendo 05/12/18 The reuseable repair capsule makes you repair all, say return.
[93] Rendo 05/13/18 Armour damage reduced if hit by smaller hits, or should be, it's late idk :(
[94] Rendo 05/14/18 You'll only ever fight 3 mobs at once now max, so you can't abuse stat growth shit.
[95] Ryune 05/14/18 fixed stupid issue with Tao in north city. Is now working properly.
[96] Rendo 05/14/18 Curve for stat growth stretched out more. Doubles at 5k stats, 4x at 10k.
[97] Ikenbon 05/15/18 removed static_stats from a lot of smobs, also added transformations to several prominent ones. Let me know if the transformations on any smobs make them too hard to fight below their death prog pl checks.
[98] Rendo 05/15/18 If you're in evasive style, dodge rolls before block now. Any other style, block goes first.
[99] Rendo 05/15/18 Booboo fix with fort growth.
[100] Rendo 05/16/18 Splitform hax fixed. Splits now set their stats to your base stats with any forms, instead of current stats, which allowed them to powerup bigly strong.
[101] Rendo 05/16/18 Death/Flee timer affects stat growth, at a lower rate than the pl gains penalty.
[102] Ikenbon 05/17/18 Majin Buu revamped... watch out.
[103] Rendo 05/20/18 Due to weapon damage changes and block/dodge changes, weapons no longer reduce your chance to land attacks.
[104] Rendo 05/20/18 Thoughtcraft now increases your spirit, similar to meditate.
[105] Rendo 05/20/18 Fixed a meditate/thoughtcraft spirit growth bug.
[106] Rendo 05/21/18 Mobs missing you no longer give you speed growth. (It doesn't give you speed growth if you miss)
[107] Razic 05/24/18 Rebalanced all forms. Differences in stats for each form are less pronounced.
[108] Razic 05/24/18 Buffed Cleaver, Tentacle attack is now a melee attack
[109] Rendo 05/26/18 WFF and Kamehameha added to skill driver, their bullshit skill change things no longer work.
[110] Rendo 05/26/18 Kaioken, Growth, Giant Size, Sauzer Blade all removed for the time being.
[111] Rendo 05/27/18 Clones, Minions, Tri/Multi form should all have their stat stuff fixed.
[112] Rendo 05/27/18 Fixed the aurashield stacking bug.... maybe? Other stuff might be broken, didn't really put a lot of thought into it. :b
[113] Rendo 05/30/18 sparcheck/fullreport now track your stat growth since logon
[114] Rendo 09/11/18 Rankkill has the same timer as claimrank now upon logging in.
[115] Rendo 01/21/19 Yasai City is no longer a juicy zeni party.
[116] Rendo 01/30/19 Death penalty affects spirit growth while meditating.
[117] Rendo 02/08/19 Fixed a sparring bug that prevented a player from gaining stats.
[118] Rendo 02/09/19 Fixed a bug with sense <direction> that would move you in that direction if you were out of energy.
[119] Rendo 02/09/19 Fixed the sense message that does stat comparison. Everything is no longer Goku!
[120] Rendo 02/09/19 Updates that happen per second (Timers) no longer work while you're LD.
[121] Rendo 02/10/19 Spirit bonus for meditate gains capped and nerfed.
[122] Rendo 02/14/19 Players Luck stat will change once every 24 hours.
[123] Rendo 03/01/19 Adjusted an issue with demon/ghetti weapon creation that prevented you from making them.
[124] Rendo 03/08/19 You can no longer wish for power of the dragon from Porunga. It may get rehauled in the future and brought back.
[125] Rendo 03/11/19 Fixed a crash that happened with ships trying to land on Namek.
[126] Razic 03/16/19 Fixed layer on roundhouse sneakers so they can be useful
[127] Razic 03/16/19 Gave races who can make swords the Slash ability
[128] Rendo 03/18/19 Adjustments made to spar gains tiers, report anything that even looks remotely off (lower/higher/etc)
[129] Razic 03/20/19 Slash now requires a weapon be wielded
[130] Rendo 03/22/19 MD transformations energy cost adjusted to be in line with other forms.
[131] Razic 03/24/19 Sauzer Slash moved to alist for consistency
[132] Ikenbon 03/29/19 Static_stars flags removed from boss mobs in Kayin.
[133] Ikenbon 03/29/19 static_stats flags removed from boss mobs on vendetta
[134] Ikenbon 04/13/19 increased Jace's PL in C_Rainforest so that he can hold more items and complete his trades.
[135] Ikenbon 04/13/19 Removed some static_stats flags from mobs in Maima_Region
[136] Ikenbon 04/13/19 Removed PL Requirement from T-4 Chip
[137] Ikenbon 04/18/19 Namekian workers now echo when loading their drops.
[138] Rendo 05/09/19 Pushup (str), Shadowbox (spd), and Situp (fort) commands added.
[139] Rendo 08/24/19 Blackstars show up as Big Event in progress when they're out.
[140] Rendo 08/24/19 Blackstars no longer block PABs. While blackstars are out, a player has a 25% chance to increase the PAB trigger chance. (Better than no chance!)
[141] Rendo 09/03/19 Can no longer gain rage if you're not standing.
[142] Ikenbon 09/07/19 Some changes to the drop % for certain 'shady' items.
[143] Rendo 09/14/19 Fixed a crash that occured with mana mend and splits out.
[144] Rendo 09/14/19 Added save writes to obtaining forms to prevent rollbacks from crashes.
[145] Ikenbon 09/16/19 The 'wiki' social has been updated with a link to the new Roleplay WorldAnvil
[146] Ikenbon 09/16/19 help roleplay updated with the new world anvil link
[147] Rendo 09/18/19 Did a thing for Luke. He's so creative.
[148] Ikenbon 09/18/19 I've changed some random % chances in the Godquest / planet plant.
[149] Rendo 09/19/19 Gear stats no longer apply to your character. If you notice any weirdness, let me know.
[150] Rendo 09/20/19 Fixed a crashbug with splitforms.
[151] Rendo 09/20/19 Gear Stats relevant again, read announcement.
[152] Ikenbon 09/20/19 Skybase Cybernetic Beings (you know the ones) had their zeni drops changed
[153] Rendo 09/21/19 Workout commands now follow the same rules as meditate/sparring. (No effect launched or someone elses ship)
[154] Rendo 09/23/19 Stat growth display message now shows what your stat is now at.
[155] Rendo 09/24/19 On maxing a skill, you'll now receive a prompt informing you the skill is maxed.
[156] Ikenbon 09/24/19 Fixed a small bug in ToTED
[157] Rendo 09/28/19 Life regeneration updated. Read announcement for more information.
[158] Rendo 09/28/19 You now receive a prompt when you reach max hp.
[159] Rendo 09/28/19 You will receive a prompt when you begin to heal from sit/rest/sleeping.
[160] Rendo 09/28/19 Ramp up time for healing boosted by fort.
[161] Rendo 09/28/19 Added new heal related commands for consumables for use with the new regen system.
[162] Ikenbon 09/28/19 Double Tacos and Meliorate Items from Ginyu have new healing properties. They no longer heal flat amounts, they give bonuses to healing regen.
[163] Ikenbon 09/28/19 Mystic Pizza, Kuma Spirits, Healing Anhks, Sacred Water Cask, Fusion Vest, Saiyan Bread, and Dinosaur Steaks have ben updated with new regen mechanics.
[164] Rendo 09/29/19 Fighitng multiple mobs no longer gives stat gains.
[165] Ikenbon 09/30/19 A lot more items, and Bulma have been converted to the new regen changes. The mpslay of the police uits in SA13 now check your current hps to determine if they slay.
[166] Ikenbon 10/01/19 Lots of little changes for the Intro to DBI
[167] Rendo 10/04/19 Ramp up time to heal outside of heal rooms reduced by 50%
[168] Rendo 10/04/19 Small bug with aggressive mobs fixed.
[169] Rendo 10/06/19 Gear Stat bonus shows up in score now.
[170] Rendo 10/07/19 Stats can no longer go beyond 20 in the Intro area because people lack reading comprehension.
[171] Ikenbon 10/09/19 Icer Proving Grounds on Ng Yelo has been restored to teach skills. This is a very good area to get basic abilities to 50% that is near Ginyu (You must be able to practice those abilities to learn them but there are additional pl caps built into the quest as well).
[172] Ikenbon 10/09/19 There should be no more items in the game that give flat heals.
[173] Rendo 10/10/19 Couple small fixes to things, nothing important.
[174] Rendo 10/11/19 Bodyslam delay reduced, damage increased, set to tier3 and it only has a 25% chance to knock people down. (Likely to change pending issues)
[175] Rendo 10/11/19 Split, Tri and Multi forms increase learn % by being in them, no longer gain anything from using.
[176] Rendo 10/11/19 Fixed config +brief so it works with the enhanced compass. Useful for mobile users to reduce clutter.
[177] Rendo 10/11/19 Brief now shortens directions on autoexit. North = N, Northeast = Ne, etc
[178] Rendo 10/11/19 Prompts have config +brief options now, default prompts ONLY have colour changing for Ki and HP at certain tiers as warnings
[179] Rendo 10/13/19 Luck applying fixed, was broken since gear stat change.
[180] Rendo 10/13/19 Aggressive mobs show up as @ on the enhanced compass. Pacifist mobs no longer show up on autosense.
[181] Ikenbon 10/14/19 Drop %'s in Cordican Starship have been increased and you might be even more successful on a lucky day.
[182] Ikenbon 10/14/19 Leviathan's drop rates have been increased and you might be even more successful if it's your lucky day.
[183] Rendo 10/15/19 Gag will block the Healing effect wears off message.
[184] Rendo 10/15/19 Only the same mobs will join in combat now, multi mob stat gaining is back but at a reduced rate (75% when you're fighting 2, 66% when you're fighting 3) PL checks may be added for additional balance
[185] Ikenbon 10/16/19 Lots of QoL changes for Mt. Areukk.
[186] Ikenbon 10/18/19 Lots of QoL improvements fro the Infinity Program.
[187] Ikenbon 10/18/19 Kami's Lookout has had its rooms connected so it's less... ugly
[188] Ikenbon 10/18/19 Infinity Program's PL range has been adjusted from 100b-500b to 250b-1t, items from the level have had their pl requirement increased to 75b
[189] Rendo 10/19/19 Moonball will give an update message with 1 minute left letting you know it's about to expire.
[190] Rendo 10/20/19 LLG updated. Base Saiyan gains increased 20%, first tier of LLG roughly same for Saiyans, second tier slight nerf, major nerf for lowest tier (20hp). All races get access to LLG stat rate increase at 20hp, Saiyans and HB get access at the 40 and 60hp benchmarks. Saiyan have best LLG effect.
[191] Rendo 10/20/19 Also have to be within 1.5x pl for LLG to work.
[192] Rendo 10/20/19 Android combat prompt should be fixed.
[193] Rendo 10/20/19 config +brief minimizes skill messages (Everything isn't done yet)
[194] Rendo 10/20/19 Ki Heal, Regenerate and Mana Mend no longer heal. Instead they provide a temporary heal buff. The skills will be reworked properly to fit their new use.
[195] Rendo 10/22/19 Config +brief blocks pl gain messages from damage as well as the red text when you're below 25hp.
[196] Ikenbon 10/22/19 Lorren in Bear Forest has had his zeni rewards for pelts lowered for the larger ones. I recommend when turning in pelts to do them one at a time (don't spam the command) or his mpjunk may missfire. I've also increased his STR so he can hold more items.
[197] Ikenbon 10/25/19 Couple little bugs in Crystal Rainforest addressed.
[198] Ikenbon 10/26/19 EDF members in champions are no longer total pushovers.
[199] Ikenbon 10/26/19 The days of free powerlevel gains at Overlords is over.
[200] Rendo 10/27/19 Stunned bug with < 0 lf should be fixed. You'll heal out of it now.
[201] Ikenbon 10/27/19 Lots of little changes. Fixed some exits in Snake Way, increased drop rates in Ginyu Base. Nappa no longer drops OoLP, but has a new item replacing it with a much better drop chance. Ice-Encrusted Buster Sword is a Konatsu Weapon now. Fixed some colors and some mob stats in Crystal Rainforest.
[202] Ikenbon 10/27/19 Blood Elementals had their damage reduced drastically due to their multi-assist.
[203] Ikenbon 10/28/19 Good guy Blood Elementals are bad guy blood elementals again. :(
[204] Ikenbon 10/28/19 Vendetta's gaining mobs have been given special attacks. I also adjusted some ridiculously low drop percentages.
[205] Rendo 10/28/19 Various bugs fixed.
[206] Rendo 10/29/19 Forums work again!
[207] Rendo 10/29/19 Mana Mend and Regenerate give its own bonus for healing, it boosts the ramp up time and can stack with heal items.
[208] Rendo 10/30/19 Ki Heal has same treatment as Mana Mend and Regenerate. Skills will be redone completely in the future.
[209] Rendo 10/31/19 Brief now reduces text spam for attacks fired by enemies. Default skill colour for mobs changed to purple, green way gross. TOKUSENTAI
[210] Rendo 11/07/19 Added MSSP support. :D
[211] Ikenbon 11/26/19 Sonata Mountains has been added to DBI
[212] Riz 11/27/19 Kayin return console will send you back to Sonata
[213] Ikenbon 11/27/19 Scroll racks in Bushido Temple actually have scrolls now -_-
[214] Ikenbon 11/29/19 Metal Coolers keycard and other drops rates increased (and the keycards should only load if you don't already have one)
[215] Ikenbon 11/29/19 I updated some Konatsu skills with new names / descriptions. There's a few left to do. This might have reset some of your skills, just ask an admin and we'll sset you.
[216] Ikenbon 11/30/19 Until I can figure out why the scroll room isn't resetting, Master Han "sells" the scrolls needed for the Sonata Mountains Resonance Shrine quest.
[217] Ikenbon 12/01/19 It's very ugly but Help SoantaMountains2 provides some additional information about completing the quests and other information to know about the zone.
[218] Ikenbon 12/02/19 Added a new melee skill for all races. Moderate damage with a chance to paralyze.
[219] Ikenbon 12/02/19 Help MeteorStrike added.
[220] Ikenbon 12/03/19 There are still some updates needed to be made, but the roleplay wiki's information regarding rules, posting logs, and acquiring abilities should be accurately reflected now.
