
Zanzoken Quest

This quest can be quite frustrating for new players if they fail it. The key here to remember is that it is only difficult once and then all your future characters can get this skill trained up instantly. Zanzoken can be a particularly annoying skill to train since you need to activate it before every fight and it has a large Ki drain.

You should be able to complete this around 500k current PL, perhaps a bit closer to 1 million to play it safe. And make sure zanzoken is on your SLIST.

To start this off head to Sonata. You can IT (instant transmission) if you have it directly to the name 'Sonata'. The transporters on Legende will send you here, and you can take one of the transport ships as well.

Once you've made it, head north of the symphony plaza, and hang a westward turn before you reach the temple, follow along the Winding Street and you'll find an exit to the north leading into a bar called The Root & Mineral. Head to the pack (west) and find Gollos. He'll mention he wants to Ale so head back into the bar and buy him one from the Konatsu inkeeper.

With ale in hand give the ale to Gollos and he'll mention some work. SAY WORK? , SAY What do you need me to do? And you'll receive a Makono Clan Emblem. This will let you move onto the next step.

Head out of the bar and to the west and southwest/south until you find Kemoya in the Starport. When you're in the same room as him, SAY PLAN, SAY CHARGES, and SAY READY to begin the quest. You will need to wait until after 8 PM mud-time. Use TIME to see this. This is a night mission after all.

Once inside head to the east and listen to the prompts. SAY SCOUTER and he'll give you a free scouter that is pretty good for this level (100k). Make sure you wear it (or keep on the one you already have) and type SCOUTER RECEIVE, SCOUTER TRANSMIT, and to be sure type SCOUTER FREQUENCY 1208.

Head north into the next area, if you need more charges or a scouter head west to Kemoya. You'll need to go around the ship to find where to place the charges.

Before entering the ship head to the nw and you'll be able to find a secret exit from the rooms that leads you onto the wing, either east or north. It looks like there is no exit but there is one. In the middle of the wing you'll get a wall of text saying you placed the charges. He'll give you a hint to head inside.

Head to the southern tip of the ship and ENTER. There are some aggro mobs in this area, they are 300k so be prepared to fight.

Once inside the ship head west and north and Kemoya will mention a locked door if you come upon it, he mentions someone on board might have it. Wander around inside the ship and find and kill a commander (might take more than one, not sure) and get the key. They are 350k. Go back to the northwest door and UNL N and head in. Once you're in the correct room you'll automatically plant the charge.

If you head to the east and north side of the ship you'll come upon a couple of other locked doors. The first one requires a password, and if you continue on to the next it will hint that you need to find a way to break into his quarters. Head south and follow the corridor around to the east to the Canteen & Recreation Area.

Once inside the Recreation Area you'll need to look around for a hint. Find the display to the north and LOOK DISPLAY, the password will be displayed for you, 'Hachi No Ki'. Head back to the first locked door you came upon earlier and SAY HACHI NO KI in front of it. Once inside the room head to the south and you'll be rewarded with another keycard.

You've got the keycard in hand so head back outside and to the north to the other locked door and unlock it with your shiny new key. Another scene will play out and the ship will go into crazy mode! Head back out to the exit of the ship. Once you get outside another scene will play out, keep heading south.

Be prepared for your fight with Urokoga, this is not a standard in game fight so you'll need to put in inputs. Make sure you INCLUDE the underscores.

The game will instruct you on how this will play out. The inputs in order are listed below. These might not be the absolute perfect solution but it will work. If you fail you have to start the entire quest over.

Wait for the prompt to come up and then make these choices:








Head all north after this to finish the fight! Head north again to view the final "cinematic".

You'll have to make a choice at the end to SPARE or EXECUTE him. SAY whichever one you choose.

Sparing him will get you a Makono Chestplate. Which is a fairly good newbie item. Wears on about, not layerable, 8 str, 4 spd, 4 spr, 8 frt, and 10 luck and 750 armor.

The other item is an a wrist mounted shield. Wear location is shield, 100 armor, 4 spirit, and 4 frt, with 10 lck.

Once the quest is over don't forget to type SCOUTER RECEIVE and SCOUTER TRANSMIT one more time to turn them off.

Quick Guide

Find Gollos in the NW tavern of Sonata

Go to Kemoya in the South section of the starport to the west of the city.

Get the charges and tune your scouter to the frequency.

Place a charge (by walking into the right room) on the wing and behind two locked doors. Kill commanders in the ship for one. You'll need to find a password, 'Hachi No Ki'

Once it blows up, run back out and complete the Urokoga fight:








This should let you complete the quest as well as get the Namekian Arm. The Namekian Arm is a weapon with only a 100k pl req, making it one of the lowest level weapons. It is not a Konatsu Sword though.