
Godquest (IT Spaceport)

  • There are 4 Energies that you need to get.

    • Ocean which is under the well in the village (NE area), in a secret room (all north)

      • speedwalk susssssrnddnqendn

      • A Hooded Tuffle will spawn juggling a blue and white orb

      • say “yes” to get the ocean energy

    • Forest is on the dark creature in the forest

  • speedwalk susssssyysssnty from the IT point

  • kill the dark creature (750B)

    • chance to drop Energy of Forest

  • Wind is obtained by talking to the tuffle up the side of the mountain

    • Read his story and follow the prompts

  • The Right of Passage (Needed for Energy of the Earth)

  • Go to the mountain east of the exit of the space station (East of the Wind Energy)

  • The Mob will say you’re ready for your test

  • Complete the test of body (kill things and run through the exits fast!)

    • command stacking helps with this part, especially if you can one hit the mobs

      • exits in order N, S, N, S

  • The test of heart, by offering to sacrifice yourself and then running south

  • The test of mind by getting to each panel and saying teleport/transport

    • First teleport speedwalk “get ke”

  • And the test of spirit by grabbing the pink crest, and putting it in the Altar

  • Go up, all keys will drop and you’ll get a right of passage if you pay attention.

  • Energy of the Earth

    • Note: You need to get the wind and the forest energy to get the energy of the earth

    • head back to the dark creature, then go nw and e

    • say open to get in the ship, then push the button till it lets you out

    • head south ish from the ship and say yes

    • then foc/med in the circular platform room killing the mob till you get the drop (most southern point)

      • Demon Overlord (1.4T)

    • give the drop to the tuffle that you said yes to, and you will get the Energy of the Earth

  • Finishing up

    • IT spaceport

    • head to technical facility (south of the shops in Sector C)

    • go u and north, the wall will pull you in

    • kill henchmen till you get the red keycard

    • unlock the door to north, kill myuu and get a reward

    • Note: The reward is going to be different based on your race

    • Saiyan body 32 Armor of,

    • Human hands 128 Hands of,

    • Halfbreed ears Ears of,

    • Namek back Reliquary of,

    • Icer legs layer 8

    • Bio-Android feet 64 Speed of, 0

    • Kaioshin eyes Eyes of,

    • Demon arms 64 Power of, Hydian neck Voice of,

    • Ghetti face Tolerance of,

    • Magic-Demon head Knowledge of,

    • Android(s) waist 32 layer Sash of,

    • Tuffle light Way of,

    • Konatsu shield Deliverance of,

    • Kanassian finger Mercy of'

    • Hydian god neck Voice of