

I am slowly starting to convert to Mudlet. It actually seems to be much easier to work with, but there's a learning curve.

To install these just download and use the packages button in the top right > install new package > and you're off to the races!

If REINSTALLING a plugin, remove it from the package manager and add it back. Otherwise it appears some things don't always update.

RPCC For Mudlet Update 29 MAY 2022 (version 1.04)

It is official. Just install this package for Roleplay Copy Color Functionality for the forums. The difference with this one is it operates off your screen FG color, so if you have changed your ansi color codes it might be slightly off compared to the "normal" colors.

As easy as select text > right click > RPP Copy then paste into your favorite clipboard.

Update 06 MAY 2022: Changed function names to not interfere with other functions within Mudlet.

Update 21 MAY 2022: Modified the color copier to add a space to the first line, if you accidentally select part of the blank line above CHAT it can cause the color copier to behave strangely and add spaces before EVERY line. It is hard to tell if the blank line has been selected in Mudlet so if your pasted clipboard looks strange, try to reselect the chat post and copy again.

Update 29 MAY 2022: It should now handle putting the space after the "first" line if you accidentally select the "blank line" above the CHAT channel. If you happen to select the prompt or more above it, it won't work correctly. I may rewrite this whole section because I just realized there is a smarter way to approach this...

Channel Capture Update 18 MAY 2022

Renamed into Channel capture. Since this doesn't really handle chat (which is for RP).

Small update, should include race channels now.

Type ".chatomit" in your input bar on mudlet to toggle the squelching of channels in the main window. It will notify you if you have turned it on or off.

Same as above but for CHAT and RP channel and stuff if you want it in another window.

Gem Counter - Courtesy of Senlis v1.06

This adds a command '.gem <bag>' that will count the gems you have within that container and sum up their value as well as showing how much you have. You will also have a command 'GemMenu' that will allow you to see the current display. Includes Chipped Gemstones, Fusion Crystals, and Kaio Coins.

This allows you to change the color of mobs and players.  If you click on the trigger within Mudlet you'll see two lines like fg("magenta"), just change the word to whatever color you would prefer in Mudlet.  The first one is for players and the second for mobs. You can see a list of color options by typing into your input bar: lua showColors() This command AND the colors are case sensitive.

This lets you add regex to abbreviate any number you want. Currently it selects zeni in my standard prompt: $ followed by a number. Pl gains, and scouter scans. You can add a new regex line if there is something else you want shortened. If you want to do multiple colors you'll have to some Lua matching probably, or break the abbreviation into multiple triggers. The meat of the program is in the function within the scripts section. 

If you have issues with color bleed from other stuff, try adding resetFormat() and deselect() to your other color selectors.

PL extended new display requires a couple things to work. The prompt tag %p displays your full long PL.

Your prompt must also contained the string " PLE:(%p/ " somewhere in it. Minus the quotes and spaces. 

My prompts are: prompt &WL:&Y%h &WKi:&C%m &WPLE:(&z%p&W/&R%P&W) &G$&g%g &zZ:&w%D %Y and fprompt &WL:&Y%h &Wvs &R%y &WKi:&C%m &WPLE:(&z%p&W/&R%P&W) AR:&O%z &zZ:&w%D %Y

If you are familiar with regex you can edit that trigger at the top to match w/e prompt you use.

To set the number of decimals use '.decimal #'

Adds a small bit of text after the sense string. Such as when autosensing in a room, sensing a direction, or when someone enters a planet. This is done in a color gradient from purple to light blue. The highest and lowest ranges aren't included, such as That would kill you in the time it took you to blink. etc. 

Examples -

Sensing west...

Specialist Quarters

  +You sense a small power. (x1.75 to x2.00)

  +You sense a small power. (x1.75 to x2.00)

  +You sense a small power. (x1.75 to x2.00)

 You sense :  +You sense a minor power. : entering the planet. (x1.50 to x1.75)

An invasion Specialist of the Frieza army awaits orders.

  +You sense a small power. (x1.75 to x2.00)

Copy NEW Ansi Colors (xterm) - Version 2.0.1 (08 FEB 2024)

Select text, right click, copy ansi. Paste.

This package will copy ansi colors and combine lines, so you can easily copy a block of text and mudlet's weird line parsing won't cause it to cut off, in most cases. 

This one is the same as above but adds an extra right click copy with LB. This will respect linebreaks which is useful in some situations, like copying helpfiles.

Copy NEW Ansi Colors (xterm)  WITH LINEBREAKS ALT - Version 2.0.1 (08 FEB 2024)

This is an alternate to the above line break code.  Each one will work in different cases.