[221] Ikenbon 12/04/19 A "State of the 'Verse" article has been added to the RP Wiki under the Setting Information Category that describes current events in RP
[222] Ikenbon 12/04/19 Ox King Valley and John's Farm removed from DBI
[223] Ikenbon 12/05/19 A new article titled "Setting Lore and Character Creation" has been added to the RP Wiki. This article talks about our RP setting and how to make an interesting and dynamic character for CHAT. Hope to see some new bios soon.
[224] Rendo 12/05/19 Thoughtcraft increases at twice its previous rate and has been adjusted to a tier 1 skill (learns faster)
[225] Ikenbon 12/06/19 I've added a more expanded range of mobs to the Kanassa psychic cells (pls 5m-9m) and fixed some of the fighting programs for those mobs.
[226] Ikenbon 12/07/19 I've made some minor changes to crimsoncity. The mobs in the main area have been increased to 500m-5b. The Maze quest for the mask of loathing has been left alone. Some of the demon items dropped in the mansion have been made better (and are statranged). It would take a lot of work to redux this area and fix all its problems and shortcomings. What I'd like to do is instead rebuilt the zone from the ground up using it as a base.
[227] Ikenbon 12/12/19 Gotenks, King Piccolo, and Ultra-Perfect Cell smobs have been updated with the new smob changes (100pl, mpstatmirror progs)
[228] Ikenbon 12/12/19 for the new smob changes, all smobs will be 100 pl (you must be 100 to get their drops), use the 'ready' command to begin battle with them, and their smobdrops will be 100pl requirements only
[229] Ikenbon 12/12/19 Buu has been updated with smob changes
[230] Ikenbon 12/14/19 added a newbie capsule rep to Sonata Mountains
[231] Ikenbon 12/16/19 Color Delux, Rabbit of Caerbogg Cave, Toronto Hockey Player, SSJ4 Vegeta, Bill the Landlord, Super Piggy Bank, Curry Master Maverick, Kaon, Korra, and Master Ca'en have been removed from smoblist.
[232] Ikenbon 12/16/19 Turles, Dabura, and Captain Ginyu (and their items) updated to new smob system
[233] Ikenbon 12/16/19 Kami, Grandpa Gohan, and Frieza have been updated with the new smob changes
[234] Rendo 12/17/19 You can no longer start fights against supermobs with any attack. Kill no longer works on supermobs. Use smobkill to begin combat. It will tell you why you can't.
[235] Ikenbon 12/20/19 Tapion has been updated.
[236] Ikenbon 12/22/19 Janemba updated.
[237] Ikenbon 12/22/19 Janemba has been buffed (watch out) and has a new drop.
[238] Ikenbon 01/15/20 Brolly / Drop updated
[239] Rendo 01/21/20 Fixed a program bug in infinity program, updated Super Android 13 for smob change.
[240] Ikenbon 01/25/20 Super Android 17 and item updated for smobs
[241] Rendo 01/26/20 Hildegarn updated.
[242] Rendo 01/26/20 Smobkill has a delay before you can use skills. :P
[243] Rendo 01/28/20 Evil King Piccolo updated for smobkill.
[244] Rendo 02/01/20 Shenlong fixed.
[245] Rendo 02/01/20 Can no longer donate for supermobs when one is out. Smob PAB won't trigger if an Smob is out.
[246] Rendo 02/02/20 Meteor Strike stun chance reduced a bit.
[247] Rendo 02/03/20 Oozaru and Golden Oozaru give some stats now, report any issues.
[248] Rendo 02/05/20 Fixed Powerup issue with BA Forms.
[249] Rendo 02/07/20 Adjusted the mob stat formula. Mobs have lower stats at lower pls, mobs have been uncapped a bit. 15k is roughly the cap now.
[250] Rendo 02/09/20 Autopowerup bug with powerup corrected.
[251] Rendo 02/09/20 Fixed a quest item that got incorrectly renamed.
[252] Rendo 02/09/20 Fixed mystic issue with autopowerup.
[253] Rendo 02/12/20 Workout commands now scale up by a % amount instead of flat. The base growth rate has been increased. The longer you workout, the more growth you get. It's roughly 30% better now. You also no longer can gain energy while working out, and Androids no longer get their energy regen bonus while working out.
[254] Rendo 02/12/20 Turles programs adjusted to not be so violent
[255] Rendo 02/14/20 Demon King Piccolo and his drop properly updated.
[256] Rendo 02/14/20 Fixed a Luke booboo in Sonata.
[257] Rendo 02/15/20 Skills will land 50% of the time below 50% learned. Skills do half damage below 50% learned. Accuracy and damage increases to full effectiveness from 50-100% learned.
[258] Rendo 02/17/20 Can no longer gain bounties from rankkilling.
[259] Rendo 02/17/20 Captain Ginyu SMOB no longer does his powerup.
[260] Rendo 02/21/20 Scouter Transport no longer works while you're sitting/resting/sleeping.
[261] Rendo 02/21/20 When you start a PK fight, both parties forced to be standing.
[262] Rendo 02/21/20 Suppress and Fly learning speeds improved.
[263] Rendo 02/21/20 Minor changes made to dependencies for tentacle attack and cannonball. Both have had their damage increased.
[264] Rendo 02/22/20 With config +mobile enabled, just typing kill will auto target mobs. If they are stronger than 1.25x you it skips them. Skips players, smobs, pacifist mobs, splits etc. Report any bugs.
[265] Ikenbon 02/24/20 Cherry pies restore fixed.
[266] Rendo 02/26/20 MD form quest corrected in Delta.
[267] Rendo 02/27/20 QOL for PAB Super Pill roll. It will be on a 5 minute timer before it fully activates giving time to notify people, get to gaining areas, etc.
[268] Rendo 02/29/20 Ki restores fully after spars in HBTC.
[269] Rendo 02/29/20 Added nospeedwalk flag to a section of Skybase.
[270] Ikenbon 02/29/20 Sections of the Ginyu Saiba basement removed (creating a gap), armor on Ginyu Hardened Armor reduced. More changes planned.
[271] Ikenbon 03/01/20 Ginyu Base reset time increased from 10 minutes to 13 minutes, all mobs in ginyu base have more attacks.
[272] Ikenbon 03/01/20 Seer's chamber in delta can no longer be IT'd to or spawned in
[273] Ikenbon 03/01/20 Dodoria has been added as a wandering, assist mob on the outer ring of Ginyu Base. The Gold Ginyu Scouter, and Black Spandex armor from the Ginyu shops have been given to her as item drops and removed from the shops.
[274] Ikenbon 03/01/20 Nappa in Ginyu base now assists and wanders the area.
[275] Ikenbon 03/01/20 Raditz in Ginyu Base now wanders, and assists
[276] Ikenbon 03/01/20 King Cold, and Zarbon now wander and assist in Ginyu Base.
[277] Ikenbon 03/02/20 SA Core Processor and Fused Potara Earrings set to 100pl. Also touched up their colors just a little.
[278] Rendo 03/02/20 Made some changes to requisite skills. Energy ball requires 2nd attack. Destructive Wave, Destructo Disk, and a few of the mid level general energy attacks require 3rd attack. Anyone that has progressed past this stage, will have the appropriate skill set for them.
[279] Rendo 03/03/20 If your Strength or Spirit is more than 75% of the opposing stat, 75% of the higher stat is what's used for smob stat mirroring.
[280] Rendo 03/03/20 Slight bug with workout commands and Android energy regen fixed.
[281] Rendo 03/03/20 Supermobs updated to have a scaleable mirror percent now instead of double your stats. This is to allow some smobs to be more challenging then others, and others significantly easier.
[282] Rendo 03/03/20 Saiyan Invasion has been updated. All mobs are flagged as smobs now, so you must use smobkill and the same rules as smobs apply. They use the mirrorpercent now, so the lower class ones are significantly easier than the stronger ones. The stronger ones use more powerful attacks more often. They may be too strong, so adjustments will be made.
[283] Rendo 03/03/20 Kibito Kais SMOB mirror percent adjusted.
[284] Rendo 03/04/20 Saiyan Invasion adjusted. Mobs have had their drop rates doubled. Mobs have had their mirror percents lowered. (King Vegeta was 1.75x your stats, now he's 1.4 as an example) All of their skill useage has been reduced a bit.
[285] Rendo 03/04/20 Day/Night cycle fixed and working now.
[286] Rendo 03/05/20 Total Powerlevel Gained message will show up in red if you have a deathtimer. This is for people who use config +brief/gag
[287] Rendo 03/06/20 Turles SMOB mirrorpercent reduced.
[288] Rendo 03/06/20 Android's have a unique melee skill called Barrier Punch. It's pretty tough.
[289] Ikenbon 03/06/20 adv_newbie academy, galactic dojo and CoE removed from DBI, Legende added.
[290] Rendo 03/07/20 SA 17 SMOB mirror percent adjusted.
[291] Ikenbon 03/07/20 The Orb has entered phase 1.
[292] Ikenbon 03/07/20 Help Orb.
[293] Rendo 03/09/20 Flag used in end of POTK quest updated to not be as rough.
[294] Rendo 03/09/20 Brolly SMOB tweaked, his item improved.
[295] Ikenbon 03/09/20 couple little misc things: added higher respawns for stryx, dryads, and drigers in Sonata. Changed Predator Senses to 1b pl req. Fixed the sign on armada so it tells you to say legende when examining system. Fixed some spawn problems and lowered spamming for the ORB. Other ORB stuff.
[296] Ikenbon 03/10/20 Fixed some bugs in the Sonata Quest with Yarrow's letters, the Spirit Flower should work as intended now, and the Training Dummies in the Bushido Training Grounds now explode and won't "respawn" until reset happens.
[297] Rendo 03/11/20 Hildegarn SMOB mirrorpercent adjusted down a smidge, his slay is significantly less common now.
[298] Ikenbon 03/11/20 Broly juiced a little. His mpstatmirror has been increased, but his damage reduction was lessened. Item drop changed to reflect the DBS Broly waistrobe
[299] Ikenbon 03/11/20 Some slight adjustments: Mini Majin Buus in Hologram Sagas have been given some more punch to their attacks. I've made some adjustment to the Asgard Clones (basically lowered tri-beam to 3% from 10% but added some more mid-tier skills in between and flattened out the higher % skills to be less damaging)
[300] Ikenbon 03/11/20 Li Shenlong removed from smoblist. Prince Vegeta added to smoblist.
[301] Rendo 03/11/20 Sense messages now change the + to different colours depending on your stats vs their stats. Red Yellow Green Blue White order from terrifying to ez pz.
[302] Rendo 03/11/20 Made some adjustments to the pl gains penalty to tiers. It used to fall off at 1.75x hard, when it was intended to fall off after 2x+. Should make gaining slightly easier when you're moving on to stronger enemies.
[303] Rendo 03/12/20 Electric Shield for Androids nerfed. Used to hit 1500 added to armour, now only does 1k.
[304] Rendo 03/12/20 All Androids have a higher armour cap now, each Android racerank increases it further.
[305] Rendo 03/12/20 Android skills now have rankbonus, though weaker than the other Races. Only applies for War Machine and Terminator.
[306] Rendo 03/12/20 Darkness Illusion Melee skilled added to Ghettis.
[307] Ikenbon 03/12/20 Halfbreeds now have 'SDS' (Soaring Dragon Strikes), the move that Gohan used to obliterate Cell and Cell Jr's.
[308] Ikenbon 03/12/20 help sds added
[309] Ikenbon 03/12/20 help darknessillusion added
[310] Rendo 03/12/20 Trap Ball updated to be a melee skill for Icers. Removed as absorbable for Bio-Androids. Requisites updated.
[311] Ikenbon 03/12/20 Namekian now possess the melee skill 'Demon Rend'. Help Demonrend added.
[312] Ikenbon 03/12/20 Help Barrierpunch added
[313] Ikenbon 03/12/20 Hydians have received Ruthless Hyacinth as a new melee move. Help RuthlessHyacinth
[314] Ikenbon 03/12/20 Demons have had cleaver's damage reduced, and gained Bunkai Crusher as a higher tier melee ability. Help Bunkaicrusher.
[315] Ikenbon 03/12/20 Kaios now possess the Spirit Severance melee skill. Help SpiritSeverance
[316] Ikenbon 03/13/20 Melee skill Volleyball Attack added for humans. (Help VolleyballAttack)
[317] Ikenbon 03/13/20 Kanassians now have the Vital Point Attack melee skill (Help VitalPointAttack)
[318] Ikenbon 03/13/20 removed nocontainer flags from AotEDF
[319] Ikenbon 03/13/20 The gaining mobs in Vessen have a higher chance to respawn, but they're more equipped to fight as well.
[320] Ikenbon 03/13/20 Mid Tier Saiyans in OL have been weakened slightly. I increased the drop rates on most of the named NPCs in the area except for the Auras (I think)
[321] Ikenbon 03/13/20 Meteor Strike's chance to paralyze has been increased, but its duration is only 1 round. Damage slightly reduced both min/max.
[322] Ikenbon 03/13/20 A new melee skill called Telekinesis (Help Telekinesis) has been added for nameks, kaios, humans, kanassians, bio-androids, and icers
[323] Ikenbon 03/14/20 Final Shine removed. Spirit Bomb added for Saiyans (help SpiritBomb)
[324] Ikenbon 03/14/20 Bulma has been added to smoblist ("piggy bank")
[325] Ikenbon 03/14/20 Soul Discharge has been reskinned as 'Solar Kamehameha' (Help Solar Kamehameha)
[326] Ikenbon 03/14/20 Saiyans can now learn the Kaioken Rush ability from King Kai in snake-way. (Help KaiokenRush)
[327] Ikenbon 03/14/20 Beerus, God of Destruction added to smoblist.
[328] Rendo 03/15/20 Block/Dodge automatically turn back on when you spar.
[329] Rendo 03/15/20 The Spar and Split Sparring stat boost that was added forever ago, didn't work. Now it does and it's also settable in game for easy balancing.
[330] Rendo 03/15/20 Capped out workout commands at 25k energy as the max drain. This allows people with more energy to workout longer generating better stat growth.
[331] Rendo 03/15/20 Can no longer kitransfer people who are working out. Fixed the display messages stopping for workout commands.
[332] Rendo 03/15/20 Armour no longer gets damaged, nor mitigates damage while sparring.
[333] Rendo 03/16/20 Fixed block/dodge bug with sparring <_< >_>.
[334] Rendo 03/16/20 Adjusted stat growths of workout commands, they should scale a bit better the further you go.
[335] Rendo 03/16/20 Block/Dodge enabled by default. No longer able to turn them off.
[336] Rendo 03/16/20 Added a 4th skill tier, moving all "ultimates" into that tier. They have the same growth rate as before. Adjusted tiers of most other skills, as well as damage and speed. Some skills are weaker, some slower, some stronger.
[337] Rendo 03/17/20 Rejoice Nameks, Kaios, and Hydians. Your forms now are variable again from 1-3. form 1 gives you 50% stat boost, 2 is 75% of your forms max, and 3 is max.
[338] Ikenbon 03/18/20 Increased drops on Quetz from Deadzone.
[339] Ikenbon 03/18/20 The rooms for Isaac and Bethany on cordican/leviathan are now healing rooms
[340] Ikenbon 03/19/20 Changed "how" the drop for Hydra in Vessen Village rolls. You have a chance to load the item on each kill instead of just when it dies.
[341] Ikenbon 03/20/20 Fixed a bug in Salome's Castle.
[342] Rendo 03/20/20 Preservation/Regen spawning you at old CoE fixed.
[343] Rendo 03/22/20 If you uh... have more than 8k armour, you'll notice you're taking more damage now. Royally fucked up when I did Android armour cap change. Whoops!
[344] Ikenbon 03/24/20 Cooler added to smoblist.
[345] Rendo 03/26/20 Section of POTK made nogain to prevent abuse.
[346] Ikenbon 03/28/20 Adjust the mirrorpercent on Dabura from 100 to 50, increased the crystal drop rates from Pysaibamen in Crystal Rainforest, and changed the Planeswalker gear to match colors.
[347] Ikenbon 03/28/20 Raditz added to smoblist
[348] Ikenbon 03/28/20 Fixed the exit in Kami's Lookout. Made the Yesterwind Thief from Yemmas Vault pacifist. Fixed typo in SDS. Added hitroom description for Burning-slash. Fixed color codes on Reliquary of the Void.
[349] Ikenbon 03/30/20 Fixed some of the CC teleporters that would send you to CoE. Added ICERD to the transporters on LEGENDE.
[350] Ikenbon 03/31/20 Made some changes to western desert drops. Added some high luck drop rates, gave some items a recolor on their names and adjusted the stats on one or two.
[351] Rendo 03/31/20 Ranged gear now applies to stat bonuses. Whoops!
[352] Rendo 04/01/20 Smobs start at full life every fight.
[353] Rendo 04/01/20 help channel updated. Has a link to download a MiniChat plugin for Mushclient, courtesy of Kaiza.
[354] Rendo 04/01/20 Corrected a minor bug with the daily luck roll.
[355] Rendo 04/02/20 Corpses are no longer able to be picked up.
[356] Ikenbon 04/02/20 Elementals Avatars in OL have had their drop rates increased and a high luck chance added.
[357] Rendo 04/03/20 HBTC gains boosted a bit with a low chance for a big boost (1 in 8). HBTC boosts stat growth by 50%
[358] Ikenbon 04/03/20 Changed some of the drops in Yasai Jungle to stat range. Icreased drop rates. Added luck drops. Added jewel drops.
[359] Rendo 04/04/20 Added a program to Armada. Say available in the rooms with Fake Chamber and Heaven will tell if the rooms are in use or available. No further reimbursements will be given out for lost keys.
[360] Ikenbon 04/04/20 Jewel drops added to Big Getti Star
[361] Ikenbon 04/04/20 Jewel drops added to Mount Areukk
[362] Rendo 04/05/20 Reduced an idle disconnect thing to boot people faster (Helps prevent already connected issue)
[363] Ikenbon 04/06/20 Buffed z-sword to +17 all. Gave it the "keep" flag (if you die, you 'keep' it), and lowered pl req to 5t
[364] Ikenbon 04/06/20 I've added a new gemtype for the "Jeweler" on LEGENDE. Chipped Gems spawn on Yasai and Castle Vegeta for the moment at a much higher rate than normal gemstones. 10 Chipped Gems can be turned in to 'Jim' the Gemelizer to create a jewel shard of your choice (amethyst, ruby, sapphire, or topaz)
[365] Ikenbon 04/07/20 Dont. Fuck. With. Goku.
[366] Ikenbon 04/07/20 Goku's early forms have 3 new stat-ranged drops. Luck helps. Also, maybe some really secret happens if you have enough luck. >:)
[367] Rendo 04/08/20 Drowning/Choking to death no longer generates death certificates. They also give you a deathtimer. Anyone who abused this for "shady" things better contact us or we'll smite.
[368] Ikenbon 04/11/20 Jim should no longer mpjunk gemstones
[369] Rendo 04/18/20 HCs now have a stat gaining penalty (90%)
[370] Rendo 04/18/20 NoAssist mobs actually work properly now and should join in all the time instead of what seemed randomly.
[371] Rendo 04/18/20 MultiMob stat growth reduced significantly.
[372] Rendo 04/18/20 Attacks that blind avoidance chance decreased significantly.
[373] Rendo 04/18/20 Landing ship range increased.
[374] Rendo 04/19/20 Overlords Champions respawn rate reduced. The number of Champions reduced (Too many, too easy)
[375] Rendo 04/19/20 Babidi Saga Majins buffed. Their wombo combo is actually dangerous now.
[376] Rendo 04/19/20 Worms and Mini Super Buus respawn a bit more. Worms do more stuff. Buus adjusted a little.
[377] Rendo 04/19/20 Made some adjustments to Deadzone. Imps have been increased to 2t, mobs have a wider range of skills. Some mobs respawn more often, there are also more mobs in some places.
[378] Ikenbon 04/24/20 I've added a new page to the RP world anvil that discusses techniques and inventions to provide a guideline for new players and some advice.
[379] Ikenbon 05/02/20 Aroun social added.
[380] Ikenbon 05/15/20 CCARRF: Fusion Reborn added to DBI
[381] Ikenbon 05/27/20 gem should be fixed for bios/mds
[382] Khonsu 06/04/20 Namekian Wilds has been added to DBI.
[383] Rendo 06/13/20 Fixed an issue with Beerus that affected people with lower stats.
[384] Rendo 06/14/20 Cleaned up some warnings in the code. Things may explode since I'm bad. <_<
[385] Ikenbon 07/04/20 Darkness Badge + Shadows Superspeed mpkirestore BS nerfed.
[386] Rendo 07/06/20 Fixed a dirty dirty workout exploit.
[387] Rendo 07/07/20 Fixed SSJ failure, whoops!
[388] Ikenbon 07/09/20 Fixed the pl's on the otherworld fighters on grand kai's planet, and it shouldn't be possible for dballs to spawn in FR anymore (hopefully)
[389] Ikenbon 07/09/20 Master Han in the Bushido Temple now instructs you to type 'list' to see the scrolls for his test
[390] Rendo 07/14/20 Eldraxalion from Vessen Village has stats now. :o
[391] Ikenbon 07/23/20 Adjusted the Ginyubase Saibamen chambers
[392] Ikenbon 07/24/20 Added another clue to the zanzoken quest regarding the captain's door, and changed the verbage of the echo in the deadly encounter quest to specially tell you to type the underscores.
[393] Ikenbon 08/03/20 Mercenary Tao added to smoblist.
[394] Rendo 08/08/20 Meditate gets slightly better the more spirit you have for spirit growth. (Until future changes :P)
[395] Ikenbon 08/12/20 fixed some echoes in the Zanzoken quest and increased the time between the majority of echoes throughout the deadly encounter sequence (so you have more time to read it)
[396] Ikenbon 08/13/20 General Blue (from dragonball) added to smoblist. He drops several items that have a stat-range so the smoblist won't be able to detail his items beyond the name/pl req/layers and flags.
[397] Ikenbon 08/13/20 (1) Ginyu Base reset freq. adjusted from 13 to 17, Bear Forest reset frequency from 9 to 12, Dark Haven from 15 to 12. (2) I also cleaned up some progs on Marron (from CC) to make it easier to get the Hologram passkey. (3) I added Oolong to the Intro to DBI. He teaches you about the GBOARD system and gives new players a handout with other useful starting tips and HFILES.
[398] Ikenbon 08/17/20 Master Roshi added to smoblist. Each kill adds 500k zeni to doubles.
[399] Ikenbon 08/17/20 Fixed the hitroom and hitvictim echoes for Multi-Tribeam
[400] Ikenbon 08/17/20 new android melee skill: endgame
[401] Ikenbon 08/17/20 Help Endgame added
[402] Ikenbon 08/17/20 New Android finisher and hfile added: Hellzone Barrier
[403] Ikenbon 08/18/20 I have done my best to baby-proof the Honden by having the Gohei's push you out of the room if you're at the wrong one at the wrong time. If you still lose your seal you can speak to Yasao inside the Honden for more.
[404] Ikenbon 08/18/20 Blackstar Dballs can no longer spawn in the quest sections of Planet EvE
[405] Ikenbon 08/18/20 (1) Fixed the Monster Hunter and Sonicshield hfiles (2) Fixed some descriptions for Ronin Betrayers in the Honden, and some room descriptions in the Zanzoken Quest (3) Added some checks for npcs in cordican (4) Gave more keywords to ice owls in Soltari
[406] Ikenbon 08/18/20 (5) Also added exits for the water basin in bear forest, and the Koi Pond in Sonata so that if you don't have fly you can escape.
[407] Ikenbon 08/18/20 (6) Fixed a bunch of typos in rooms descriptions. (7) Fixed typo / updated skill description for Destructo Disk (8) Fixed a typo in Help LEGENDE (9) Fixed typos reported in Fusion Reborn (10) fixed hfile for Multi-tribeam (11) Fixed reported typos in the Intro (12) Fixed room desctription typo in Yardrat Forest (13) Fixed some typos on Kanassa (14) Nerfed the x10 Kamehameha and fixed typos on Goku (15) A bunch of other little misc things.
[408] Ikenbon 08/19/20 Nerfed the Frozen Quiver, Scouter, Helmet, and Visor from Skybase. Ragnarok Warhammer has been made into a Konatsu weapon. Honor's stats have been smoothed out. All the cybernetic enhancements, bracings, and skeletons have been changed to stat-ranged.
[409] Ikenbon 08/19/20 Nasus in Skybase will now trade in cybernetic skeletons, bracings, and enhancements for zeni.
[410] Ikenbon 08/19/20 You can now give Ronin and Ninja items from the Honden tombs to Yasao for some zeni. You can also now give items found in the upper floor of the Honden to the attendant at the entrance for a small amount of zeni.
[411] Ikenbon 08/19/20 You can turn in Hardened Ginyu Gear to Solrun at the beginning of TotED area for zeni, and you can now turn in items from inside the temple to the Solrun outside the temple.
[412] Ikenbon 08/20/20 You can now give Mithria Nanotech and Mithria Meta-skeleton items from Infinity Program to Gamma Program for zeni.
[413] Ikenbon 08/20/20 You can trade invasion gear to the wounded namek in maima for some zeni.
[414] Ikenbon 08/21/20 The wounded namek in Maima can now actually trade in invasion items for zeni. If you have any old Scout belts, they won't work, however. I had to change their name in order to make the program fire correctly.
[415] Ikenbon 08/22/20 The Tailor in Soltair City can now accept the Primrose Bandit Gear for zeni.
[416] Rendo 08/22/20 Added a new mob flag for Ikenbon. Oh oh.....
[417] Ikenbon 08/24/20 There is a mob now in Legende (IT point is 'sell' or you can go north of the Legende IT point) who will buy items from you. I set every item in the game to have a cost. As of the time of this change shopset isn't working as intended, and he's only buying for 10% of the value. If you sell something to this mob, it's gone, it will not bein reimbursed whatsoever.
[418] Ikenbon 08/24/20 Other misc change: I buffed purple chains (but they're stat ranged). I buffed Vortex gear (and they're stat range). I adjusted a bunch of color codes, change the names of the "Devil" items from shadowbrook and removed their biblical echoes. Probably a bunch of other stuff...
[419] Ikenbon 08/26/20 I added a little hint about the 'staircase' in the intro where a lot of new folks get stuck.
[420] Ikenbon 09/05/20 wayne social added
[421] Rendo 10/21/20 Fixed an issue with Salome Capsules not spawning correctly.
[422] Rendo 10/25/20 Can land and launch ships on BattleNova again.
[423] Rendo 10/27/20 Senzu Beans disappearing on death, while in inventory fixed.
[424] Ikenbon 10/31/20 Black Spandex Bodyarmor from Ginyu Base nerfed.
[425] Rendo 11/12/20 Fixed Shady man death certificate bug.
[426] Ikenbon 11/16/20 Tailor in Soltari temporary disabled until I have time to work on him.
[427] Ikenbon 11/19/20 infinite roomba bug in Sonata should be fixed
[428] Rendo 11/19/20 Some adjustments made to the Creepy Tomb and the Tomb Demons in POTK
[429] Ikenbon 11/21/20 fixed a little thing in the IT moonbase
[430] Ikenbon 11/23/20 Super Android 17's slay has been removed, his other fighting progs were buffed.
[431] Ikenbon 11/23/20 I have redesigned Hirudegarn. He has 2 new drops. The music box is a reuseable repair capsule, and the sinew is a stat-range item.
[432] Rendo 11/27/20 Maima, Yasao, and Nasus all should work now with their gear exchange things.
[433] Rendo 11/29/20 Monster Hunter mobs drop 0 zeni now.
[434] Rendo 12/01/20 No longer heal standing in HBTC, only full heal after spars.
[435] Rendo 12/01/20 Sparring PL gains tightened, optimal gains are within 1.25x. Going beyond that they drop off. Over 2x is 0 gains.
[436] Rendo 12/01/20 You can only use tier 1 and 2 skills while sparring now. See announcement for reasons why.
[437] Rendo 12/01/20 Spar timer for sparring splits in HBTC increased to 2 minutes. Decreases at same rate it did before (4 seconds to reset) while inside HBTC. Goes at normal rate outside. Prevents walking in and sparring split, then leaving to maximize sparring time.
[438] Rendo 12/01/20 Skilltiers added to alist/slist
[439] Ikenbon 12/02/20 increased drop rate of lotus flowers
[440] Ikenbon 12/07/20 increased drop rate of invader's rune, removed static_stats from the vegeta mob
[441] Rendo 12/07/20 Androids can use the Ki Fountain again (Was removed before when we had unlimited ki)
[442] Ikenbon 12/09/20 Solar Kame adjusted to Tier4
[443] Ikenbon 12/09/20 This might be reversed, but for now I've set Demon Rend and Volleyball attack to skilltier 3
[444] Ikenbon 12/09/20 Nerfed stats on the cybernetic meta-skeleton gear from Ginyu Base. Removed the wander flag from Raditz, Nappa, Zarbon, and King Cold. Removed the 'ginyu' keyword from Dodoria.