Copy Ansi Color - OLD ANSI

This is for the old 16 ansi colors, in case we need this again, or for other muds. Very similar to the color copier for forum codes but has a separate function to find ansi colors. Install this mpackage and then right click and "copy ansi". This will automagically add all the &Y and &W etc color codes so you can paste it elsewhere.

This is a simple alias that makes the suppress command a little more convenient. The command is the shorthand 'supp' and not the full word suppress.

This will automatically skim the number you put in to remove commas and will also convert k, m, b, t, q to 000, 000000, etc and append it to the end of your number and subtract 1.

For example: supp 150k, will turn into 149999. The  "- 1" is because it is common to suppress to be JUST under somethings PL of x2 or x3 etc. 

The plugin supports decimal points as well. Such as 'supp 1.99m'. There should be no limit to the amount of decimals UNLESS you go over the length of the digits in a number. The plugin will NOT support something like 1m500k, just use 1.5m instead... It doesn't feel necessary to add this function anymore... mostly because I don't wanna do it.

Androids will need to change all suppress stuff to underclock. I'm the only Android player so it doesn't really matter.... *sighs*

This one is pretty cool. It will track your gains over 24 hours. It will not auto reset but will remind YOU to type '.dailyreset' This will set the values back to zero and restart the 24 hour timer. It will start a 24 hour timer when you log in, or if you connected without seeing the intro somehow it will set to 0 when you type SPARC. 

It will NOT count your med gains unless you have BRIEF turned off. Nothing I can do about this Mudlet side.

If will display your total daily gained after each fight OR when you type sparc.

TO GET THIS TO PERSIST AFTER LOGOUTS you have to check off a few things in the VARIABLE tab of Mudlet. Put a little checkbox next to dayGainTracker, totalDailyGain, totalFightGain, and totalMedGain. You only have to do this once.

NOW WITH HOURLY GAIN RATE! Shows up in "sparc" and type '.startpl' to reset the timer!

Improved version of the package below. Now shows totals after each stat gain and in sparc. It will reset with the '.dailyreset' or with '.statreset'.  

Download the .mpackage file to anywhere. Use the Packages Importer to install it.

Top bar, looks like a package>install new package.

The first couple stat gains won't show a timer because it is initiating the timer. You might see a Lua error as well, but it is harmless.

You can also see a stat counter with .statgain, and reset it with .statreset. (note the preceding period)

Better Short DNA Tracker Updated 04 JUN 2023

If you have config +mobile enabled you will get a slightly better looking and detailed version of the 'dna' command.

Added Vinian Support

Added Yondai Support

Fixed bug - Vinian was displayed twice

Set Alignment! -Courtesy of Cytokin

This lets you change the alignment in your 'score' with .setalign <something>. Just for looks, based on a meme.

Same as above, download the package and install it through Mudlet.

It should popout a window that you can move around. It should be set to the size of "one radar". Fonts and stuff might be different.

The window may start out docked to the right, just hit the little square button in the top right to get it to pop out.

Go to triggers and look under radar popout for: resizeWindow("Radar", 300, 172) change these two numbers to adjust height and width. You can also delete this entire line and set it yourself.

Small plugin to add a stat total in score, because you're curious, or because you don't want to add it up for the contest.

Courtesy of Linkle/Okarina (or their other 46 alts). This adds a small tracker for your song levels when you play or get a message about the songs increasing level. Resets to 0 on message. Also highlights the whispering winds messages. 

Numpad - Copy and right click paste inside the "keys" folder. This numpad should behave like Mush for the most part.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE MudletPackage>

<MudletPackage version="1.001">


<KeyGroup isActive="yes" isFolder="yes">







<KeyGroup isActive="yes" isFolder="yes">







<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">








<Key isActive="yes" isFolder="no">













Unless otherwise instructed just download these and place them in your ...\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins folder (extract if a .rar), then with when in MUSHclient click file>plugins... and add the ".xml" file.

Daily Stats

This will keep track of your stats for the day with the in game command stats, reset with .statreset.

Roleplay Copy Colour - (Updated 03 JAN 2024)

This addon will let you copy colour's from chat channel roleplay to post on the forums.

Chat Redirect Plugins

These various plugins will pull chat from the main window of your client to a floating or separate window. This makes it much easier to read chat as combat flies by.


ReWASD Config

This is a basic config so you can use a controller to play DBI with ReWASD. ReWASD does cost money but you can get a free trial for a few days to test it out of if you like it. I tried a few other programs but ReWASD seemed to be the easiest to use.

This is for a Xbox One controller. "A" is set to kill, "B, X, Y" buttons are all set to 2,3,4 so make an in game alias to set these buttons to what you want to happen. Right trigger is set to TAFC which I've aliased to 'take all from corpse'.

RB is set to PN and when held PG. This is aliased in game to pn = "instant <healing>" and pg "instant <gaining area>" for where I am gaining and healing.