[445] Ikenbon 12/09/20 Nerfed Primrose Gear (any versions currently loaded I believe are now 0 stats), and removed the gender prog that prevents non males from wearing them.
[446] Ikenbon 12/15/20 Deathball, and Aurora Flare changed to skill tier 4
[447] Rendo 12/18/20 OMC starts at 100 now for Saiyans/HB
[448] Rendo 12/28/20 Split timers are fixed for the Artificial Time Chamber.
[449] Rendo 12/31/20 Adjusted some skill tiers since some skills were power for tier they were in. (Double dodon get rekt)
[450] Rendo 01/03/21 Grandpa Gohan adjusted. He's a lower level SMOB now.
[451] Khonsu 01/04/21 Adjusted vessen village PL's to have more variance. War's Minions 4t and Heaven Warriors 5t. (copyright Rendo)
[452] Rendo 01/05/21 Most of Crystal Rainforest and Yasai City set so you can't IT to the rooms. See note.
[453] Khonsu 01/05/21 Maima area should not allow IT'ing to most rooms anymore as well.
[454] Rendo 01/11/21 Sense no longer works while in combat. Sense area has a delay on it. Sense planet has a larger delay. (To prevent sense spam PVP related you cowards)
[455] Rendo 01/17/21 Buu Smobs have had their heals reduced and stat mirror reduced (Was double before). Drop rates reduced to make up for the nerf. NERFS FOR NERFS.
[456] Rendo 01/17/21 Ultra Perfect Cell adjusted a bit. He has less stat mirror now, has an adjusted heal program and his drop rate increased slightly.
[457] Rendo 01/18/21 Fixed the double Goku program in Fusion Reborn.
[458] Rendo 01/18/21 Fixed a boo-boo I made a long time ago. Mobs can have races again without resetting to Saiyan.
[459] Rendo 01/18/21 Capsule Corp all mobs updated with proper races.
[460] Rendo 01/18/21 All Android mobs should be set as Android again. :o
[461] Ikenbon 01/21/21 Mt. Areukk, Ginyu Base, Frieza's Castle, Icer Training Grounds, and ICERD have had their gaining mobs race-set.
[462] Ikenbon 01/21/21 Also, Skybase Tempest
[463] Ikenbon 01/22/21 Kanassa, Crystal Rainforest, Cordican, and Leviathan mobs race-set
[464] Ikenbon 01/22/21 Vessen Village, Vendetta, and Overlords Lookour have been race-set. Do not bug me about these if the races don't match up to descriptions.
[465] Ikenbon 01/22/21 Crimson City, Shadowbrook, and Darkhaven have been race-set
[466] Ikenbon 01/22/21 BGS, Planet Namek, and Dragon Temple race-set
[467] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Maima Region, and Namekian Wilds have been race-set.
[468] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Planet EvE, Primrose Desert, Lotus Temple, and Rose City have been race-set
[469] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Myuu Lab, Kayin, and Frieza's Ship have been race-set.
[470] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Yardrat Village, Temple, Moonbase, and Forest have been race-set. I used 'Ghetti' for Yardrats.
[471] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Soltari City, Castle Vegeta Yasai Jungle, and Yasai City have been race-set (EZ street)
[472] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Western Forest, Bear Forest, Gin Mountains, and Sector 8 have been race-set
[473] Ikenbon 01/23/21 Yemma's Vault, Snake Way, and Grand Kai Planet race-set
[474] Rendo 01/23/21 Hint added in Jingle Village for the location of the hidden Petal
[475] Ikenbon 01/25/21 Feldron, Rebel Base, and Polluted Delta have been race-set
[476] Ikenbon 01/25/21 Devastated Garden, Bibidi's Stronghold, Planet of the Kais, Roshi's Island, and West City race-set
[477] Ikenbon 01/25/21 Kami's Lookout, Z Mountains, and Piccolo's Wilderness race-set.
[478] Ikenbon 01/26/21 CCARRF - Tree of Might, CCARRF - SA13, and Western Desert race-set.
[479] Rendo 01/27/21 Can no longer use smobkill while splitformed.
[480] Rendo 01/27/21 Scatter Shot style skills have had their delay reduced.
[481] Ikenbon 01/28/21 tfspopoo added
[482] Ikenbon 01/28/21 tfstien and tfsgoku socials added
[483] Ikenbon 01/30/21 /./ | :: | -/ -:- | /:\ | :\ :-: | \:\ : | .:. | : | .:- | -/ | :.: | :-: | :.: | :.
[484] Ikenbon 01/31/21 help showrank updated to be consistent with help rankrules
[485] Ikenbon 01/31/21 gong social added
[486] Ikenbon 01/31/21 Angouleme social added
[487] Rendo 02/01/21 Roshi SMOB now banks the doubles and releases after item drop. If only King Kai were here to celebrate.
[488] Ikenbon 02/01/21 King Kai added to smoblist.
[489] Ikenbon 02/02/21 North City and Holograms race-set
[490] Ikenbon 02/02/21 Deadzon, Jingle Village, and LEGENDE have been race-set.
[491] Ikenbon 02/02/21 Fusion Reborn, and Sonata Mountains have been race-set. All gainable mobs in DBI now have a race.
[492] Ikenbon 02/03/21 PL Requirements for Tiers have been removed, and the Red's necessary for achieving RP Tiers have been adjusted.
[493] Ikenbon 02/03/21 ginyu social added
[494] Rendo 02/03/21 Config +Mobile kill now has a delay like regular kill if there are no mobs present.
[495] Rendo 02/03/21 All skills now have a delay if there is no target.
[496] Rendo 02/03/21 Aggressive mobs have a delay when you engage them in combat.
[497] Ikenbon 02/04/21 Yokai, and Indon socials added
[498] Ikenbon 02/05/21 RPP in-game rewards, and benchmark custom items no longer purchasable.
[499] Khonsu 02/06/21 help mysocial added
[500] Ikenbon 02/06/21 Added a new section for Lenne / Caimen on the master Arc page of the RP forums, and updated other arcs.
[501] Khonsu 02/06/21 help rpdeath, 100 lines of bliss
[502] Khonsu 02/07/21 help rpcopycolor, REJOICE, copying colors for RP just become very easy
[503] Ikenbon 02/07/21 -- This article describes our new RP Energy rules, and guidelines. I will be working this week to update other RP articles on the worldanvil, and our in-game hfiles.
[504] Rendo 02/14/21 rpenergy command added for setting your rpenergy. It posts on chat ooc whether you increased or decreased. Additional stuff will be added for it, like reasons for admin tracking purposes.
[505] Rendo 02/14/21 rpskill# commands added for creating rpskills. You need an authorized bio for it. It shows up in rpfinger, you need it authorized to see it. (Currently only rpskill1 is done, will add more later)
[504] Rendo 02/14/21 rpenergy command added for setting your rpenergy. It posts on chat ooc whether you increased or decreased. Additional stuff will be added for it, like reasons for admin tracking purposes.
[505] Rendo 02/14/21 rpskill# commands added for creating rpskills. You need an authorized bio for it. It shows up in rpfinger, you need it authorized to see it. (Currently only rpskill1 is done, will add more later)
[506] Ikenbon 02/16/21 There may be some tweaks to this article, but Onekay and I discussed making the criteria we use to award RPP points available to the players, and encouraging roleplay logs to include a "Synopsis" of the roleplay in the header of the log. You can find this information in the link:
[507] Khonsu 02/21/21 Updated help files for rpenergy, rperecovery, rpmasterskills, rpfreebies, rpskillslots, and rpgalaxy. These may be subject to change in the coming days/weeks.
[508] Rendo 02/22/21 rpskill1-5 added
[509] Ikenbon 02/27/21 The Enhanced Ability Slot System is live:
[510] Ikenbon 02/28/21 The New RP Rewards are live:
[511] Ikenbon 02/28/21 The RP Dragonballs are no longer innert!
[512] Khonsu 02/28/21 help rprewards, rpbenchmark, rpbcreation, rpdragonball, rpdragonball2 have been added. skill slots and other rp helpfiles for skill slots should be up to date with current info from the world anvil
[513] Ikenbon 03/18/21 Yamcha now warns newbies if their pl is <=150 before they head on to Tien
[514] Ikenbon 03/18/21 Tien, Yamcha, and Buu in the intro are all trainers now. Tien heals you after fights.
[515] Ikenbon 04/19/21 Roshi's mirror percent nerfed. Slay removed. Full power kame nerfed.
[516] Rendo 05/06/21 Fixed a prog bug with Tien in the intro zone.
[517] Rendo 05/22/21 If doubles are active when you login, you'll receive a message with how much duration is left and of what kind.
[518] Rendo 06/08/21 Hurrah! Custom prompts now utilize the QOL colour changes for your HP and KI.
[519] Rendo 06/23/21 Weapon damage no longer displays for anaylze and auction info because it does nothing.
[520] Rendo 06/25/21 Demon Weapon requirement moved down to be accessible earlier.
[521] Rendo 06/27/21 Minions temporarily removed due to heal abuse thinger.
[522] Rendo 06/30/21 Should no longer get sneak attacked by your split trying to takeover as you if you were mid spar in HBTC.
[523] Rendo 07/01/21 Various fixes to exploitable parts to the Monster Hunter Quest.
[524] Rendo 07/01/21 Fixed BA Tailsuck issue with Android mobs and mobile kill.
[525] Ikenbon 07/07/21 Warpcrystal Swamp added to DBI
[526] Ikenbon 07/07/21 Help warpcrystalswmp for more area information
[527] Ikenbon 07/07/21 bigarealist and kanassaplanet hfiles updated
[528] Ikenbon 07/07/21 Teleporter for WCS added to LEGENDE
[529] Ikenbon 07/07/21 fixed some bad teleports in WCS
[530] Rendo 07/07/21 Fixed an issue with armourshred.
[531] Rendo 07/08/21 Repair mobs should no longer be derps and repair if they're blinded/can't see
[532] Ikenbon 07/09/21 fixed the 'missing' shop on sonata_mountainss
[533] Ikenbon 07/09/21 I went through and tested/repaired all the konatsu soul weapons with the smith.
[534] Ikenbon 07/09/21 Fixed progs on Primrose Desert gear
[535] Ikenbon 07/11/21 The ecosystem in WCS should be fixed now.
[536] Rendo 07/12/21 Added a mobflag for Luke and his ecosystem
[537] Ikenbon 07/12/21 More tweaks to the ecosystem. Should be less animals, they should despawn better, and they shouldn't show up on compass.
[538] Ikenbon 07/13/21 Phase 2.
[539] Ikenbon 07/17/21 Goku Black is watching.
[540] Ikenbon 07/17/21 Goku Black added to player kill list.
[541] Ikenbon 07/17/21 Goku Black added to smob list
[542] Ikenbon 07/17/21 Rendo donated his time to something long asked for.
[543] Ikenbon 07/18/21 Class I/II/III/IV armor has been nerfed. The armor values on these items were extremely out of balance for their slot (that slot's maxarmor value was 100, class IV armor gave 1100). If you have any of these old versions drop/sac them or talk to me and I'll oinvoke a new one.
[544] Rendo 07/18/21 PAB Double Training issue fixed.
[545] Ikenbon 07/19/21 I removed the requirement to get the 4 different ritual paints for the TotED quest. The books should load in sequence in order to finish the quest.
[546] Ikenbon 07/19/21 TotED aura has been nerfed.
[547] Ikenbon 07/19/21 I have "buffed" the tri-tune mask from OL. It is a stat-range item, and I gave it armor (it has a pretty high load chance).
[548] Ikenbon 07/19/21 I nerfed Rainbow Coral necklaces as well btw
[549] Rendo 07/21/21 T5 added, skills moved around a bit. T3 skills can be used in spars. Report any massive issues (Damage should be around 25-38) for T3s assuming same pl/stats. Anything beyond or below that needs adjusted.
[550] Rendo 07/22/21 If you're below 1m base, Yemma sends you to LEGENDE.
[551] Rendo 07/22/21 If you're below 1m pl, you can use stuck to transport to LEGENDE.
[552] Rendo 07/22/21 Fixed it so you can't kill an important Yardrat IT mob.
[553] Rendo 07/22/21 Smobs in LEGENDE no longer give you a death penalty. Anywhere else they do. Goku says hi.
[554] Rendo 07/24/21 SA 13 drop rate boosted, and mirror percent reduced slightly.
[555] Rendo 07/26/21 Lights will now display on analyze/auction if they are a permanent light/how much remaining time is left.
[556] Rendo 07/26/21 Also fixed Cooler bracer item. It wasn't set to an armour type so it wasn't granting armour it had set.
[557] Rendo 07/27/21 Fixed a transformation bug with the range forms and powerup.
[558] Rendo 07/29/21 Fixed a crash issue with WCS because Luke didn't like Khonsu being the most recent MY AREA BLOWS UP MUD champion
[559] Rendo 08/01/21 Fixed a spawn issue with WCS that could/did break the MUD.
[560] Khonsu 08/11/21 Listen social added...
[561] Ikenbon 08/12/21 Majin Wasteland added to DBI
[562] Ikenbon 08/12/21 Help Majinwasteland
[563] Ikenbon 08/16/21 I lowered the sonata quest stat requirement for Saichiko's quest from 400, to 200
[564] Rendo 08/16/21 Can no longer start a spar in zanzoken, or use zanzoken in a spar.
[565] Rendo 08/18/21 History snippet added for channel histories. FUCK. OFF.
[566] Rendo 08/18/21 Khonsu building thing added. Oh my.
[567] Rendo 08/18/21 Stone Spit updated. No longer destroys gear, but wipes armour off the chosen piece. Chance to happen much higher. Also does damage. Pew.
[568] Rendo 08/19/21 Broly's drop rate doubled.
[569] Rendo 08/21/21 Flash Freeze damage reduced slightly, Death Ball "better" as a result.
[570] Rendo 08/24/21 Bonesword and Demonweapon start at 100%
[571] Rendo 08/24/21 Leffa is fixed. Praise.
[572] Khonsu 08/25/21 You no longer slip on ice if you fly.
[573] Rendo 08/25/21 Updated Planet Namek with better prompt/hints to proceed through quest.
[574] Rendo 08/25/21 Can no longer delete while you're helled.
[575] Rendo 08/30/21 Fixed autopower bug.
[576] Rendo 09/01/21 King Kai/Roshi or whoever smob, does 10 minutes minimum now for their doubles.
[577] Rendo 09/01/21 Hydian day bonuses also check for indoors sector. If you're indoors (room isn't flagged indoors) it won't work.
[578] Ikenbon 09/02/21 armorshred removed from Janempa/Janemba in FR
[579] Rendo 09/02/21 Fixed a crash bug. Monster Hunter Belt echos only send to the person now.
[580] Rendo 09/03/21 Variable Transformations now apply first form correctly.
[581] Ikenbon 09/23/21 You can now give Yeva Primrose Desert gear for zeni.
[582] Ikenbon 09/24/21 The veils and the dresses for primrose that have been loaded before this change will not be tradeable unfortunately due to color codes.
[583] Rendo 10/20/21 Polluted Delta set to nospeedwalk.
[584] Rendo 11/25/21 Paralysis skills fixed for sure in HBTC/Arty/Maybe normal spars too
[585] Khonsu 12/10/21 Gete mobs of the Namekian Wilds have recently been noticed with a blue tinge in their eyes...
[586] Ikenbon 12/13/21 Nerfed Goku's senzu BS.
[587] Ikenbon 12/13/21 Legion drop rate buffed, luck helps, gave him some actual attacks
[588] Ikenbon 12/15/21 Buffed Emerald Orb
[589] Khonsu 12/19/21 Gorrim now has a chance to drop his item for races other than Demon, however it is at a MUCH lower chance.
[590] Rendo 12/28/21 Extreme has an additional skill prerequisite.
[591] Rendo 12/30/21 Zanzoken 1 renamed to Zanzoken, may those who were not online at the time suffer with doing the quest or remaxing.
[592] Ikenbon 01/04/22 Once you collect the 7 Hologram Dballs you'll receive a Shenron Saga keycard that will let you bypass having to collect them again to reach the area for future runs.
[593] Ikenbon 01/05/22 Skullcrack added to MD Slist (Help Skullcrack)
[594] Rendo 01/07/22 Players show up on map as Yellow now. BA absorb is yellow as well.
[595] Ikenbon 01/09/22 MD's now have the 'Majin Blitz' melee skill. Help Majinblitz.
[596] Ikenbon 01/09/22 Pearl Flash added to MD alist (help Pearl Flash)
[597] Ikenbon 01/09/22 All the items dropped by mobs in warp crystal swamp now have the keyword 'trophy' (I updated the help wcs hfile to include this).
[598] Ikenbon 01/10/22 A bright wave of light passes over the Polluted Delta...
[599] Ikenbon 01/12/22 A strange quay has been spotted in the southeast corner of the Polluted Delta.
[600] Ikenbon 01/13/22 Spirit Bombs damage and energy cost reduced. SB added to Halfbreed, Kaio, and Human Alists.
[601] Ikenbon 01/13/22 New Saiyan Finisher: Blaster Meteor (help blastermeteor)
[602] Rendo 01/13/22 HBs gains reduced by about 10%
[603] Ikenbon 01/15/22 Help Delta has been updated
[604] Ikenbon 01/17/22 Garlic Jr. added to smoblist
[605] Khonsu 01/17/22 The denizens of EvE have got a little more gusto now. The mobs should offer a bit better of a gaining range, and might just be a little tougher now. mpdamages removed, and a few other things touched up
[606] Ikenbon 01/19/22 BGS pl range changes to 1-15t. Mobs have been buffed significantly.
[607] Rendo 01/20/22 Can no longer use stuck command in playerships.
[608] Ikenbon 01/28/22 Spirits in FR should not appear on maps (after boot), and gaining mobs in Vendetta drop sapphire gem stuff.
[609] Rendo 01/30/22 If you hold a racerank, you can no longer turn off wartalk.
[610] Ikenbon 01/30/22 Keys to Heaven / Arty Keys made into... keys. Typo in Primrose respawn messages fixed.
[611] Rendo 02/01/22 Luck drops and other minor adjustments made to ICERD.
[612] Ikenbon 02/09/22 Gyutou Slash added for Ghettis (help gyutou slash), requires sword)
[613] Ikenbon 02/09/22 Unaju Fire added to Ghetti alist (help unajufire)
[614] Ikenbon 02/10/22 Khonsu created a new T3 demon tehcnique, Help Blood Bomber
[615] Ikenbon 02/11/22 The SAiyan Invasion "zodiac" rewards have been significantly buffed.
[616] Ikenbon 02/11/22 Kai/Kaio/Kaioshin gear have all been significantly buffed.
[617] Zote 02/12/22 Kais need a racerank to make mid-tier and top-tier kaio gear. kaio gear now PL restricted to 100m
[618] Zote 02/12/22 All skill hfiles updated to reflect the prerequisite skills needed to unlock that ability
[619] Rendo 02/12/22 Rounding issue with crit multi fixed. This also may mean mobs actually crit now....?
[620] Ikenbon 02/13/22 Androids have a new T3 SPR ability. Accel Dance. (Help Accel Dance)
[621] Ikenbon 02/13/22 Androids have a new T4 ability. Fission Flare (help fission flare)
[622] Ikenbon 02/13/22 Androids have a new T3 Melee skill. Finishing Driver (Help Finishing Driver)
[623] Ikenbon 02/13/22 Androids have a new T5 skill. Super Electric Strike (Help Super Electric Strike)
[624] Ikenbon 02/13/22 Welcome to critty city. Enjoy the ride.
[625] Rendo 02/14/22 Skills cannot crit until they are above 50%
[626] Ikenbon 02/14/22 Heaven-Splitter Cannon has been replaced for Nameks by Nova Storm (Help Nova Storm).
[627] Ikenbon 02/14/22 Belly Blast has been replaced for Ghetti's by Pepper Flash (Help Pepper Flash)
[628] Zote 02/15/22 Help Spacewars2 added. Feel free to hit the spacewars button and redirect people who say "idk how to spacewars"
[629] Rendo 02/21/22 Added questbits, they're fucking fantastic and will make so many things easier for builders
[630] Khonsu 02/21/22 Goku now has a qbit, once you get his "super secret" drop, that character will not be able to get another one
[631] Rendo 02/22/22 Aggressive stuck combat bug fixed....??????
[632] Rendo 02/22/22 Aloe, Preservation, Bio Regen, MD Regen, and Immortality recover ki to 10% of max. Aloe, Preservation and Immortality recover you to 20hp. MDs and BAs recover to 50hp. Ranked BAs get a recovery boost to 75, with top rank a full hp restore. Immortality cuts the per level DT in half now.
[633] Khonsu 02/22/22 Icerian Proving Grounds skills quests have been greatly improved. The order should be a lot more fluid and useful now for all new characters.
[634] Khonsu 02/22/22 Oh yeah, IPG is the first area to use abits!
[635] Rendo 02/24/22 Luke Affect
[636] Rendo 02/28/22 Mana Mend changed. Shard cost increased. Has a cooldown. Can be used twice max. Only works when on targets below a certain health treshold. Rank increases threshold. Intended more for spars, dying, or getting super low. Additional adjustments may be made.
[637] Rendo 02/28/22 Derp. Heals a flat amount now.
[638] Khonsu 03/06/22 Arlen in the Western Forest can now craft you a big ol' rucksack!
[639] Zote 03/17/22 Helpfiles added for Lotus Temple and Darkhaven. More area files will be added in coming weeks.
[640] Rendo 03/23/22 Critty City back...?
[641] Picard 04/02/22 Mudconnect spam is gone.
[642] Picard 04/02/22 score now shows your deathtimer if you have one. Its not formatted in human things yet. That will come later.
[643] Picard 04/03/22 Discord integration
[644] Rendo 04/03/22 Various things added to discord notifications. PABs, Admin adjusted gains, etc
[645] Picard 04/05/22 speedwalk recording added.
[646] Picard 04/07/22 Config +skillpercentage added. But it doesn't do anything yet.
[647] Picard 04/09/22 armor is now color coded in prompt like HP and KI
[648] Picard 04/09/22 you can get all zeni from corpses even if your inventory is full.
[649] Picard 04/16/22 aggro death changes see announcement
[650] Picard 04/16/22 discord has its own channel now.
[651] Picard 04/16/22 config +skillpercentage works now
[652] Rendo 04/22/22 Smob donation amount reduced to 10m zeni, for the timebeing. IkEbOnUs InTeNsIfIeS
[653] Picard 04/27/22 multi attacks now show skill percentage if it's on.
[654] Rendo 04/27/22 Smob tiers added for donate, making it slightly more deterministic.
[655] Rendo 04/29/22 Gear Stats can put you in the negatives now. Limbo links to LEGENDE instead of CoE. Overflow autohit damage fixed. Coded Infinity Dragon.
[656] Picard 05/02/22 changes 20 now shows the last 20 changes
[657] Rendo 05/05/22 Timer to be logged in to claim rank reduced from 10 minutes to 5. Also applies to _ALL_ Ikebonus stuff now too.
[658] Picard 05/14/22 skill percentage now shows on misses
[659] Picard 05/16/22 per request q will not quit anymore you must type quit
[660] Picard 05/17/22 if you set an alias q to quit it will work now.
[661] Picard 05/28/22 added the ability for the builders to make TCG cards, if other items start acting weird let us know..
[662] Rendo 05/31/22 Added a NOIT flag to mobs, Luke has made WCS mobs NOIT AROUN.
[663] Rendo 06/11/22 Because Luke is a treason little shit. Androids now have Simulacrum. It is a code copy version of splits, I will make it its own skill with PVP restrictions and some other stuff probably.
[664] Ikenbon 06/20/22 HELP DBICONTEST
[665] Rendo 06/25/22 Ki Absorb updated. Lower tier skills are more likely to be absorbed than higher tier skills. Lower tier skills more likely to have larger damage reductions than higher tier skills. What a shame player Android's don't have access to this.
[666] Rendo 06/25/22 Simulacrum have their own unique messages now. Simulacrums do not join in fights. Simulacrums match your pl and stats. Simulacrums have 100hp. Praise.
[667] Rendo 06/25/22 Absorb for Android mobs has a fresh new description. Its chance to hit is now based on how much life their opponent has left. Less life? More likely to get sucky suckied.
[668] Rendo 06/26/22 Electric Shield merged into a single skill, similar to Zanzoken. It also does <redacted>.
[669] Rendo 06/26/22 Overclock added to Androids.
[670] Rendo 06/27/22 Android-h renamed to Android.
[671] Rendo 06/27/22 Some Androids have access to <redacted> It is affected by racerank. If you die you come back at higher life values (Similar to BA)
[672] Rendo 06/27/22 Androids are still unscannable, but Androids can now sense other Androids.
[673] Rendo 06/27/22 Skills can now be set to require you have activated/be in overclock before they can be used.
[674] Rendo 06/27/22 Items generate drop times now, legacy items don't have a droptime. Androids that create after July 1st 2022 00:00:00 automatically will be flagged as in the contest. You cannot wear items generated before the contest if you are in the contest. This likely won't cover everything, but it should at least cover gear.
[675] Rendo 06/27/22 Contest participants are unable to spar with people created before the contest.
[676] Rendo 06/28/22 If you are <redacted> and in Overclock and have Electric Shield up, you take 20% less damage, this stacks with sanctuary. If you are <redacted> and in Overclock your enhanced damage is boosted and your skills do more damage. If you are <redacted> and in Overclock <redacted> your <redacted> receives a flat 35% increased across the board.
[677] Rendo 06/28/22 Androidranks removed. Now use raceranks like other races which can be configured live. Android rank names updated.
[678] Rendo 06/29/22 Scouter Transport removed. If you have completed the IT quest, transport capsules and the CC/Legende transporters no longer work for you.
[679] Rendo 06/30/22 Android Update Announcement. Someone with Discord skills post it on Discord, otherwise read changes I dumb
[680] Rendo 07/01/22 Androids are the first race that will be set to a universal xp_mod. Their current pl gains are 30% below what they were before.
[681] Rendo 07/03/22 Archetypes show up on finger.
[682] Rendo 07/04/22 Now that potatoes have discovered and completed the related quest. Androids have a new skill called Tesseract.
[683] Rendo 07/04/22 Android default combat prompt now uses shortened tls. Fixed a dragonball wish crash.
[684] Rendo 07/04/22 Moonball practices at 100% now (Get fucked Saiyans). Railgun practices at 50% now. Railgun charge requirement reduced to 20. FM Archetype charge generation doubled.
[685] Rendo 07/04/22 Custom program damages now automatically determine skilltiers (Previously they were all assumed to be tier 1) This means you'll gain more stats from stronger attacks. They also can flag if they're a ki attack or melee. Ki Absorb now works on these skills. These will all need to be flagged, but for now all are assumed to be ki attacks. Please report absorbing a skill you should not (Like if it says they slam you to the ground, etc)
[686] Rendo 07/04/22 Overclock lasts twice as long against mobs, same as before in PVP/Spars
[687] Rendo 07/05/22 Skill learnering is somewhat faster.
[688] Rendo 07/07/22 Android-H get a 10% bonus to pl gains while in overclock. Android-H also heal slightly faster than other races when below 20hp.
[689] Rendo 07/08/22 Death Certs drop if you're within PK White Range.
[690] Rendo 07/08/22 If you are paralyzed, you can no longer block or dodge.
[691] Picard 07/10/22 builders can now remove death messages
[692] Picard 07/11/22 suppress deathbug should be fixed. if not let us know.
[693] Rendo 07/12/22 Your Simulacrum no longer ki absorb in spars.
[694] Rendo 07/14/22 Small player sparring stat bug fixed. <_<
[695] Rendo 07/20/22 Heart is permanently removed from the game and will not return.
[696] Rendo 07/21/22 Bio-Androids no longer can breath in space or underwater by default. Interesting.
[697] Rendo 07/22/22 Demon Night Bonus has been updated. They now get boosted damage at night, similar to Hydians during the day. They also get boosted stat gains at night. Konatsu, while in evasive style, have a boost to dodge ability.
[698] Rendo 07/22/22 Unified damage boost code to reduced multiplicative effect.
[699] Rendo 07/22/22 As a prelude to August 1st, powerup has been made perfect. It is almost time to go beyond, plus ultra!
[700] Rendo 07/23/22 Ambush and Feeding Frenzy added for Bio-Androids.
[701] Rendo 07/23/22 On the journey towards being the perfect being, sometimes a misstep, ends the journey before it could even start.
[702] Ikenbon 07/24/22 Future Trunks added to smoblist (tier2)
[703] Ikenbon 07/25/22 The Dark Future... has been added to DB:I
[704] Rendo 07/26/22 Smob change. If an offensive stat is dumb lopsided against your fort, an smobs fort is set to 90% of your highest offensive stat.
[705] Rendo 07/27/22 The DNA command has been beautified. It's a shame it will remain hidden until... the emergence.
[706] Rendo 07/29/22 New EQ slot added for contest items. All gains have been normalized (Everyone gains the exact same for now)
[707] Rendo 07/29/22 Bio-Android Update Announcement
[708] Rendo 07/31/22 All existing Bio-Androids have had their skills wiped in preparation for August 2022 Contest
[709] Ikenbon 07/31/22 Bio-android a/slist updated. Help BIOANDROIDSKILLS
[710] Rendo 08/01/22 Penaltys and Timers for BA increased.
[711] Ikenbon 08/02/22 Help DBICONTESTWINNERS
[712] Rendo 08/02/22 Glance now shows something's race.
[713] Rendo 08/03/22 Expert Tag added to Bio-Android on creation
[714] Rendo 08/06/22 Slight boost to tailstab effectiveness. Frenzy has a biomass cap now so you can't insta fill up biomass. Frenzytier boosts tailstab chance at obtaining DNA.
[715] Rendo 08/08/22 Scattershot abilities working again, still need some more work.
[716] Khonsu 08/09/22 The Neon Abyss has been added to the game: help neonabyss. and good luck!
[717] Rendo 08/09/22 Missed a check with T3s, they're slightly faster now at progressing.
[718] Ikenbon 08/13/22 Princess Snake's Castle has been updated to be a 1-3t sub-zone of Snake Way. The mobs inside it are Hydian, and Kanassian.
[719] Rendo 08/14/22 Hardcore players can now revert at any pl back to normal. You cannot use this if you are currently in a contest, or wearing HC only gear.
[720] Rendo 08/14/22 Tailstab has a 50/50 chance to be melee/spirit based
[721] Rendo 08/16/22 Proper powerup messages added to prelude and perfect (Not ultra yet, the placeholder must be discovered first). Tailstab chance doubled.
[722] Rendo 08/16/22 Shortdna added, but may not work properly at first.
[723] Rendo 08/16/22 Doubledoubles/double gains apply to DNA gains from mobs.
[724] Rendo 08/17/22 Blind skills no longer work outside of combat. Blind skills have an increased rate of learnage. Blind skills no longer do the yell message. Blind skills now let you know if the target gets blinded or avoids the blindery.
[725] Ikenbon 08/21/22 SSJ4 Goku replaced with UI Goku. UI Goku, Beerus, Goku Black, Buu (all forms), Gotenks, SSJG Vegeta - damage nerfed, fighting progs removed, HP set to +100 removed, all heals lowered.
[726] Rendo 08/25/22 Final powerup message added for Ultra Perfect powerup, for no particular reason. BA now default to powerup prelude if available for autopowerup.
[727] Ikenbon 08/30/22 The room leading to Deadzone now has the nogains flag.
[728] Rendo 09/01/22 Base Androids have the FM penalty by default now.
[729] Rendo 09/01/22 Full gems no longer drop. Fragments only are the highest level of drops.
[730] Ikenbon 09/02/22 HELP DBICONTESTWINNERS updated.
[731] Rendo 09/05/22 DBIContest Item Bonuses now work.
[732] Rendo 10/28/22 Can no longer IT to princess snake mobs and golden kois. Demon Lord Tink drop rates nerfed. Yemmas Vault drop rate slightly nerfed, and can no longer load multiple orbs.
[733] Rendo 10/28/22 Giant Metal Cooler drops adjusted. Yesterwind gear price reduced, Yemma Soul Box zeni reward reduced.
[734] Rendo 11/09/22 MDs no longer take damage twice from a critical attack they don't avoid through their ability. EAT MY CUNT ROLLO
[735] Ikenbon 11/17/22 Emeralds have been added to a few areas. Drop rates in snake castle lowered/adjusted.
[736] Ikenbon 11/18/22 Eve Quest set to nogain.
[737] Rendo 11/28/22 Invasions now post an Infinity Message and a discord notification.
[738] Rendo 11/28/22 PL Increase PAB removed. SuperPill PAB chance reduced.
[739] Rendo 11/28/22 Ikebonus Spill chance nerfed. No numbers shall be given. It could be a sizeable nerf, or a negligible nerf. WHO KNOWS
[740] Rendo 11/28/22 IKCounter renamed to Crits on hiscore sheet.
[741] Rendo 11/28/22 Renamed some trivial things, for no reason. @stare
[742] Rendo 11/30/22 December announcement posted
[743] Rendo 12/01/22 Insignia wear location added. :o
[744] Ikenbon 12/13/22 Bojack added to T3 smoblist
[745] Ikenbon 12/15/22 Grandpa Gohan's drop has been changed. Note: this item can remove halos granted by other means.
[746] Rendo 12/22/22 Sparreset formula adjusted to fit current stat system. Shortest timer achieved with 2500 fort.
[747] Rendo 12/24/22 Ikehohobonus added
[748] Rendo 01/06/23 Pirates added to PAB Invasion. If mobile is configured, DNA uses a shortened version.
[749] Rendo 01/06/23 Max Ki Formula changed. Fort provides 35, Spr 35, Spd 20, Str 10 per point.
[750] Khonsu 01/09/23 BGS is safer now, if under 4t the guards will not see you as a candidate for energy donation.
[751] Khonsu 01/09/23 Namek dballs should not spawn behind locked BGS doors. Earth dballs not allowed in pirate maze, and no longer spawn in Jingle Village.
[752] Rendo 01/16/23 Can no longer pick up a ball while ambushed, can no longer ambush while carrying a dragonball. Can no longer pick up a dragonball if you are below the requirements to pick one up (Time played/Min pl)
[753] Rendo 01/22/23 Redeemtoken updated. Some things remove, some things added. Some things don't work.
[754] Ikenbon 01/23/23 HELP RPDICESYSTEM
[755] Ikenbon 01/25/23 RPHealth and Rpdice added. We'll have HFILES that discuss the commands but the short version is: These commands are meant to be used to separate the concept of energy and health in roleplay (while they often are interchangeable they are not the same things). You can view rphealth and rpdice from rpfinger.
[756] Ikenbon 01/26/23 Help RPHEALTH added
[757] Picard 01/29/23 for players scouter transmit now says the player name
[758] Picard 01/29/23 help area modified for newbs. Announcement forthcoming in a minute.
[759] Rendo 02/02/23 If you block/dodge a knockdown, you no longer drop your frenzy as a BA
[760] Khonsu 02/09/23 Namekian Wilds hunt (help foth) items now only require 1t base PL. Shenron saga items have been buffed a decent bit and now appropriately require you to collect all the dragon ball items from the other sags for a drop.
[761] Rendo 02/19/23 Most statgrowth bonuses are now additive. This is for future reasons. Splitforms now behave like Simulacrum. They do not join in on combat. They now match your stats and have 100 hp. Creating one reduces your ki by half instead of 75%. Splits/Sims now use block and dodge to emulate a real spar. Sparring bonuses now adjust your stat gains based on what you require for your next statgrowth. This means stat gains from sparring is the same regardless of your stats. This is a 4x nerf to low level sparring. Tri and Multi form disabled.
[762] Rendo 02/20/23 Medgains removed from meditate. PL gains from spars reduced. Stats from sparring juiced.
[763] Rendo 02/20/23 Kirestore gear no longer restores ki if you are fighting or working out.
[764] Rendo 02/21/23 Outside of HBTC/Arty, splits merge back with you after a spar. You need to be at full ki to create a split. Energy regen moved to per second instead of per tick.
[765] Rendo 02/23/23 Meditate boosts your energy recovery rate, it no longer chunks of ki per meditate message.
[766] Rendo 02/24/23 Multi-form and Tri-form removed. Split-form a single skill like Zanzoken now. Mastering Split to certain percents unlocks tri and multi form for races that have access to them. Tri and Multi form has slightly more hp (Over 100)
[767] Rendo 02/28/23 Ki Heal removed from every race, except Namek, MD and Kaio
[768] Ikenbon 02/28/23 Dragon Pursuit added to Namek Slist
[769] Ikenbon 02/28/23 Dragon Revenge added to Namek Alist
[770] Rendo 03/01/23 Ranked Nameks can contribute to the Dragon Power pool.
[771] Khonsu 03/05/23 Nameks now have a new t4 to fit between Makosen and Nova Storm. ANTENNA BEAM!
[772] Rendo 03/17/23 Dragon Knowledge added to ranked Nameks. Awaken Power transformation removed. Elder Namek no longer can unlockpotential. Dragon Knowledge boosts the learn rate of skills and transformations. Higher the rank longer the duration, 15,20,30 minutes.
[773] Rendo 03/17/23 TEST ADDITION messages removed, you will be missed. If you have arm stretch learned, it boosts the chance of preventing flee automatically.
[774] Khonsu 03/17/23 The Icerian Empire has expanded its training facilites on Mount Areukk.
[775] Ikenbon 03/18/23 Hrimfaxi's Evergaol added to DBI
[776] Rendo 03/22/23 Clothes Beam added to Nameks. Items don't provide any bonuses to stat growth yet, still working on that.
[777] Rendo 03/24/23 Each piece of Namekian Swag, reduces your current stats by 4%. This does not apply to spars.
[778] Ikenbon 03/25/23 Requiem Blade add for Konatsu
[779] Ikenbon 03/25/23 Reverb Wave add to Konatsu
[780] Ikenbon 03/29/23 Masalatomic Drop added for Ghetti
[781] Rendo 03/30/23 Contest participants automatically will be awarded 50m zeni if they meet the requirements after they are removed from contest.
[782] Chatgpt 03/30/23 Dionysus dances across the sky
[783] Rendo 03/30/23 Meditate no longer blocked from working for ki if you are in zealotry.
[784] Ikenbon 03/30/23 Once you've completed the puzzles in the honden you now get a qbit and don't need to repeat them.
[785] Chatgpt 03/30/23 Experimentation with socials complete. New social pick added.
[786] Rendo 03/30/23 Porunga wishes removed. Namek Dragonballs spawn every 3 days instead of once a week.
[787] Chatgpt 03/31/23 Announcement planned before 00:00 April 1st.
[788] Chatgpt 03/31/23 April Announcement Posted
[789] Rendo 04/01/23 Help Vinian, Help Vinianskills, and the Vinian skillhelpfiles added.
[790] Ikenbon 04/03/23 Increased drop rate for gold/silver keys in mount areukk. Removed aggro from palace guards and increased their pls to 25b
[791] Rendo 04/04/23 Ichor starts to accumulate after you've unlocked fermentation. Racerank gives bonus chances for added ichor on kill while you're drunk.
[792] Ikenbon 04/04/23 DBICONTESTWINNERS updated
[793] Rendo 04/04/23 Ambrosia added, help ambrosia for details. Vinians have access to Drunken Hoof, help drunkenhoof for details.
[794] Rendo 04/05/23 Drunktalk only works on yell, say and music channel
[795] Rendo 04/10/23 help namekwishes updated
[796] Rendo 04/11/23 Changes to Zeal and Zealotry for Nameks. While in zealotry, Zeal will always decrease by 1 if you are not in combat. While in combat, it has a chance to not decrease that scales with race ranks. Stat bonuses from Zealotry now scale up to an additional 10% calculated from your zealpool. Higher racerank improves formula for hitting additional 10%.
[797] Rendo 04/21/23 Invaders no longer give DT.
[798] Rendo 04/26/23 PL Gains bonus from RPP has had RPP requirements reduced. RPP Gains bonus players have also applies to stats now.
[799] Ikenbon 04/28/23 Konatsu Assasins, Symbiote Broods, Vessen "Dargon Puppies, Cybernetic Beings (Skybase), and Delta mobs either no longer spawn by moving between rooms, or their rooms have been set to nogain. Any other mobs similar to these should be reported. Failure to report them will lead to punishment.
[800] Ikenbon 04/28/23 SA13 Mark androids and PotK Tomb Demons now either no longer infinitely spawn or provide no gains.
[801] Ikenbon 04/28/23 SA13 Smobdrop has been updated.
[802] Ikenbon 05/05/23 UI Goku added as a T3 Smob. Goku from Roshi's Island no longer can go UI. You can still only ever receive one UI by defeated UI goku on your character.
[803] Rendo 05/07/23 Goku Black spawn does a discord notification now. You now keep all your inventory when you die in the SMOB room, except deathrot, inventory, etc flags that junk items. In order to fight Goku Black you now must have done a PK since the last Black Spawn. No PK, no participate.
[804] Rendo 06/30/23 Guldo
[805] Rendo 07/01/23 Added -FM and -E resource to prompts. Cleaned up some
hard to see colouring issues with Ki Absorb and bleeding text.
[806] Rendo 07/02/23 Android, Vinian, Namek and Bio-Androids have all been
added to the Invasion pools. Terminus The Super Android, Vinnie Drunken Hoof
Master, Lord Okarina, and Gizer Pinnacle of Perfection lead these invasion
forces. plmax, ggmstat, damboost, stats, and immortal redeemtoken rewards
enabled for these four races. Invasions now trigger every 15 days instead of
[807] Rendo 07/05/23 Dragon Divinity duration reduced, too giga power. GGM
bonus it applies is now properz.
[808] Rendo 07/06/23 Gained Zeni since logon added. Gear Gains can now go
[809] Rendo 07/13/23 Earth timer gets reset to when the blackstar wish is
complete. Namek Dragonballs do not release until the conclusion of Blackstar
[810] Rendo 07/19/23 Namek Dballs on a 5 day timer now. You must be 1b base
and have 36 hours played to make a wish. After a wish, you have to be logged in
for 10 hours to wish again.
[811] Rendo 07/20/23 Phase 1 of RPPDonate complete. RPPDonate command and
help rppdonate updated.
[812] Rendo 07/23/23 Rpname command added for all RPC members that don't
start with the letter H.
[813] Rendo 07/24/23 Vinian DNA is now obtainable. Sucks there aren't any
1t mobs. Vinian DNA bonus requires 100% DNA and you no longer are affected by
negative drunk outcomes.
[814] Rendo 07/26/23 Pirate Invaders have had their mirrorpercents lowered a
bit. Smugglers adjusted to move a little bit less, and heal for less.
[815] Rendo 07/26/23 Vinian DNA bonus for BA, moved to 50% tier. All Med
gains bonuses changed to ambush/frenzy bonus which extends timers. Vinian 100%
DNA bonus is this type of bonus.
[816] Rendo 07/30/23 HB strength bonus slightly adjusted to fix a bug. Now
sets the strength bonus off your base strength not current (you could repeatedly
log and juice it a little) It now adjusts as you gain strength when it didn't
before. Smobs subtract the HB strength bonus from their strength.
[817] Rendo 08/01/23 help rankbonus and help racerank updated
[818] Rendo 08/02/23 Kayin restored to some of its former glory. Assassin's
spawn and are gainable again.
[819] Khonsu 08/04/23 Skybase cyber-icers reupdated take 2. They now have
attacks again, slay if you're over 500b, and the drops should use the proper %'s
and stuff. All the items are available again since mobs were removed previously.
[820] Rendo 08/05/23 Added hourly pfile backups to prevent significant pfile
[821] Rendo 08/09/23 Because some people are terrible spar partners who make
excuses instead of just grinding, HBTC login requirement reduced to 8 hours from
[822] Rendo 08/10/23 Minor spawn changes made to Goku Black. If after 20
minutes Goku Black hasn't been killed, anyone can attack him.
[823] Rendo 08/15/23 Drunk movement is ignored outside of HBTC and Fake
[824] Rendo 08/17/23 Bio-Androids can no longer learn skills through quests
if they're not the appropriate tier.
[825] Rendo 08/21/23 Double Damage/Dragon Fury bonuses no longer apply to
[826] Rendo 08/21/23 Saturday free Double Damage removed. Saturday free
Double Training added.
[827] Rendo 08/22/23 Updated discordbot to have a delay.
[828] Rendo 08/22/23 When the Sun and the Moon clash, legends speak of...
[829] Rendo 08/27/23 Guldo delay returned to smobkill
[830] Rendo 08/29/23 Fixed a drunk bug because Yokai is a bad dad. Magic
Demons are no longer damage immune from crits, they just take normal damage
[831] Rendo 08/30/23 Double Damage removed from PAB options. Double options
now include Gains, Training, or Double doubles. Gains and Training are weighted
slightly higher than Double Doubles.
[832] Rendo 08/30/23 Khonsubonus removed. Khonsubonus added. Nothing of
note about this at all... Yep, nothing. Just don't spar other players.
[833] Rendo 08/30/23 First Patreon bonus added. +1% to GLOBAL Stat and PL
gains per Patreon Sub.
[834] Rendo 08/30/23 Second Patreon bonus added. 1 percent reduction to
donation requirements, cap of 20 percent (20 monthly subs)
[835] Rendo 08/30/23 Third Patreon Bonus. 1 percent chance per subscriber
to double PAB contribution.
[836] Rendo 08/31/23 Brief command added. Replaces config brief/gag.
Allows players to customize what they see. Idea board additional
[837] Rendo 08/31/23 Brief +/- all added
[838] Rendo 09/01/23 Porunga can no longer be summoned, or grant a wish if
Blackstars are out, or a blackstar wish is active.
[839] Rendo 09/11/23 SSJ4 and SSJ3 stat modifiers adjusted. SSJ3 is much
closer to SSJ4 now to close the gap that HBs suffer from. This is being done
for no particular reason because it's not the 15th yet and there's nothing to
announce so don't read into anything.
[840] Rendo 09/13/23 1 hour cap added to King Kai and Master Roshi SMOB for
their training
[841] Rendo 09/13/23 Fixed a meditate issue. Fixed channel bug for turning
channels off and on
[842] Rendo 09/15/23 Added <redacted> to Kaios. Khonsubonus bonus duration
reduced and capped.
[843] Rendo 09/18/23 Kaios given non traditional <redacted>
[844] Rendo 09/18/23 Repent command added.
[845] Rendo 09/18/23 F M and A added.
[846] Rendo 09/18/23 Automatic contest entry and removal for Kaio added for
[847] Rendo 09/18/23 2NDROWQWERTYADDED
[848] Rendo 09/19/23 Minor changes to Dr Myuu in Godquest. He know states
correctly you receive the Way of God for Vinian item instead of Wrath. Kaio now
receives the Mercy of God and Kanassian the Eyes of God.
[849] Rendo 09/28/23 F is for Fervor. Fervor requires M and A.
[850] Rendo 09/28/23 M is for Mercy. May it be swift.
[851] Rendo 09/28/23 A is for Alignment. Make your choice.
[852] Rendo 09/28/23 KABs activate October 1st. Praise the KABs.
[853] Rendo 09/30/23 Kaio Create temporarily disabled. Kaio Create
adjusted. Something something soon.
[854] Rendo 10/01/23 Kabcheck command added.
[855] Rendo 10/01/23 Stat Ranged items that rolled same stats (2,2,2,3 x2 as
example) no longer will eat each other. This existed for other stat ranged
items but was unlikely for people to see unless you hoarded.
[856] Rendo 10/02/23 Mercy gained by killing for Kaio-Z increased. The
lower your alignment, the more mercy you also gain. Racerank grants an
additional mercy per kill. Kaio-Z given 10% extra stat/pl gains.
[857] Rendo 10/02/23 Kaio-S Retribution boofed. It now does more damage to
targets the more PKs they have. Sickle of Sorrow and Holy Wrath for Kaio-Z have
a chance to break sanctuary.
[858] Rendo 10/03/23 Kaio-s now have a counter that updates while they are
logged in that contributes to KABs. This resets when they get their daily luck
update message.
[859] Rendo 10/03/23 Analyze command has mobile functionality now. Typing
analyze with no parameters will analyze the last time you've obtained.
[860] Rendo 10/04/23 Split restriction for smobkilling removed as they no
longer participate in combat. Angouleme in shambles.
[861] Rendo 10/04/23 Strife added for Kaio-S. Strife is a conflicted
interal state that decreases your alignment over time. While affected by
strife, workout gains are McJuiced. Strife automatically ends at +250
[862] Rendo 10/04/23 If Namek and Earth Balls are out, KAB will skip that as
an option.
[863] Rendo 10/06/23 Mystic automatically removed from non Kaios when they
logon. You will get a message about it. KAB PAB and KAB HBTC removed from
discord notice. The higher/lower you're alignment the harder it is to swing
back the other way.
[864] Rendo 10/06/23 Added 2 new ranks between Megapower and Dominator.
Megapower is 1-3t, Gigapower is 3-6t, and MegaGigapower is 6-10t. Names could
change in future, but probably not. Praise.
[865] Rendo 10/08/23 New Patreon bonus added because we broke 20
subscribers, praise. Sanc removal skills only remove sanctuary if they get
through block and dodge. Strife can now be turned off by using strife if it's
already activated.
[866] Rendo 10/11/23 Potara Armour/Gains bug fixed. Please send note if you
need yours updated if they're already maxed.
[867] Rendo 10/11/23 Potara upgrading is now chance based, it gets
progressively harder the more improved the earrings are.
[868] Rendo 10/11/23 Kaiocreate mercy cost reduced to 10.
[869] Rendo 10/11/23 Rest of KABs added, KABs slightly adjusted to fit them
[870] Rendo 10/13/23 Burgundy Village filled out a bit more. There are
things to do in the winery and the sommelier sells... very expensive wine.
[871] Rendo 10/15/23 With some annoyances of Khonsu, suppress can now use
letters. k t m b q If you want more precise, add more digits and go down a
[872] Khonsu 10/19/23 eqsearch command added - Usage: eqsearch <min_level>
<max_level> <location> <layer> - this is a much more robust search for finding
the gear for your layers and will see gear with multiple slots and show you the
area location
[873] Rendo 10/20/23 Autopowerup boofed. It will now automatically make you
stand up from sitting/resting so you can powerup. Sleep suppressed, died
[874] Rendo 10/20/23 HC sense planet updated if you have a bounty. The
bounty must be accepted in order to sense planet the HC.
[875] Rendo 10/21/23 EQsearch command updated to include uh... whatever you
call it. letter based number scaling 10b 100k 25t etc
[876] Rendo 10/23/23 If you are parterned with someone, that overrides
nofollow and they can follow you.
[877] Ikenbon 10/25/23 Mobs in the dreamplane kanassian form quest reduced to
[878] Rendo 11/02/23 For future contests, automatic tracking of pl, stats
and pk added for determining winners.
[879] Khonsu 11/02/23 wear all should respect layer order now - multi slot
items may go into the wrong place and layer 0 items will be worn last, so other
items may try to go into a layer first (like keyrings) and block waist
[880] Khonsu 11/02/23 rgrid added for builders - lets builders generate grids
of rooms with all connecting exits
[881] Khonsu 11/02/23 MOLEMODE MONTH! - molemode command added!
[882] Khonsu 11/07/23 wear location <location> should now work with respect
to layering, for example try using 'wear location arms'
[883] Khonsu 11/07/23 mpchance added for builders, allows for weighted
probability rolls
[884] Rendo 11/20/23 Providence added for Kaio-S. It helps juice KABs.
Becomes less effective the closer a KAB is. No you don't get to know how much
it's adding.
[885] Rendo 12/04/23 Kaio invasion items now redeemable via the token
[886] Rendo 12/04/23 Kaliben The Sacrosanct and his devout followers can now
invade to bring divine judgement on sinners.
[887] Rendo 12/08/23 RPPDonate Superpill lowered to 35RPP. RPP reimbursed
to anyone who donated previously (Zofu, Saliath, and Indon)
[888] Rendo 01/01/24 Delay added to Instant Transmission. Kaio's have
access to "KaiKai" which is nearly instant. Going to another area on the same
planet takes less time then going to a different planet. There is a random
variance that can make the delay feel a little slower/faster.
[889] Rendo 01/01/24 Max Kaio DNA bonus changed. No longer does improved
ambush/frenzy timers, now gives speedier IT.
[890] Khonsu 01/01/24 Room titles now contain a hashed vnum. This is to help
with mapping programs that benefit from having unique names.
[891] Rendo 01/01/24 All skill damage reduced, for no particular reason.
[892] Khonsu 01/01/24 rdiamond added for builders to make... room diamonds
[893] Khonsu 01/01/24 round program added so items can trigger on a per round
[894] Khonsu 01/02/24 health updated to work with a 10,000 hp based system,
added a config +simplenum so you can see numbers the old way, but will be
slightly less accurate display
[895] Khonsu 01/03/24 color expand
[896] Rendo 01/03/24 colour*
[897] Khonsu 01/03/24 TCG packs available
[898] Rendo 01/03/24 Timer code updated to no longer update in the violence
update code. Timers can now be 1 second intervals.
[899] Ikenbon 01/05/24 Fortune is now notransfer. Old fortunes may not have
these flags. I will allow all previous loaded ones to retain that.
[900] Ikenbon 01/05/24 Primrosa is now a smob.
[901] Rendo 01/14/24 Ultra Instinct Goku Smob has had the qbit check removed since he's no longer a global smob.
[902] Rendo 01/22/24 Tier 5 Melee added for Hydians, Falling Sequoia
[903] Khonsu 01/22/24 skill levels added to skills. you can gain exp in
skills and level them! help skilllevels - an unintended side effect in codebase
differences is that some skills were wiped from your alist/slist... thank you
for understanding.
[904] Rendo 01/23/24 Health regeneration randomized a bit.
[905] Rendo 01/23/24 Nerfsuary for skill xp gains
[906] Rendo 01/24/24 Sense direction now has a delay. If you "find" a
target via directional scanning, it only counts once for learning the skill.
[907] Rendo 01/24/24 Skill levels now reduce the delay of skills used. This
is a uniform function so a level 50 kick is reduced by the same amount as a
level 50 hyperbeam
[908] Rendo 01/24/24 Skill levels now can provide a damage increase.
[909] Rendo 01/25/24 Skill levels now reduce the energy cost of skills.
[910] Rendo 01/26/24 Dragon Knowledge and all the training bonuses now boost
exp gain for skill leveling.
Rendo-Should be easier to get to all 6 songs on now and they should last for a
bit of time before eventually becoming unsustainable.
Rendo-Due to resonance drain changes, sleeping no longer removes your songs.
Rendo-Super Pill's renamed to Toriyama's Blessing.
Rendo-Can't harmonize while sleeping. SoS drops off if you engage in the
Rendo-The Shrines of Sonata can sing out if global harmony is achieved. There
are currently 3 songs that can play. KoK, AoA and EoE. You'll have to wait to
see what they do. Global Harmony is gained incredibly slow if you're using SoS.
For active songs, you need all songs active and at 4 power. The higher your
combined power, the more in contributes to global harmony.
Rendo-RoR global harmony song added.
Rendo-Can harmonize in sleep again to see your active songs, but not harmonize
Rendo-Song empowerment time reduced a little further, when a song improves, you
get a message now.
Rendo-Areas now reset when you see the area reset message instead of a tick
after, not sure why that was the case.
Rendo-If you're bad like Baark and die, all your song stuff resets.
Rendo-Managing to play Introit of Ikenbon restores your resonance to full.
Rendo-gharmcheck command added to show when/what last global harmony was
Rendo-Total Harmony now grants stat/pl gains increase for non sparring, non
Rendo-Kecak of Khonsu now should give full restore/spar reset if you're split
Rendo-Minor change to global harmony generation. You no longer need all 6 songs
on, but you do need a minimum combined power to start generating elevated
harmony gains.
Rendo-Wasn't documented when I first did it, but seems like the day/night bug
where mobs wouldn't spawn sometimes is fixed.
Rendo-Etude of Experience duration increased to 30 minutes, exp bonus formula
Rendo-Fixed a dodge bug with HoH
Rendo-Minor tweak to how HoH bonus works, it's scaleable based on its power.
Max dodge chance for Konatsu reduced by 1.
Rendo-Split Spar Wins/Losses now tracked, for no reason.
Khonsu-the help command will now provide suggested helpfiles for you when you
type something that doesn't have a help file
Rendo-Some redundant Konatsu skills have been removed from players. Sonicburst,
Sword Symphony, Wall of Sound, and Flame Crescent Slash. The skill dependencies
for Konatsu skills have been updated to reflect this.
Rendo-Konatsu Invaders added. They are led by Aria, The Rhapsodist.
Rendo-Saiyan and Pirate invaders removed until their racial updates. The
invasion code has been improved, it now utilizes a mechanism to fairly
distribute the invasions. It resets when race has been rolled.
Rendo-Your luck reset time now is displayed in score.
Rendo-Androids are no longer detectable via sense by BA unless they have 50%
Android DNA.
Rendo-Railgun cost reduced to 10 charges. FM and E archetype Androids have had
their resource drain reduced so they have longer uptime. H archetypes now have
partial infinite ki while overclock is running for longer uptime.
Rendo-Archetypeless and FM stats and powerlevel gains penalty reduced. E
powerlevel gains penalty reduced.
Rendo-Death Timer no longer prevents rankkill.
Razic-Relok has been added to DBI. See Help File for additional information.
Rendo-Satiation system added for no reason. Doesn't do anything... yet.
Rendo-When you have a world government, and you choose to elect, of all people,
A DOG, it comes with economic ramifications. Out of control spending on ads for
the spaying and neutering of cats but not dogs, the housing crisis, climate
change affecting crops, etc have created the perfect conditions for inflation to
skyrocket... Specifically targetting beans.
Rendo-You can now eat 2 senzu beans in a row before you are "full". Over time
this will decrease. It decreases faster if you are sleeping. It decreases
faster if you are a Saiyan.
Rendo-Added helpfiles for next contest. But you can't see them, lolz.
Rendo-Automatic contest stuff updated for H... no... I...? Maybe... I don't
Rendo-Affinity is pretty cool.
Rendo-Yondai DNA is now gettable from mobs and players.
Rendo-Yondai DNA added to DNA command.
Rendo-Affinity for Yondai's shows up on prompts. as is tradition %D works for
custom prompts and I hate any of you that uses them and made me spend hours
figuring this BS out.
Rendo-All Air bonuses for Yondai added. All other T1 bonuses added.
Razic-Affinity helpfile added
Rendo-Commune command added for Yondai. This is a multi pronged skill. When a
Yondai is without their transformation they use this to to seek guidance from
the elemental spirits. This drains your affinities with a chance of growing
your understanding of the Elements place within the Universe. Through doing
this you will eventually unlock your transformation Conflux. If you have
conflux learned, it serves as an idle way to rebuild your affinities for
activating Avatar form.
Rendo-Yondai Air, Fire and Water bonuses all in. Earth 1st and 2nd in, rest of
Earth to follow.
Rendo-Yondai 10% bonus added to BAs gains.
Rendo-Fixed %D Yondai Prompt bug. If you had any other % variable after a %D in
a custom prompt, it'd just duplicate it with %D info.
Rendo-Yondai communing for their form, now get progression messages every 10%
obtained. Skilltier of skills provides a bonus to affinity chance on skill use.
Rendo-Yondai can now get their Primary and Secondary affinities.... Unless Razic
for sooooome reason never finished the quests. That would be a huge oversight
and definitely something worth of ridicule.
Rendo-Worthy... Typos are worth of ridicule too.
Razic-Yondai quest for Primary Fire attunement in. Visit Master Runir and ask
about achieving "Greater attunement" for more information.
Razic-Yondai Water attunement quest in. See Marnic for fun details.
Razic-Yondai Air and Earth attunement quests are in. See corresponding Masters
for more info
Rendo-If you've mastered an elemental affinity, regardless of your current
affinity to said element, you will receive the T1 and T2 bonuses of that
Rendo-Water T3/T4 bonuses swapped, Fire T3/T4 bonuses swapped. Water T3 bonus
increased to 10% bonus gains from 5%.
Rendo-Earth T3 bonus in. It has a 25% chance to completely resist paralysis,
and it decreases the chance from knockdowns. Earth T4 bonus in. It reduces
spar timer, increases stat/pl gains from player and splits.
Rendo-T3s provide no bonus for affinity growth, T4s add +5% chance, and T5s...
Razic-Yondai secondary attunements are in. Help attunement for more information
Razic-Yondai T5s all in. You may see them temporarily, even if you don't meet
the attunement requirement.
Rendo-Commnuisming outside of those special communism rooms, gains you
affinities now (If you've unlocked Conflux)
Rendo-Communing before you have Conflux and not in the special master rooms
after you have Conflux now give a small stat growth to ALL stats.
Rendo-Zenith has been added for Yondai. Zenith is an enhanced elemental state
that all Yondai can obtain once they have a primary and secondary element, and
all of their affinities are at maximum level. Upon enterring Zenith, the T4
bonus of their primary element is improved, They also get the T4 bonus of their
secondary element. The base duration of this is 5 minutes. It scales upwards
for every time you've used Zenith. There is no current duration cap. The power
of Zenith is mysterious and no one knows the true ceiling of its potential.
Rendo-Zenith activation drains all your affinities. You can no longer commune
while under the Zenith state.
Razic-The Temple of Balance has been discovered in Merzath. This Temple can
assist Yondai to remove their attunements and discover a new balance within
Rendo-Yondai racerank bonuses add a flat chance to affinity growth chance.
Skill level of attuned elemental skills also add to the chance for affinity.
The maximum chance the top ranked, maxed level skill Yondai has for an affinity
growth is now 95%
Rendo-Slight buff to commune success chance.
Rendo-Fixed Zenith T3 bugs. Corrected copy pasta typo when you primary saying
it was your secondary or wtfe.
Rendo-Fixed T1/T2 potential yondai issues if you're in Zenith.
Rendo-Yondai can no longer practice skills if they aren't the appropriate
primary and secondary elements. Alist/Slist skills no longer show up if you are
not correct primary and secondary elements.
Rendo-Fixed scaling issue with T3 water bonus and T4 earth. Commune now works
properly from sitting/resting.
Rendo-Removed T3 Water bonus scaling. Khonsu tricked me in my state of coding
Rendo-I believe all the helpfiles for Yondai skills are in. They lack
descriptions, but show the requirements for obtaining. Yell at Razic to fill
them out properly.
Rendo-Commune now serves as a weaker form of meditate, granting increasing
energy regeneration while you are resting/sitting.
Rendo-Communing now grants a smaller boost to healing as well. Commune success
chance for obtaining form increased a little more.
Rendo-Yondai DNA bonus activatez for Bio-Androids.
Rendo-Commune workout gains now are affected by racerank. More rank, more
juice. Plz no crash discordbot.
Rendo-Fixed issues with T4 primary bonuses not working in Zenith.
Rendo-After a certain amount of uses of Zenith, and mastering all elements at
some point, a Yondai can activate primaloverload. Doing so scales their primary
T4 bonus up further as well as granting access to T3 non primary/secondary
bonuses. Because this is an enhanced version of Zenith, the duration is much
shorter. Praise Golbez for discovering the secret.
Rendo-Diminishing returns applied to Namek wishes duration. Still juicy but
won't keep scaling the way they did.
Rendo-Vegeta TCG packs added to the pool. They are more likely to drop then
Raditz, so Raditz packs will be scarcer. As more packs are added in the future,
packs will be rotated in and out.
Rendo-60 second warning added for fake time chambers. Sector expansion project
has begun.
Rendo-Layers added to Kaio Emblem items, whoopsies
Rendo-Electric Shield is now based on your aura colour. Kanassian tell
goblining uses proper colour code again.
Rendo-PK White has been changed to 1m pl. HCs still are pkable at 100k.
Rendo-Daily luck reset and next HBTC time reduced by 5 minutes so players have
an easier time of maintaining set schedule resets.
Rendo-The unread announce messages have been updated to be clearer.
Rendo-Infernus, The Primal One and his invasion force are now ready to invade.
Rendo-Added ability to add information for players to see when creating a race.
Think the BA warning. Will be used to provide examples of races and any
relevant information people should know when selecting a race.
Rendo-Maxrolls of stat ranged items appear on analyze/auction/etc.
Rendo-Doubledoubles have been removed. Doubledoubles still exist but they
independetly affect gains and training. This fixes issues where PABs and
different donations could be blocked from stacking.
Ikenbon-Cosmic Vision and Fortune have had their infinite ranges removed.
Fortune has been nerfed. Turn in all old copies.
Rendo-You do not need to exchange Fortune or Cosmic Visions.
Rendo-Dimension Slash for demons damage range updated and crit multi lowered to
reduce the extreme damage difference of non crits to crits.
Rendo-Recoded stat growth function so it can't roll over into negatives allowing
for infinite stat growth <_<
Rendo-Yondai.... and konatsu... items added into the redemption pool for tokens.
Rendo-In an attempt to lure Luke back, rpskills6-10 have finally been added in
for the RP goblins.
Rendo-Fixed retell sleeping issue, fixed freport bug with hp being wrong and frt
being fort, eqsearch can now find lights, please come back Luke.
Khonsu-Glittering fragments for 40k earrings are no longer nocontainer. Added
luck to 40k earrings. Boosted luck on alexandrite pendant to 15. Nanotech plate
updated for 10k health system. Only heals if low on LF and not fighting.
Rendo-HCs have a prompt on creation now warning of goblin Bios eating your
booties. Can you admin channel if you're stuck in a silence room and need help.
Fixed dumb colour thing for &yGigapower (RIP) Get a spar warning message if you
aren't standing and try to spur.
Rendo-Fixed a workout bug with Android-H that could allow them to workout
forever technically, but not practically.
Rendo-Buddha the Kitten lives on eternally with King Yemma. He has custom
emotes he performs based on silly things he would do. Once per day, if you have
a death timer, petting him will grant you a bonus that lowers your DT by 75%
Praise Buddah!
Rendo-Yondai's added to hiscore. Android MOBS can now be sensed, still
Rendo-Armour will now display above 10k and be Cyan. Armour reduction values
remain the same.
Rendo-Added dumb thing for Khonsu. Dying in tutorial sends players back into
tutorial. Use stuck if you don't want to be there. Fixed formatting damage
with Tail Absorb and Absorb.
Rendo-Re-added an old builder tool no one ever used. Totally didn't need Khonsu
at all and his shit code.
Khonsu-My shit code is fine. Rendo can't read.
Rendo-Ambrosia's have been updated to automatically disappear on consumption.
This should correct the issue where if you have multiple copies in your
inventory you drop the wrong ones.
Rendo-%d for prompt shows drunk state. Sober, Tipsy, Drunk, Hammered and
Wasted. Drunk is where you need to be for Vinian drunk related bonuses.
Rendo-Sense match <target> added. You need sense and suppress mastered. It
will within a range suppress you to the targets pl. The range is wider the
lower your suppress and sense skill levels are. This can but you BELOW their
pl. It's mostly intended as a BA quick match option for feasting.
Rendo-Androids can't use sense match. You have scouter scanarea/scanplanet to
know exact pls.
Rendo-Time Machine Capsules will now also reset your partners time chamber, but
you _HAVE_ to partner with them. They don't need to be in the same room.
Ikenbon-Coffee now sobers you.
Rendo-Fixed bug with sense match that could get you killed. THANKS KHONSU
Rendo-Yondai can no longer get a secondary attune that is the same as their
primary lol
Rendo-Added a new ifcheck for Khonsu for no particular reason. if dayofyear
Rendo-As I'm in a Christmas mood... I have added generic versions of every race
emblem items, and racial invaders. They are now all in the pool. This means
updated races now have access to their emblems. When we update these races,
we'll adjust their invaders/item names to reflect any updates to the races.
Currently not purchaseable via redeem, invader drop only so don't be a dick
Rendo-Non updated races*
Rendo-Fixed naming typo on racial emblems I missed with my massive notepad copy
Rendo-Re-added Powershield Crash to Saiyan list. It was unintentionally removed
after a crash. You likely lost your levels of it. Send notes to Khonsu about
fixing it.
Rendo-Token turn in should be corrected now.
Rendo-Added a hint on accessing true power of IoI. Added the final Global
Harmony song.... also IoI. Intermezzo of Invasion. It does exactly what you
think it does.
Rendo-Fixed the bug with Tesseract where you wouldn't advance after the thing
Rendo-Praise Khonsu. If you type // by itself, even if you've got a command
buffer built up, it'll clear it.
Rendo-Yondai Fusion Reborn Item added.
Rendo-Vendetta and Bibidi Stronghold layouts improved via adding intercardinal
directions to its open sections. If there are other areas that could use this,
please send a note to Khonsu so he can work on it. :b
Rendo-Icer transformations adjusted slightly. They weren't in line with other
forms (most races first forms are a 1.5x modifier to all stats, 2nd went up to
1.65x for some stats). 4th form buffed similarly to ssj3 so it's only a little
weaker now than 5th form.
Ikenbon-Halfbreeds have a new T3 melee: Impulse Strike (help impulsestrike)
Ikenbon-New T4 melee skill for Halfbreeds: Rebel Cross (Help rebelcross)
Rendo-Magicpaper got new glasses and because he can now see the world in colour,
I've updated a RP command for him.
Rendo-Demon weapons reduced to 100 pl to use. This game sucks.
Rendo-Vendetta Cabins and Cargo Students now roam around. IT now actually
drains ki on use, and half ki if it fails or you cancel it.
Rendo-Fixed a bug with IT where it would retain an IT target and then try and go
there again even if you choose a new target.
Rendo-In a long awaited change, this groundbreaking bug has finally been fixed.
It has plagued us for many years and we can finally lay it to rest.
Wisdomshield now uses your aura colour.
Rendo-Sparmatch is in. This works for every player vs player spar. It treats
you as fully equal. The weakest persons pl is matched for gains calculations.
There is a stat bonus for the lower stated person and a penalty for the highest
one depending on how far the difference is. Forms don't matter, so you can spar
at base, or powerups or max, wtfe. Report anything broken, pl gains weirdness,
stat growth seeming off, etc or deleted.
Rendo-Extra attacks like tail attack, HB bonus, Human bonus, Yondai thinger,
removed from spars to maintain equilbrium intent of sparmatch change.
Rendo-SoS Harmony now removes IoI, whoopsies.
Rendo-Removed a sparring strength bonus due to sparmatch changes.
Rendo-Updated sparmatch to correctly pit str or spr vs fort for determining
bonuses/penalties. Previously was just looking at your strongest stat (I was
lazy when I first coded this :P)
Rendo-Added a building command for Khonsu that does something I guess.
Khonsu-Rendo added my code for progfind, which allows us to search through
programs on mobs/rooms/objects and find specific text so we can track down pesky
things, like the sword quest in Sonata
Rendo-help rules updated with Rule 0.
Rendo-Fixed the Zane Highlander ike bug.
Rendo-Fixed some bugs with KAB Enhanced Timer and some bonuses. Added a new
flag that should prevent Preservation/Regen related things from spawning people
who die into area sections they shouldn't be placed in.
Rendo-Dragon Boost/Zen/Fury was not applying the stacking effect to BA dna mob
bonus, it does now.
Rendo-Updated the Kanassa form quests. They no longer will allow you in if you
don't meet the requisites for the skills. Farstate quest has a pl requirement
to get in (10m, mobs inside are 20m). Astralstate final mob is now an Smob.
Text related to ranks removed.
Rendo-Removed the autohits that happen for person who starts a spar.
Khonsu-update Racialbonus - help us know what we are missing if you want
anything included. also finally added the helpfiles for KAB and GLARMONY
Ikenbon-The Makyo Castle has been added to DBI. (Help MakyoCastle).